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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. There is strong evidence that Bernie Sanders has been an agent for camp Hillary since the start. GG Democracy ​Other lovely thing that has happened is a failed assassination attempt at Donald Trump by a guy named Austyn Crytes. His name appears a whopping seven times in the wikileaks e-mail dump. GG MK Ultra Umm...there was no gun found...he was merely holding a protest signWhere did you hear that it was an "assassination attempt?" R/the_Donald or Fox News? It's cool man, I was just wondering why that particular post set off your "this guy's a weirdo" alarm Well this weekend I was doing an Ouija board session, naked of course and covered in goats blood, the goat spoke to me before I slit its throat. While the warm blood was draining from its neck it spoke to me, the goat told me you was a weirdo. The exact words were (in a spooky, haunted, old English west country accent) Limpy Loo Is A Weirdo!!!!!!!!! It was then the alarm bells started ringing. Big time I mean, that's cool, but most people come to that conclusion simply by looking at me or listening to me talk well, it wasn't a people was it it was a goat
  2. excited! will give this a listen, I have loved all of 1991's stuff
  3. edit: quoted from the dank memes thread since this is the funniest shit I have seen in the last two months
  4. I reckon this deserves a thread of it's own: http://i.imgur.com/K26HXQ4.jpg
  5. I don't find this funny If it's skeltal chair I apologize. I don't know if her shot at Hannity is funny per se, but it's spot on and deserved fer sure. If it's Sam Bee then I dunno, I think overall her show has been pretty decent at cutting through the bullshit and delivering a lol or 2 along the way. I can see how it might not go over as well outside the Jon Stewart tent though. ah don't worry I'm probably just not into this stuff so much
  6. that track is very beautiful.. i'd call that ambient rather than noise, but that's just me
  7. Trump lays out plans for 1st 100 days, vows to sue 'every one' of his female accusers http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-gettysburg-rally-1.3817274 There's no need for people to photoshop Trump tripe when the truth is still already absurd. this is so bizzare
  8. not heard this before.. seems rather popular, first track was something else... powerful stuff thanks for keeping this thread alive btw.
  9. I thoroughly enjoyed this review of the elseq record by autechre and am excited for future alco reviews
  10. what do you mean? I will never get enough of this sound... you should read his interview on the project as well.. from it it seems that the next record will already show some interesting ideas..
  11. definitely, this series will keep me good company during the coming years for sure
  12. complex analysis is hard and I have a bad habit of sleeping too much when exams are getting close.. dammit all edit: I am also slowly but surely falling into the modular synthesis mania and I CANNOT afford to even think about it but I stay up late watching vids and stuff anyways..
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