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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Isnt there a way to argue irony is a way to supress minorities, or something? Would be nice to put our local german back in his place now that nonce and autists are considered hurtful and off limits. YOUR IRONY HURTS AS WELL!
  2. O, as a side note: there is no western country without continuous discussions on how to change and improve the healthcare system. All countries are struggling with affordability and sustainability of the system. Even though they tend to cost less than the us. Although, even this point requires plenty of discussion as it's really not straightforward to distinguish between out of pocket costs of citizens and taxes/ government paying for care.
  3. Have been working in the dutch healthcare system for i can't remember how long. Within various parts. And currently for the government. If this tells you I don't want change... well I'm not sure even why you'd come to that conclusion. Apart from a poor attempt to dismiss my argument without any substance. Fyi: I don't get paid to keep the system the way it is. It's the other way around: i get paid to help improve it. Believe it or not. The us doesnt and cannot have a national healthcare system like other countries, because the us is not like those other countries. Most importantly because its size, like i mentioned earlier. And again, if you want to compare apples with apples, you'd have to compare the us to the entire EU. Which actually does have some specific functions for the entire eu market. But those are fairly limited. And mostly focusses and market access for medicines and medical devices. But has nothing to do with single payer or schemes to negotiate lower prices. And are fairly similar to what the us already has as well. That last lol about grabbing billions from sick people... not sure it even warrants a response. But yeah, if you have a basic understanding of how an economy works, youd know you just whiped out millions of jobs and made healthcare even less accessible and more expensive with your idea of solving this issue. Good luck with that.
  4. The us is simply too big to implement a single payer system for all. You'd basically end up institutionalising the entire healthcare industry. Not just the insurers. The entire thing. No western country has done that, btw. The equivalent would be a single payer system for the entire EU. It would completely destroy the healthcare market. Driving prices up instead of down. And worse, making healthcare less accessible. Especially the innovative care. That market is really part of what drives innovation and helps making care accessible. Yes there are plenty players in the healthcare market making profit ( farma, medical devices, insurers, providers, health it, middle men,... the list goes on. and take note, it's not just about insurers and farma). There are many ways to improve that and anyone telling you single payer is the only option... again snake oil. My guess is, Warren is too sensible to not go for the easy "medicare for all" nonsense. I understand it would sell. It sounds catchy. And people hear what they want to hear and all that. But given the way Obama was slaughtered for having told 'lies' about the ACA ( this is another argument, but lets say I'd argue Obama was being as close to being honest as humanly possible on that one), I get the impression Warren doesnt want to make the same mistake. Talking about insurers and the ACA: the ACA managed limit to profits of insurers by law by defining a max %. The biggest focus of the ACA was about getting insurers back in check. Was an important part of the puzzle. And the idea was good. The painful thing: it was just the beginning and only a part of the puzzle. Therefore imperfect. Which made it vulnerable to criticism and other "new" ideas (cough -snake oil -cough). Well, good luck with flushing this baby through the toilet and starting with medicare for all. Democracies stop functioning whenever the issues become too complex, I'm afraid. But I'll leave it there. Gotta respect peoples free speech and all.
  5. Yeah, he really is. The more they cry about Trump lying, the more painfull it looks. I really don't get why they're so principly hell bent on saying he lies whenever he does. There is a point where you can safely assume he is without the need to point it out. Ignoring it makes more sense at this point. It even takes away his power. Because he needs the attention. And it helps him even. Liberals should learn to use the ignore button, imo.
  6. The thing with healthcare is that there really isn't a " like everywhere else in the world", or western world, or any selection of countries, really. There just isn't. There is no copy paste system for the us. Like for instance copy the british system to the entire us. You're probably not going to believe me, but the medicare for all thing is really not the solution bernie is making it out to be. It's not the case of simply putting more people into that system and *poof* you've got a good national healthcare system for all. Not going to happen. Even if Bernie wins and gets everything through house/congress. It wouldn't drive costs down the way it is currently sold. You cant just grab billions of dollars from the economy like that without serious consequences. There is no infrastructure to manage the entire thing. Any politician saying he's got a quick fix for the entire healthcare system is selling you snake oil. Which the medicare for all thing really is.
  7. Informative thread about trumps white house crazy family pic ? bye borton
  8. still think he's playing poker. or, as us EU-ians say: trying to negotiate another (impossible) deal. i still don't understand what he wants to do with the irish border. as long as there's nothing there, it's just playing poker.
