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Everything posted by Milwaukeeeee

  1. I have a gap between my lower and upper incisors and canines, I can't make contact between them when I bite due to a submaxilar structure problem. In the photo I'm kinda sliding and slighty bitting the tip of the tongue through that gap and the teeth look a bit smaller than normal because of the tongue
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MnvUdTdi_o
  3. I have always loved Sigourney, so I suppose I would console my frustration obviously by trying to fuckface that flexible head
  4. lies are within, truths are within, both have 0 value, and you, you the perpetrator

  5. wear a high quality bulletproof vest when you go out in America, it is a life investment
  6. Worst candidates ever on a presidential final run and you americans voted for them, you have rickrolled ourselves.... so don't blame it only on the 30% obese brainwashed mcdonlads people
  7. https://open.spotify.com/track/3iU6sMjKfDDw8z9zJ7yzTU
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