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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCPOttwhobkRVGz_mYdnU

    this film was weird. a girl ends up with a tribe in africa. as journalists are arriving to that country- called tigori in this film (because the president is making some announcement) they see her swinging from some vines. one journalist turns to the other: "i just saw a blonde"

    the other journalist asks "you mean a gorilla?"

    there's a female shaman (played by irl princess of uganda) who can communicate using jedi mind tricks. she's smoking hot. the presidents sister is called tits. or boobs. i forget which one, but the journalists are always photographing her cleavage due to the confusion with her name. she's smoking hot too.

    there's also some mercenaries thrown in for even more comedy action. and my boy nick brimble is in this muthafucker. 

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  2. Quote

    Roman Abramovich has confirmed he has put Chelsea up for sale and has written off the £1.5bn of loans he has made to the club. The billionaires Hansjörg Wyss and Todd Boehly are part of a consortium trying to buy the Premier League team.

    Abramovich announced his intentions in a statement on Wednesday evening and said net proceeds from the sale would be donated to a charitable foundation “for the benefit of all victims of the war in Ukraine”. He has been Chelsea’s owner since 2003. “I have always taken decisions with the club’s best interest at heart,” Abramovich said. “In the current situation, I have therefore taken the decision to sell the club, as I believe this is in the best interest of the club, the fans, the employees, as well as the club’s sponsors and partners."


    when i lived in .uk, chelsea was my favorite team. shit must've hit the fan for abramovich to sell it

  3. Quote

    WASHINGTON — The United States conducted a drone strike against Al Shabab militants in Somalia this week, the first such military action against the Qaeda affiliate in East Africa since August, the military’s Africa Command said on Thursday. The MQ-9 Reaper strike on Tuesday followed a Shabab attack on allied Somali forces in Duduble, about 40 miles northwest of Mogadishu, the capital, the command said in a statement.



  4. On 2/27/2022 at 5:52 PM, marf said:

    I wonder why Putin didnt do this when Trump was in office

    because a lot of oligarchs have invested in trump properties. if this war had started then, that would have fucked up Big T's bag. like the case of viktor yanukovich who made out with billions from the ukrainian treasury, then used an array of shell accounts to launder the money through cyprus using the golden visa program and funneling some coins into big T's pockets. one of those oligarchs involved got stiffed for first class tickets to his inauguration while another- this guy helped tidy up the affair by buying the shell companies and liquidating the assets


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  5. Quote

    Cities under siege across Ukraine are home to tens of thousands of African students studying medicine, engineering and military affairs. Morocco, Nigeria and Egypt are among the top 10 countries with foreign students in Ukraine, together supplying over 16,000 students, according to the education ministry. Thousands of Indian students are also trying to flee.

    "In a situation like this, you're on your own. You've got to find the best way to find refuge for yourself. It's now that the reality is really hitting me. I think [for me] it's a bit too late for evacuation and all those things."


  6. Quote

    In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, President Joe Biden is expected to soon announce more sanctions aimed at Vladimir Putin and his cadre of oligarchs. The theory is that unlike sectoral sanctions that could harm the broader Russian population, inflicting financial pain on Putin and his wealthy cronies could force the Russian government to the negotiating table.

    But while such a move might help deter further Russian incursions, Biden faces a significant obstacle: corporate lobbyists’ success in shrouding the American finance industry in secrecy, which makes it far easier for Russian oligarchs and their business empires to evade economic sanctions.


    some interesting points there including how "russian oligarchs evade existing sanctions, such as by laundering money through auction houses." and "traditionally, russian dark money goes through several offshore havens in its laundering, but it predominantly stops in anonymous companies in two major economies that allow anonymous ownership — the united states and the united kingdom.” which probably isn't (but could be) traced back here

    side question: anyone know what's up with 'gas princess' yulia tymoshenko these days? 

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