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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. echoes-from-a-somber-empire.jpg

    i read about bokassa a few days ago and was so in disbelieve i tried to find any footage that supported the claims about him. this guy became president of the central african republic after seizing power from his uncle by killing him. he then declared himself president for life and went on the craziest spending spree any world leader has ever gone on- spending more than half the countries budget for his baller activities such as crowning himself emperor in a napoelon style inauguration. and that was after he killed and tortured all of his opposition and had about 50 wives and countless children (one daughter was the result of an affair with a romanian spy) 

    the central african republic has been locked in a perpetual civil war for about 4 decades since and, as one girl put it, there's not much pleasant to say about the country today

    this documentary assumes you already know who bokassa is and, at the very least, have some understanding of the people and events surrounding his life because, like the narrator, the purpose is to try and understand why he did what he did not what he did. 

  2. eim9d1k.png

    this is exactly the kind of film that exists just so people can say they've never seen it. i think it's made up of footage from two (or more) films not really associated with one another. the first is a wannabe ww2 film that just shows women being tortured (nude). then there's another movie taking place in the late 70s where some people are just going about their lives. one broad looks like melania trump and is living it up having lesbo relationships. there's a dude that ogles dames on the street and another dame that just walks around empty homes. 

    in the beginning, they try and jump betwix those two stories, but once melania and this other babe go at it back to her pad the director abandoned the WW2 angle and just keep things rolling with the everyday shit happening and called it a day.

  3. J4w0gKc.jpg

    this show takes place in the (not too distant?) future that's resembles modern north american society (crime gone awry, serious gaps betwix social classes etc) so there's a specific police department deputed to handle crime. these guys go all out and aren't necessarily interested in taking the criminals to jail. not too dissimilar to los pepes

    also, the OST is amazing as it's this really heavy maggot brain influenced psych rock funk hybrid similar to this jawn 

  4. 11 hours ago, J3FF3R00 said:

    @Nebraska you do know there are movies out there that aren’t painful to watch, right? You’ve been on quite the tear lately. 

    most of them are films i've always wanted to watch, or had plans of watching at some point and never got to them. 

    also, every now and then, i'll come across a film that betrays my expectations and surprises me.


    this film was actually hilarious, especially pierre getting a raw deal @ the family cookout 

    • Like 3
  5. Quote

    Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, said Saturday that he believes the Supreme Court was "clearly wrong" when it decided in a historic 2015 ruling that same-sex marriage was legal under the Constitution.

    Obergefell v. Hodges, a landmark LGBTQ rights case, was decided in a 5 to 4 ruling in June 2015. The Supreme Court decision made it illegal for any state, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories to deny a marriage certificate to same-sex couples, citing the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.


    cancun cruz needs to make a big move and he's decided to pull the trigger early

  6. 7f97927510821bb37e26d56714868608.jpg

    another one of those careless films that's just a catalogue of obscenity - this time it's mainly animals being killed in patagonia and africa with the age old excuse that they're "showing you strange hunting rites of savage humans in developing parts of the world"

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