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Everything posted by blos

  1. sublimit, pro radii, suriperre, v-proc, reniform puls, the plc, etc (all those tracks are better though) Rhetorical question dude. But for my money "1 1 is" scratched a lot of itches. I think Untilted was the last album I unreservedly liked right through, and this is shaping up to be its equal.
  2. Have they released a track as good as "1 1 is" in the preceding decade? At the moment I am thinking, no. The whole album is like them delivering the stuff I had wished for on previous albums - those little moments you think whoa, I wish there was a whole track opening into that world, well now there is.
  3. Fuck. It's a good one. Too hyped initially to even really listen. And then the second half and recks on / YJY UX just completely wiped me out. Haven't heard an album this threatening in a long time, it's like they woke up from a quiet retirement and went for it full jets.
  4. As opposed to repetitive complaints that you don't have a leak of Exai? Sorry for discussing music.
  5. Yeah I'm not so confused about that as I am that it seems like everyone on watmm is in love with this album. Seriously every watmmer I have on facebook has mentioned this album. It's really confusing considering the nature of this website. Very simple - they pushed the boundary of sonic and structural experimentation and led many of us to seek more extreme music. The "shoegaze" bands merely aped their effects chain with mostly boring results, but the really subversive thing MBV did was to release shattered, warped bits of pop songs which were very broken but worked beautifully anyway. If you haven't heard them, listen to the tracks Glider, Touched, To Here Knows When, sueisfine, Several Girls Galore, Cupid Come, etc., and try to imagine how weird they were in the C86/Smiths/REM indie pop world of the late 80s. Nowadays I get my thrills from drone, electronica, black metal and minimalism, but these stream in a direct line from Isn't Anything and Loveless blowing the doors open. So they will always get a pass from me. Just like Kraftwerk or Eric B and Rakim.
  6. I know I wouldn't want to drop my album into the post-MBV fuss. I am guessing another week.
  7. So now MBV have announced Sean, Rob, will you let your release be beaten by My Bloody Valentine?
  8. With that avatar you must be on the "double wait" like me.
  9. Guys I came out of work to find this parked on the street:
  10. qft When they dig up the remains of the Internet in 2367, this statement will be the Rosetta stone.
  11. "Autechre", more like "oughta care", my kids coulda done better.
  12. i think this is a good point. i like both quaristice and oversteps, but i think they are both a bit mediocre for autechre and the main problem was editing. if they had left off the worst 3-5 tracks from each, the albums would have been much improved (and the same is not true for any of their other albums). this actually makes me a little uncertain about the double-album idea, which is sad because otherwise it's great news hopefully my worries are unfounded; a double-album of top quality autechre would be a dream come true But - Quadrange was my favourite part of the Quaristice experience, and of all the stuff released then, it was easily the most indulgent and disposable. There are tracks I dislike on all their releases - granted, a few more than usual on Oversteps and Quari, but given the sheer variety of their invention that's a small price to pay.
  13. I think on this forum it is a given that Ae > any field of artists you want to compare them to. Loving the best, doesn't prevent enjoying the rest, unless the rest start to pretend they are in the same league.
  14. Cheap vinyl playback won't do anything sound-wise, spend the money on upgrading the weakest link in your sound chain. Most amps are junk these days, something a bit older will have discrete components and actually deliver the power rating it says on the box. On the other hand recent speakers and recent headphones absolutely kill the stuff from 20 years ago. Even a good DAC or a headphone amp (or both in one box) may be your ticket to multidimensional bliss. Please let this be released so I can stop reading this thread.
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