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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. sorry if jazz [youtubehd]7x-Y0yvRwpc[/youtubehd]
  2. Just discovered what alpha-PVP is (aka flakka) and now I'm scared. Heard it's like bath salts on steroids. Why not just stick to weed? I just don't understand the appeal of synthetic drugs.
  3. if the exorcist was there he'd recommend the out back with a shotgun method. Or sus occidere as it's known in the vatican. Blunderbuss Baptism you might say. I'm actually agnostic tho
  4. On my way home from work I had the misfortune of encountering the SCREAMING CHILD FROM HELL at the grocery store. It's normal for kids to whine and cry on occasion, but this one was kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs the whole. Fucking. Time. Where's an exorcist when you need one?
  5. Twenty years ago Dark Forces was pretty much how I spent my whole summer. I still think it raised the bar for shooter games at the time in many ways. Wasn't sure about Jedi Academy at first either, and I don't consider myself a devout Star Wars fan, but I think it was about a year ago I finally played through the whole thing. It's like Jedi Outcast but with more enhanced environments, light saber play, and the fact that you can play missions in any order you choose. I recommend it.
  6. No worries, my coworker/m8 says similar stuff to me all the time. I just have a habit of taking things too literally. Sorry to get everybody's hopes up BTW. If she were single that might be a different story. I did actually have a crush on her tho, once upon a time. But I must recognize established boundaries, etc.
  7. She's already a married mother tho. But still, there's something to be said for being consistently relied upon.
  8. I've managed to sufficiently help her again. All is well. And no way am I gonna compromise my reputation or my relationship with my peers by sending pervy pics. Mutual trust is just too valuable of an asset to me.
  9. Yeah the game ceases to be fun when you're @ a way higher level than your opponents and diminishes the challenge, but at the same time it gets frustrating when it's excessively challenging. It's all about balance, really. A Mechro shock build I can do, but I'm hesitant about the Ordered Chaos skill tree for some reason. You might be more experienced with that character class than I am tho.
  10. Second night in a row this week that chick I was friends with back in Japan is messaging me on FB for help with English translation. I think she works at a hotel. Anyway, she C&P'd the entire review (in Japanese) and sent it to me. But then said she was wiling to do the translation herself, so long as I proofread for her. But I'd just gotten home from work an hour ago and just want to unwind for the day. My Japanese is still rusty as hell, and I'm trying hard not to sound like a dick at the same time. Part of me just wants to say "sorry, you're on your own." I don't mind helping every now and then, but damn, girl. Don't expect me to bust my ass if you're not offering any sort of compensation.
  11. Damn, Lurker is where it's at. JD implemented a clever trick in Present for Sally tho, in which he used that pulse wave "cluck" interference sound for when you're about to get an incoming call on your mobile phone. But he incorporated it into the rhythm. Well played, Mr. Dangers.
  12. Just bought, downloaded, and copied to my phone. Will play on the way to work.
  13. I remember those Lucas Arts point & click adventure games. There are a couple of recent games by indie developers that follow the exact same style. Primordia is one, and there's a cyberpunk-themed one for which I forget the title. Still on Borderlands 2, as the Mechromancer. Just reached lvl 46 and pushing on to 50, at which point I can "unlock" a weapons cache I created in the Sanctuary loot bank, after using my lvl 55 Siren to scoop up some Purples and Legendaries by farming one of the Raid bosses. Clappy's secret stash makes it possible to transfer loot between characters. Not gonna bother with UVHM though - that universal enemy health regen is bullshit. UVHM isn't as bad as you might think, it just causes you to really use the elemental weapon system & play more cautiously/conservatively. Maps that you could clear in 15 minutes on normal and 30 on TVHM will take 60-90 minutes in UVHM. Also if you don't already, you should follow the Borderlands Twitter account. They're always posting codes for the Sanctuary loot chest on there, which always contains purples at your current level. I save all my gold keys for characters above lv50 and save all the gear for other characters. If you keep hording all the purples & oranges (and seraph/pearlescent if you have those expansions) you get above level 50 and swap them between other characters, then UVHM gets easier each time you go through it. Also the 'Badass Rank' makes things easier each time as well. If you want help farming Pyro Pete for legendaries & seraph crystals PM me and we can play sometime. Word. I already farmed Pete a bunch of times w/ my Siren going solo. But since UVHM was introduced that's the only mode by which you can get Seraph crystals now I understand. Might make a UVHM run later on tho. So tacky in some ways, yet so addictive. Wasn't that impressed with the Pre-Sequel tho after playing BL2.
  14. I remember those Lucas Arts point & click adventure games. There are a couple of recent games by indie developers that follow the exact same style. Primordia is one, and there's a cyberpunk-themed one for which I forget the title. Still on Borderlands 2, as the Mechromancer. Just reached lvl 46 and pushing on to 50, at which point I can "unlock" a weapons cache I created in the Sanctuary loot bank, after using my lvl 55 Siren to scoop up some Purples and Legendaries by farming one of the Raid bosses. Clappy's secret stash makes it possible to transfer loot between characters. Not gonna bother with UVHM though - that universal enemy health regen is bullshit.
  15. ^ Would be dope if you mix up the audio and slap some beats over it. Latest FWP: Right hand still smells like caramel. Tried to dispense caramel syrup into a cappuccino I bought for a coworker but overshot.
  16. I'm just planning on beers before we hit the Imperial, preferably lager. Never was a fan of hard liquor.
  17. Half that would do me in. Now I'm scared for the Autechre prefunk. Go as little or as much as you like, no pressure. We will have a blast! For sure, I was half-joking. Mostly just noting to myself not to try to compete! As long as I'm not pressured to drink to the point of puking the next morning, count me in. Current FWP is afterburners engaged in the WC about a half hour ago, after chipotle steak pizza last night. Also legs are still sore from ceremonial hike to the mountain's apex yesterday, where we scattered my step brother's ashes. But at the same time it's a FWS.. Already started that over three years ago. Another full buzz cut's in order today.
  18. I can't be arsed to watch the GOP debates. I already got a brief snippet of it from the news last night @ work and those typical incessant FOX News shouting matches alone were enough. One doesn't need to sit through the whole thing to realize what a clown show it all is. Not to be confused with the WATMM mod debates
  19. I had a similar experience last night w/ some JASDF personnel at a barbecue. Those beers sure helped me converse better in their native tongue. Plus they grilled up some bomb-ass meat. (Yup, the veggie thing is over for me.)
  20. [youtubehd]jEdYcrLj8ro[/youtubehd] yass ..and yuss
  21. Not even sure I can take the media seriously anymore. All I hear about is bullshit and the latest wastes of taxpayer dollars. I feel like an outsider in my own country sometimes. Whatevs.
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