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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Har har. I'm not the one coming up with these ideas, but whatev. I'll take your word for it.
  2. I keep whole beans in the freezer, never pre-ground. What kind of sick fuck do you think I am?
  3. I like my women like I like my coffee; buttery and offensive
  4. ^ you're starting to look more like me bruv Last photo of yours i saw you still had a full set of hair i think. (no homo)
  5. Because they worship RDJ like rednecks worship de Jesús. They even look alike. Don't get me wrong, I respect the man himself, but the lot of his followers are like weeaboos at an anime convention. Ugh, I'm being a judgmental prick again aren't I
  6. I'm not quite that hardcore, lol. It's crazy how many difficulty levels there are tho. The variety of customization available in BD is pretty nice.
  7. I thought fireball was primary and flamer was secondary on the fatboy cannon, but I guess not. I like what SM4 did with the chainsaw though - you actually swing it around when chopping down monsters, which makes it look more realistic. The akimbo assault rifles & plasma guns is dope too, but I wonder if he ever got around to adding a weapon bob, cuz last time I tried they were stiff. New maps pls Sarge
  8. Whoa, thraed is actually srupidized. Badass. And basically what Sweep said regarding buttered/Bulletproof coffee. Never used the MCT stuff tho, just unrefined coconut oil. Besides, coconut oil is pretty versatile. Actually applied the leftovers to chapped skin when it's cold.
  9. Still playing around in GTA V's Story Mode. I like how LifeInvader is the GTA equivalent of FB.
  10. Yeah Brutal Doom is a masterpiece in game modding. I thought Sergeant Mk. IV was supposed to be either cranking out new maps or revamping the original ones, but I'm not sure. I don't think it's coincidence that the "execution" moves in the next official Doom installment are similar to BD's Rip N' Tear mode.
  11. Finally found some proper grass-fed butter for my Bulletproof coffee. Kerrygold pure Irish butter, that is. That's right, buttered coffee.
  12. lol What a delusional mother. Also, lol. Look at baby's face. Bewilderment mixed with fear, understandably
  13. I understand how the idea of butter in coffee might be revolting at first, but with a blender it works.
  14. 450 calories per cup!!?! I'm actually drinking Bulletproof coffee as I read your post. Unsalted butter is indeed the key, but coconut oil works fine - you don't need that triglyceride crap. You also need a blender, and I recommend a French press for brew. Ground cinnamon is a good flavoring agent, but I'd avoid adding any sugar or sweetener. Been doing the Bulletproof gig for almost two weeks now. Goldeneye 007, Legend of Zelda: OoT, and Super Smash Bros are all you need. Well, and maybe Turok for unintended comedic value. Any Nintendo hype beyond that console is moot. Excluding Majora's Mask and Super Mario 64? Now I know you're deceiving me. Oh yeah, Super Mario 64 is an honorable mention, but I've never played Majora's Mask. The others just happen to be my personal favorites.
  15. Goldeneye 007, Legend of Zelda: OoT, and Super Smash Bros are all you need. Well, and maybe Turok for unintended comedic value. Any Nintendo hype beyond that console is moot. Just say no. Being forced to drink with a bunch of assholes (except GF of course) is the path to misery.
  16. Spoken with the authority that can only come from experience. Cheers fellas. Wet wipes it is then. Never met a cat that stank as badly as her, even though we clean her litter box regularly. At least it wasn't out in the rain right
  17. Our office cat @ work has had a stinky ass for a long time. I spritzed a puff of hospital disinfectant at her anus while her tail was up and she immediately leaped off my coworker's lap. But apparently that didn't help either. I can't think of any way to clean her up without making her go full-on postal. It would be up to someone with a gentle touch I guess.
  18. We had a Pioneer too while I was growing up. Not sure what became of it though, haven't seen it in ages
  19. I find these two oddly similar [youtubehd]HIVs536LmNg[/youtubehd] [youtubehd]NwAngCPxnHQ[/youtubehd] Sorry I've kinda been taking this thread for a ride lately
  20. Fuck Facebook. Get off that shit and immediately be happier. Best advice I've heard all day, and it's just started.
  21. That moment when you're tempted to post your favorite music on FB but know damn well that nobody's gonna bother. Fuck the general public. Been on a heavy The Bug binge the past couple of days. Something only us electronic music nerds can relate to, obv
  22. Would love to hear a VHS Head remix of this. Or even a VHS Head + Power Glove collab. [youtubehd]gCXpVakWSqA[/youtubehd]
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