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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. Cih9n.jpg


    a stupid and badly cast film that tries hard to have a good moral but is misses the mark by throwing around too many jokes and corny musical numbers 2/10




    directed by one half of the duo that did blair witch- so of course he cannot res ist some shaky camera moments and, of course, he completely forgot to have a story (or a point) for this mess 0/10




    a fun little movie from robert rodriguez that takes advantage of the exploitation genre to deliver as many verbal shocks and bloody violence as it can cram into 1.5 hours. 5/10

  2. n221684.jpg


    kinda cool book. 3rd time reading it. basically, a bunch of humans are sent to this dyson sphere shaped like a helix to look for a new planet for humans to exist on- then they come across the star wars type universe without "the force"


    in its defense, a lot of asian films during the new wave cinema phase of the late 90s/early 00s wouldn't have been brought to larger theaters over in the West if not for Tarantino plugging his name on them. i don't think watching a movie that is supported in some way by a huge film buff makes one a moron.


    if you lack curiosity about fellow humans just because "they speak another language" and you need some hack director to give you permission to expand your horizons then you are indeed a moron. i can appreciate that some people may not have an interest in film and usually prefer to hear from someone they consider "an expert" to make decisions for them- but this film's target audience (even by industry standards) is for males under the age of 30 so these kids aren't acting on such a conscious level. it's one of those visual stimulants where they see "QT's name on the marquee" and they can already anticipate promised violence.


    Yup. But Quentin Tarantino "presented" it, whatever the fuck that means.


    means the distributors required his name to be in the credits to ensure morons go watch the film so they can get a return on the investors money. in 10 years time, they'll just start writing "hey, quentin taratino's friends made this film and he said you should watch it lol"

  5. YUhyE.jpg


    not exactly a film; more a "how to" guide to beating home video games on the atari vcs, atari 5200, colecovision and vectrex console systems and narrated by lunkhead ginger philip m. wiswell (america's foremost video game expert). the ost is made up of sounds that would've turned early warp releases into liquid



  6. I know almost zilch about this band or their music. Something on my radar obviously picks up something that it doesn't agree with as I have known about them since their early days. Dunno why. Strange.


    The radar always reads AVOID yet I have heard little of their music. Obviously I don't like the look of them or summat of that ilk.


    everything i know about this band is negative. including their muzik and fake attitude. i'm still waiting for when everyone realizes how fake they are

  7. 9780385489843.jpg


    cool, first hand testimony of how jim jones managed to convince a bunch of everyday people to join him to build a peaceful utopia out in the jungle then finally drink from a vat of cyanide laced kool aid because the united states government was onto him.

  8. gruppo nps - nuove proposte sonore 1965-1972: gorgeous early electronics with a focus on timbre, frequency and space. heavy stuff


    daphne oram - the oram tapes vol. 1: fantastic compilation of early recordings by daphne oram that also features 2 early sketches of sound fx created for kubrick's 2001 film


    ekoplekz - intrusive incidentalz vol 1 + 2: murky dubbed out electronics reminiscent of early egisto macchi

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