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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. https://decentralized.pictures/

    filmmaking crypto scam that involves having to sign up to their DAO, buying their unique crypto tokens (that serves as basically both your password and your bank account called FILMCredits), and then spending those tokens to support your winners. if you lose, those tokens are gone forever, and you'll have less voting power going forward.


    Our mission is to support independent filmmaking and provide financial and filmmaking resources to two overlapping groups: burgeoning independent filmmakers and filmmakers from underserved and underprivileged communities.  We will offer film financing awards to winners in the user community.  Competitions with various levels of financing awards will initially be offered for proposed documentaries with social impact. DCP intends to expand to narrative filmmaking proposal submissions shortly.  Users can apply for and submit project proposals to vie for each competition.  The user community will review and rate those proposals, providing a wealth of opinion data that will determine the winner(s) of each award.  In addition, finalists and winners for these competitions will be matched with DCP’s robust network of industry partners that will assist these aspiring filmmakers in realizing their films and launching their careers.  An important feature of the platform is that users who submits a proposal through DCP will also have their submission registered on the blockchain. This powerful technology enables a credible time stamp and additional validation for proof of creation date. Further registration of the copyright will solidify perfectness to legitimate claims, title and continuing ownership of user's work product.



    • Big Brain 1
  2. forblove.jpg

    one of my co-workers' father owns owned a bookstore that dealt mainly with vintage pulp novels. like old hardy boys or nancy drew books, these pulp books were written "mainly" by authors who needed quick cash and using alias' manufactured by the publisher. but occasionally, someone who really was "gay" got published. 

    this documentary is about a few gay women who discovered their true self's after stumbling onto such novels. one of the women is an author who wrote many such novels, while another literally left her hometown for new york (where a majority of these stories were set) "in search of the lesbians".
    whilst the women recount their love lives, there's a parallel story running (albeit extremely melodramatic) about an affair between the two birds on the cover (taken from an actual pulp novel that is being adapted on screen).

    couple of interesting things i learned from this:

    • in canada back in the 40s-early 60s you couldn't have a party/gathering in your house with all one gender otherwise you'd get raided. so these girls would invite 2 gay dudes and tell them to hang out upstairs while they did their thing downstairs. 
    • early relationships amongst lesbians (according to the individuals interviewed) were rather cruel, abusive and tumultuous (mainly due to lack of education).
    • straight women who entertained gay relationships often found themselves in similar situations to the ones they had escape from heterosexual relationships 
    • early butch/femme dynamics were more like master/slave dynamics eg. femmes not allowed to talk to another butch if in a relationship. violations could result in a ground and pound
    • Like 1
  3. Quote

    Russia on Tuesday announced it will withdraw from the International Space Station (ISS) project after 2024, signaling an end of an era in one of the last remaining areas of cooperation between Russia and the United States.

    Russia’s newly appointed head of space agency Roscosmos announced the decision in a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, saying that the agency will instead focus on building its own orbital station.

    “We will fulfill all our obligations to our partners, but the decision to leave this station after 2024 has been made,” the space agency chief Yuri Borisov said.


    • Sad 2
  4. Quote

    Antarctica's so-called Doomsday Glacier is losing ice at its fastest rate in 5,500 years, raising concerns about the ice sheet's future and the possibility of catastrophic sea level rise caused by the frozen continent's melting ice.

    "Although these vulnerable glaciers were relatively stable during the past few millennia, their current rate of retreat is accelerating and already raising global sea levels"


  5. On 7/22/2022 at 3:38 AM, Rubin Farr said:

    Very dense visually, Saul Williams’ new Afrofuturistic musical about some kind of cyber village, mostly spoken and sung in Kinyrwanda. Some iffy camera work, but a realized world with some good surrealistic visuals. I’d say it’s the anti-Hamilton, except Lin-Manuel is an executive producer.

    watched this last night. this film would literally be perfect were it not for the DP who clearly fucked up big time here filming the entire thing with 2 lenses. 

    also, the world created here is extremely rich; at times it reminded me of fantastic planet just rougher around the edges.

    unanimous goldmine out of ten

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