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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by gmanyo



    somebody suggested making an album inspired on Mike p's description of the tracks

    not a bad idea actually, a watmm tribute to caustic window or something, to bear the loooong wait

    it would be pretty hilarious to compare this to the real thing



    wow did this idea ever pick up?? this is a sick idea!! i want in.


    I might start it if I wasn't so busy and if I were actually going to get the real album. Someone should though, it would be fucking great.

  2. bro you're no less informed than me at this point I'm sure. Torn Hawk is pretty sweet though.


    Side note, in an odd sequence of events, Jono Mi Lo aka Daytime Television aka Team Jordann ended up posting a jpeg of this thread on his Facebook wall in response to No Pomo (formerly glass plates I think?) insulting him which was in it of itself a response to something I said.


    this post actually:



    I like the video idea, but I agree with making the whole process at simple as possible. Unfortunately it appears the studio doesn't allow anyone present during the recording session. Maybe its feasible for the studio to use a camcorder to get us some video of the rip, at least.

    Maybe that Taiwanese outfit that does the CGI reenactments for news events could do one? :emotawesomepm9:

    lol. this would be pretty great.


    tangent, if you think that stuff is goofy, you should see actual Taiwanese local news. it's atrocious.


    I think the complaint that this is not how kickstarter is supposed to work is legitimate but who cares, it works. Then again it's not like I'm getting the album, so my input probably doesn't matter.

    even though Kickstarter approved the project, and people that work for Kickstarter have pledged to this project themselves?


    Yeah it's clearly not that big of a deal. I just think that it's a more legitimate concern than others.

  5. Founder of joyrex.com and watmm.com, James (aka Joyrex) has been an avid supporter and fan of electronic music for over 20 years. As the owner of one of the longest-running electonic music fansites online and curator of one of the best online communities ever, Joyrex has strived to provide a place for fans of all kinds of electronic music to gather and share their passion for it.


    The other problem with depression and other emotional disorders is, unfortunately, that the answer to beating it sort of ends up being "get over it". At some point one has to just start to act against the feelings that they have, as painful as it might be. On the other hand, people who do conquer their depression can be even more well balanced emotionally because they have to learn how to handle things even when the feelings don't match.


    With bipolar disorder, I've gotten pretty good at recognizing and handling mania, and a bit for the depressive swings, but the problem is that I'm left with a bunch of bad habits left over from my procrastination and anxiety so that even when I'm feeling normal I still have a bunch of problems like extreme procrastination and an inability to feel close to people. The only way to really fight this is just to start acting against it, and not just blaming my poor decisions on my emotional problems.


    Well first off, let's make the clear distinction between colloquial 'depression'--you know, the existential shit or the ritual of bad lifestyle habits--and what is called 'clinical depression'--where a person's neurochemical baseline is flawed from the get-go (i.e. where there is a seratonin or dopamine deficiency or whatever confluence of factors it might be).


    You can't 'get over' clinical depression, in the same way you can't 'get over' sickle-cell anemia.


    I agree that bipolar's symptoms can be mitigated, but it's not a matter of some triumph of the spirit. You can learn to avoid and cope with stress, you can avoid aggravating factors like caffeine and alcohol and marijuana, you can maintain a healthy diet and sleep schedule, you can stay active and social and productive, but you simply can't 'get over' bipolar with willpower or emotional fortitude or whatever.


    I still think that a big part of overcoming the illness is to take action against it; I referenced "get over it" because it's a common argument against depression that people have that is terribly oversimplified and just plain wrong, however I think that there is a certain part of conquering depression that is consciously acting differently to how you feel. This is not an easy task and it's a process that can take years, whereas "get over it" implies that it is just a simple problem that can be gotten over in a day or two if just ignored. I completely understand the difference between clinical depression and typical sadness, as I have experienced it myself many times.

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