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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Just grabbed Raptor: Call of the Shadows from 1994 on Steam. There's a 2015 edition too, but the reviews didn't look promising for it. Looks like there's a Minecraft: Story Mode due out in a couple of weeks too. I might get that one also, even though I've never touched Minecraft at all. There's even Lego Minecraft kits in retail stores now, which kinda makes sense.
  2. I thought about starting my own SoundCloud dumps thread in YLC, because I have so many unfinished trax from the past twelve years I want to catch up on. But it might quickly get annoying if I keep bumping it with each track I post. Would it be best to just focus YLC threads on single trax that aren't garbage, I wonder?
  3. Lol that's awesome. Lego's age range should be - "8 to whenever the fuck you feel too cool to play with lego's because adulthood has stomped the life and wonder out of you" Does Lego even just sell the blocks now? Or is it all kits? The kits are awesome, and I can't wait until my kid can play with lego (as opposed to it being a choking hazard, although I suppose I could still potentially choke on one, so who knows when that stop, when they make Legos that dissolve with saliva I guess) but I kinda hope to just buy her a big ol box of like 1000 assorted bricks and let her go crazy with them. I remember making a half-pipe out of lego bricks. The transitions were a bitch lol. I think I remember there being sets of assorted blocks at the store yesterday too. If I ever have children I already plan on buying them Lego too. I'm impressed with the joint pieces they have now, especially the ball-and-socket ones for the robot's arms.
  4. Completed two brand new Lego sets for the first time in probably twenty years. Almost feel like a kid again.
  5. Red Shirt: The Concert Show Menace (Sci-Fi/Horror) A dubstep concert ensues. A tall, strange man wearing a red shirt is drifting randomly around the center of the crowd, facing to the right, as everyone else faces forward. One irritated fan decided he had enough of the red-shirted drifter and started shoving him. All the sudden, all hell broke loose, as the drifting man went berserk and started shooting lasers out of his eyeballs, vaporizing fans left and right. Only a certain cybergoth couple manages to escape the venue alive, and must find a way to stop the laser-eyed drifter from wreaking havoc on the rest of the city, who is facing one direction the entire time.
  6. Yeah Steve I'd move to Van too, if cost of living weren't so high.
  7. I'm no therapist, so any advice I give is half-assed at best. But you're already doing the right thing by talking about it. I've had moments of self-doubt in my twenties too, including thoughts about "pulling the plug". But when my step brother went that route last New Year's, I realized how wasteful that is. Because we still have so many years ahead of us, and so much potential for what we can produce and offer to the world as individuals. Maybe it takes getting outside one's comfort zone and trying different things from time to time. Or just hanging out with friends, like last Saturday. Just know you're not alone when you find yourself in moments of self-doubt, cos it's more common than we might think. But definitely don't be afraid to address it with people you trust.
  8. Got loads of unfinished FL trax from over the years but I'll have to narrow it down to the best ones and figure out how to finish them. Maybe this Ae North American tour has given me newfound motivation. Just don't want those select few to go to waste.
  9. As srupid as it may be, it's understandable. Concerned parents wouldn't be comfortable with something that looks like a dong going in their child's mouth. Exactly. Because it's extroverts who come up with these ideas to begin with, as they often up in upper management positions due to their natural charisma. They mean well, but they don't always get it.
  10. Kinda burnt out with my job as well. Good boss, good crew, but laughable pay compared to other potentially available options. Can't gripe about the benefits tho. That stupid "musical self-consciousness" thread I started yesterday probably should've just been a single post to this one. Guess it's time to quit worrying about inane insecurity bullshit. If someone asks who my favorite band is, I might as well just tell them straight up from now on. Different tastes in music aren't a deal breaker in forming strong relationships with others.
  11. All Bug. All the time. [youtubehd]WdWZqka5tqY[/youtubehd]
  12. That sounds like more of a success. But glad to hear things are looking up.
  13. Six months? New valves are cheap, but paperclips are cheaper. If they'll last that long, I'm just gonna leave it. lol Just a matter of wrapping it tightly enough when connecting the valve to the chain.
  14. Popos preying on kids, acting like they're big men. Sometimes I wonder if we're getting too much coverage on the bad cops and not enough on the good ones.
  15. OK. Time to defibrillate this motherfucker. Latest srupid 1wp: Accidentally broke the chain off the valve to the toilet in my bathroom this morning. Managed to jury-rig it with a paper clip, but it still comes loose every few flushes. Might just have to buy a new valve as a permanent fix.
  16. To be honest I haven't had a problem with keeping my beans frozen. They were already frozen when I bought them anyway. Gotta love it when a little jest turns into awkward drama that makes everyone else afraid to post. Joke failed. Next srupid problem pls
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