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  1. Why would anyone on WATMM want to listen to Kendrick Lamar?
  2. I must have listened to it ten times last year!Did anyone notice that knob selling the tape on discogs for £20000 or whatever it was
  3. I don't like the saturation that all the transients have on the remaster, the original is soft but clean.
  4. This remaster sounds at best no different and at worse more distorted and too trebley, stick to the original disc unless you need the bonuses.
  5. If anyone's having buyers regret and wants to part with their cassette and/or blue vinyl, sealed or unsealed for a bit of a profit, hit me up.
  6. i've known grown men to get threatened with bans for talking about richard's cock in a homoerotic way, didn't you, @joyrex?
  7. Anyone got any leads on where I can procure an EKT cassette tape at this late date?
  8. What a load of shit. This EP is just as fantastic as the rest of Richard's music, if you don't like it stop listening to it mate. and you don't have to get touchy about someone's opinion, if you don't like an opinion, stop reading them m8
  9. Picadilly and Bleep is out of tapes, anywhere else?
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