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Posts posted by Roo

  1. Can Asians like takeover the world already lol? They seem to know what they are doing. Especially given the US trajectory looks like the worst yet.

    Japan were the first of the developed economies to disproportionately grey as well, so a high percentage of the population would be demographically vulnerable.

    Didn't the Spanish Flu start in Kansas or something?

    • Facepalm 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, sine nomine said:

    tbh i hope the 750 hrs of jams get some edits coz hour long tracks are demanding as fuck also some more datail in production like in draft, untilted... which had some very detailed production. 

    I'd guess it was fairly standard for them of recent times. 750 hrs of 'jams' shouldn't be seen as reason for indulgent length alarm just yet. I agree that I'd like to see at least one last traditional LP (which we haven't truly had since Untilted), but generally I'm eager for more post-Exai era stuff or wherever their energies takes them.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Entorwellian said:

    Just read on my local news that a big spreader of the virus is on gas pump handles and shopping cart handles. Make sure you are wearing disposable gloves or use a paper towel and then throw it away immediately when you are finished using either handle.

    As an existing germaphobe, that would seem obvious to me. After a supermarket or petrol station run, I'd rather cut off my hands than touch my face or handle food before the nearest handwash salvation. My hands rarely feel seedier.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Was watching something on the laptop today when a clip came along of the 9/11 planes flying into the towers, and I simultaneously smirked profusely as I happened to be recalling something funny from an old South Park episode. Paranoid now that covert webcam footage will be used against me in some distant jury trial.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Candiru said:

    It's definitely not nonsense, and how China behaves does indeed have a lot to do with it, since their behavior involves spreading misinformation about a global pandemic after fucking it all up Chernobyl style. 

    "Chinese virus" is never justified. It is why the rest of the world reaches for the ignore button whenever the US talks about Iran or China or Russia or Mexico. Once there is a sense of open conflict, the objectivity disintegrates into propaganda. Rise above the misinformation rather than joining it and don't dumb down the issue.

    I'm a China academic, and am well aware of Chinese nationalism and the rhetoric and logical fallacies involved there. But you see it to some degree everywhere.

    "Chinese virus" at the moment is basically waving a flag saying "I want to dumb down the issue"

    • Thanks 2
  6. 34 minutes ago, Candiru said:

    Well, a Chinese diplomat tried blaming the virus on the US military bringing it over there. And then people end up believing that. Just like they're getting the virus under control, right? They want people to sympathize with them over the US. 

    Apparently, China uses accusations of racism to stall investigations into a PLA, CCP whatever person getting caught committing crimes in the US by getting the attention of journalists, lawyers, etc and it can be quite effective. Pure crocodile tears from a much crueler country. Something to keep in mind when everyone is talking about how offended they are by the "Chinese Virus". 

    I mean, yeah, we all hate Trump, but there are other ways of looking at this that the public doesn't usually see. 

    Nonsense. How China behaves has nothing to do with it. China can blame US all it likes, but it would never excuse the tit-for-tat bad faith of "Chinese virus" as an acceptable moniker.

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, sweepstakes said:

    if only... wait, is this a thing?

    Probably not in any finished, complete sense. Might be an initial scorer, musical consultant, god knows. They seem an influence and were thanked in credits and boys not at liberty to talk about it.

    • Like 1
  8. If you haven't already, check out Holiday Sidewinder's Forever or Whatever. One of the very best pop albums to come from an Australian, and has collaborated recently with the similarly tongue-in-cheek likes of Kirin J. Callinan & Alex Cameron. Although she has a few actor parents like Aden Young, Claudia Karvan & Loene Carmen, so might not be as precarious as some others right now.


  9. 1 hour ago, MIXL2 said:

    I haven't read anything complaining about people saying Wuhan virus. But calling it "Chinese virus" it's p shit (which trump did live on tv today)

    Yeah Wuhan virus would be fine (unless used in bad faith). "Chinese" virus just sounds like dumb scurrilous hegemonic trash talk. An official White House tweet sooking about criticism of its COVID-19 terminology is also completely inappropriate to the office, but in the Trump era well...

    For someone as involved at the moment as an American President, still calling it the "Chinese" anything this far along is obviously poor form. Maybe a month ago you could still get away with it, but it has been a global problem for a while now and is already better known among the populace as "coronavirus" or "COVID-19".

    Of course there will be some petty campaigners who lurk and focus disproportionately on these things, but if you give them the fuel...

  10. 7 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

    The fucking balls on this criminal conspiracy masquerading as a family.  Burn the Witch!


    Bit harsh though. The family warrants criticism for various things, and their priorities, but this is harmless. "Burn the Witch!" is an extreme response. Choose your battles.

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1
  11. ScoMo is saying he won't bring in any ad-hoc, non-sustainable <6 month measures.


    If he was to close schools and lockdown society, it would have to be a long-term strategy rather than for a month or something basically. Things would need to get more precarious here for him and the chief medical advisors to make those decisions.


  12. 2020 might end up being one of the most memorable years in Australia's history.

    Start the year with a pandemic of hellish bushfires, apparently half a billion animals die. Global warming future looks grim.

    Manage a tennis grand slam: "Australia is open for business x 1000, visit and invest, we aren't all burnt to a crisp like you might think"

    Angst over potential WW3 kicking off between Iran and their nemesis, which would probably pull us in against our will

    Several weeks later: "belay the last, no foreigners unless you like a few weeks in quarantine"

    COVID-19 in an economy already gasping after the bushfires and one of the most vulnerable to China

    Strong possibility that the football seasons will fail to complete for the first time in their long history

    Easter and ANZAC Day look set to be dead

    Winter is coming (southern hemisphere)

    Mad Max might turn out to be a reality (even if we succeed against the virus)

  13. The contenders at the recent Oscars now seem a little curious in hindsight:

    1917 (Spanish flu cases began to appear during late 1917 prior to being defined as a pandemic/chaos of large-scale upheaval)

    Parasite (virus spread reliant on human hosts/medical issue/self-interested dependency)

    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (they don't make em like they used to, because they can't)

  14. A lot of CEOs are headhunted for short-term bonus-grabbing stints, and Jan/Feb was the start of a new year (albeit not financial year). One could also imagine that they'd have to travel a lot as well, which with an emerging health crisis is probably a good time to stand down given personal risk (they are probably accustomed to this from recent epidemics). Not to mention the quickly changing but worrisome economy of the last several years means companies tend to be more reactive in seeking new directions in order to survive.

    • Like 1
  15. Australian scientists have investigated the blood markers which identify the body's immune system response capacity, which would project the mildness or severity of a patient's outlook, and therefore how to graft a potential vaccine for a majority of patients or gauge how long that newborn immunity may last. They tested samples before, during and after from an early Wuhan-visiting Australian.

  16. A lot of pneumonia-prone adults with children should be pulling the kids out of school. If this happened in the late 90s/early 00s my dad would have been a goner. He was man-fluey and hospital-prone most winters, and kids would spread it something fierce.

  17. My boomer parents "aren't buying into it", have hoarded some TP, and have just booked their September trip to Bali. Also refuse to postal vote in upcoming election and refuse to change their standard of living. Still flying around the country, visiting aged care facilities, etc.

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