  9. ouch i hope they're otherwise decent peeps. what are you still doing on FB btw? edit: i mean, get off of the FB. its the devil!
  10. painful. must say i'm surprised about the guy fawkes reference. makes it sound like another troll campaign pushed by dark money.
  11. Damn, I always assumed Holocaust denial existed just to piss a bunch of people off. Turns out people can be clueless. Boy, didn't I have a clue! ...ueh, I feel a mental overload coming...need ...to ...erase ...thought...
  12. Your reasoning reminded me of Nash, btw. Like the focus on the mathematical perspective on empathy and cooperation through game theory. Thing with his approach was the dependence on rationality. Which ended up to be an interesting and useful approach, but a poor explanation of human behavior. As it overstates the importance of rational thought. There's plenty evidence we're way less rational than our immediate experience tells us. (Worse, tries to tell us) And this mismatch is also at display in our thinking of what advanced civilizations would be like. You are talking about an evolutionary local maximum in the context of ant colonies. Same could be argued about human civilization. And following this logic, we most likely don't have a clue about what a global maximum would look like, or another higher local maximum. Just like an ant colony has no clue about what our civilization is like. It sounds logical that from the perspective of some higher intelligence we're just another kind of ant colony. More advanced, but still...just ants doing their ignorant things. Someone already mentioned our next step in our evolution is AI. And who knows. Maybe our only escape from our current local maximum might be through AI. It certainly looks like we'll be creating AI sooner than space travel and starting colonies on distant planets outside our solar system. So in terms of possible futures, the Matrix or Terminator future seems closer and more likely (ignore the shit about Neo, and focus on the part where AI outsmart us) than a Star Trek one. Seems more likely we'll actually create this advanced civilization which will survive us. I'm guessing the next step in our evolution will be some kind of disembodied intelligence. Our bodies create too many limitations. It binds us to a specific place. Bodies cost too much energy and can break. Bodies put limits on sensory inputs, and intelligence. Which is kind of ironic, because our current understanding of our intelligence pushes us towards the emphasis on our bodies. As opposed to just our mind. But Im getting off track. The thing about ufo's and advanced civilizations is that it assumes similarities to our way of being. I assume thats nonsense. It's the same old "earth is flat" or "sun revolves around the earth" kind of thinking at display, imo. It is based on our own personal experiences. Or in other words, it is limited. It's more likely it will be completely dissimilar, instead of similar. And we might not even recognize it if it's directly in front of us. If we can perceive it. So yeah, today I argued we're just another kind of ant colony. Dear diary, why? Dear diary, today I had an existantial crisis, but luckily very localized and no threat to the entire system. No DNA was harmed and cells functioned as usual... wait, my body is like an ant colony as well!? FU!
  13. * draws smileys on ambergonk hamburger emotes with a sharpie *
  14. ueh, no it doesn't. so ants in an ant colony have empathy now? is that what you're saying? swarm technology exists by the virtue of simple rules instead of complex higher stuff (which might be some emergent property) like empathy.
  15. but.... but... what about the pyramids and the crop circles
  16. indeed. so these more advanced civilisations might be working on completely different ways than "empathy" or "cooperation". hell, if we ever meet them, we might not even to be able to "reason" with them. the idea we need empathy and cooperation to survive, might be completely different to other species. seems very anthropocentric to assume advanced civilisations have been through the same issues we have. maybe they just evolved into beings able to use quantum entanglement to communicate or travel. Without the need of computers or spaceships. you wouldn't need to know how to build a fire if you control the quantum level phenomena. this is getting silly ?
  17. it's a darwin thing. perhaps only the death cult alien species will survive the longest. and why would you think it's going to be the hippies cults end up showing up at our doorstep? talking about bacteria, isn't it the death cult bacteria that's the most successful from an evolutionary perspective? and if so, wouldn't that also hold for 'advanced' civilisations?
  18. Could still happen though. Also, if the elites are so dumb, what about the rest of us? Even dumber? You probably wouldn't even need to hide anything. Just do it and deny. *cough* trump *cough*
  19. If they were so advanced, why would they be interested in us? We'de be a bunch of monkeys clumsely attempting to get some society rolling on this blue ball. Unable to effectively expand into the rest of the universe. Also, the double psychology of hiding stuff by labeling it as a conspiracy is just another conspiracy theory. ?
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