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Posts posted by Roo

  1. Australia and Japan are essentially islands as well. It doesn't necessarily make it far easier. It certainly wouldn't have helped the US, you can't blame Mexico, Canada and Central Americans for exacerbating their predicament. Indonesia would still be suffering if it had the whole archipelago.

    The Kiwis still have infected people arriving from a ship berth in Uruguay. It is their approach and maturity given the forewarning that makes the difference.

  2. NZ: 1049 total cases, only 4 deaths

    As of a few days ago, it only had 1 death (March 29). And (quickly enforced) lockdown restrictions are being tightened and maintained, not lifted. Should be the envy of the western world.

    • Like 3
  3. 15 minutes ago, Mesh Gear Fox said:

    this is great but i am skeptical about their methodology for testing. for a long time you couldn't get a test unless you had a) just returned from overseas or b) been in contact with a confirmed positive. so this seems to be a recipe for community transmission and this is indeed what was happening silently in the background. the aus government's plan is: pls just stay inside and get over the buggy wuggy pls pls pls don't contribute to the official count pls don't make scomo look bad PLEASE. i know for sure many people have not been taking quarantine or lockdown seriously and are still visiting friends and stuff, silently spreading the virus as they go. unless we get more widespread and random testing, i am not optimistic. already the gov are talking about ending restrictions soon and i don't think you can even start talking about that until you have some kind of decent testing scheme and way of managing a potential flare up.

    Yeah I get that, that the stats aren't perfect and that people I know of are flaunting the rules. I'm not recommending that we break lockdown anytime soon or that we've won, just a reassuring trend for the time being.

    I have a neighbor couple with young kids who have been camping in their backyard over Easter. Very cute!

  4. Australia's flattened to fewer than 110 new cases of infection for two consecutive days. Of course Easter will see some risk-taking and silly spread, but generally seems to be headed in the right direction with less than 60 deaths to date. There haven't been any new cases in my region for a few days now.

    • Like 3
  5. Melb 54-56 has a lovely bit of buried lush.

    always laugh at the innocent enchanted forest a few minutes before the Dracula organ stomp. Lambs to the slaughter, so foreboding.

  6. 2024: Trump turns 78 (older than Reagan was), Biden turns 82 just after election and would be 86 in Jan 2029.

    Meanwhile, Xi & Putin will only be entering their early 70s after much longer in power.

    • Burger 1
  7. Anything 320 and above sounds satisfying and sturdy enough to me in all settings (although the wav/flac is discernible). The 256s and 128s can be acceptable (although recent AE would no doubt suffer) on headphones but copying, converting or playing through speakers brings out their unreliable fragility.

    • Like 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, hello spiral said:

    I am hoping for Japan the most, except for london obvsly (because I was there :^)

    They've already released Nagano & Dublin, so I'd like to think Australia gets priority among the 2018ers unless the former simply happen to be worthier sets. The Japan one was pretty good from memory.

    But in Oct/Nov 2016 they did about 28 sets, and if they are only releasing several at this point you'd anticipate it will only be 2016 Europe at this point.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    Heh... wait - you’d take cardi B over Garth brooks? 

    I don't really understand the controversy there. Would be like splitting hairs.

    I tend to be okay with female rappers though. Even the annoyingly big ones with sucky albums still have a few bangers in them, whilst there are scores of decent ones going back to the 80s. North America tends to overplay and then overhate.

    • Like 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    : (

    every time I read something like this I’m reminded how something like Cardi B prob has more fans and sales than all of our favorite artists combined.



    And then I drink. 

    Could be worse. James Blunt's Back to Bedlam was the best-selling album of the 2000s in the UK & Ireland.

    And whilst we remember the early 90s fondly, for 2/3s of 1992 the top album on the Billboard 200 was by Garth Brooks or Billy Ray Cyrus...

    • Like 1
  11. The difference being that Pearl Jam are still a bit casual-accessible in that they provide a marquee bucket-list treat-your-parent kind of live event, whereas Ae is exclusively for the freaks r us who don't mind pitch black and ear fckery.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, cern said:

    What price range are we talking about you think? 

    The previous live stuff was fairly cheap. The studio releases tend to cost a bit more.

    The initial 4 in 2015 cost $12.50 USD in bulk, with discount to $1-1.50 for each individual set purchase after the first. As a new release, I expect that the 1st set you buy (whether individual or in bulk) will be minimum $5 USD. There is recognition that these are a bit like remixes, but it ensures those who just want to cherry pick the set they attended and ignore the rest still fork out something reasonable.

    For comparison sake, Pearl Jam (which has a comparable die-hard fanbase) charge $10 minimum for their 21st century bootlegs.

    • Like 1
  13. Was quietly hoping a random mob of Covid-ridden Italian Papparazzi mobbed Pell on leaving prison. He'll be under voluntary house lockdown in between court appearances for the rest of his non-prison life and probably has a thousand people willing to be his slave errand boys.

  14. A couple days ago University of Indonesia projected 240,000 deaths for them by end of April (currently past 200). The population density coupled with poverty in somewhere like Jakarta would be brutal to manage. Estimated to have less than three Intensive Care beds per 100,000 people, and 4 doctors per 10,000 people. Best of luck to them in coming weeks, hope they get on top of it.

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 1
  15. Must suck to be a lab animal right now. They probably look like a hardcore heroin addict right now. CSIRO currently testing overseas-developed vaccines on ferrets (given their lung cellular similarities to humans).

    • Sad 2
  16. 9 minutes ago, markedone said:

    where are you getting these random times?

    Simple maths. 24hr tweet was 8 hrs ago and 1-2am local for me, so should arrive in approx 16 hrs.

  17. So 2-3am my time...I guess I'll be a couple hours late to it. Awesome timing for Easter though, s&r&wxrxp&tdr tks!

    I still think it'll just be 2016 stuff, but hyped to see if Australia can put itself on the AE_Live map.

  18. Seeing this thread hot is almost as disappoint as inevitably finding out that the mid-2018 stuff (Australia, Japan, Ireland) isn't going to make the initial batch. Cool your jets folks.

  19. 14 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    But re: pigeons, yes, apparently they are in trouble. Magpies, crows and seagulls are fine. They can either get food elsewhere or do things like steal from trash bags (which are still around). Pigeons, however, need garbage strewn on the street (including, get this, vomit from drunk partygoers) and there’s very little of that left. 

    Reminds me of this 'bored commentator' piece on "pigeon dressage" that Nick Heath did 1-2 weeks ago:



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