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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Trump doesn't need to say anything about legalising drugs. He might as well double down on strengthening drugs laws even more. The only thing Trump needs is demoralised Dems not voting. Which seems like an easy task, if you ask me.
  2. Having issues with the download list downloads, btw. After the "building zip, download starts automatically" message nothing happens. Same behaviour on bleep itself btw. Basically building a zip till the end of time... ?
  3. Yovanovitsjss' testimony was pretty heartbreaking. The way she's been harassed out of her job is completely fucked. And as far as I'm concerned yet another reason to impeach that orange fruitcake. And Pompeo, btw.
  4. WTF...she's gooooooood. That's the girl from the lifeforms cover!? sweet jesus
  5. I downloaded the whole album. Zip contains 20 instead 17 tracks. As far as i can tell there isn't another option. Unless you want to buy them separately.
  6. This ones for essines. Lovely track! ? straight from the reasoble people
  7. I'll leave the best to worst part to others. It's impossible for me to put them in some order as I appreciate them for different reasons. I will say though that I kinda lost interest right around Spokes. And since then there hasn't been the love I had before. There are the remixes and the individual tracks I still love. But entire albums, less so. For various reasons. I'm not a huge fan of OSTs, for instance. So, as albums They don't work for me. Even if I love what they did for the movie. And from Spokes on, albums sounded like products of dayjobs. Based on routine and predictability. Although their last two were more about experimenting again. At least to my ears. But that might have had to do with equipment and techniques, and less with the music itself. Which is a shame, because it sounds like they're still getting better at what they do. But it's just that they've already been there before. To my ears, at least. So, yeah. More a fan of their older work, I guess. With a recent renewed interest in Rest Proof Clockwork. That Saturday morning cartoon style goofiness didn't sit well with me at first. But the juxtaposition of classical melancholy, plaid rhythms and cartoon goofiness is still unique. And very appreciated. ?
  8. goDel


    Lots of broken links in this thread ? And haven't seen Redruth/troon in a while either. Couple of acid tunes might bring him back?
  9. I don't think it's going to backfire. Reason is that the people who are already done with Trump will be confirmed in their opinions during these hearings. I really don't see these hearings flipping people from an anti Trump stance to pro trump. Therefore, no backlash. And i also dont expect anti trumpers to stay home coming elections. Plenty energy to vote. Less so for Trump supporters, i feel. About 2020: the recent outcomes in Virginia, Kentucky and the blue wave in 2018 say plenty, imo. I expect similar results. Although on a national level theres still plenty support for trump and the big picture votes will still be close to 50/50. Just the other way around. And a dem win. Again though, still plenty votes going to trump. Support for trump will not implode. I don't expect a nixon like scenario. If that would happen, it would have happened ten times by now. Remember, people consciously voted for the "grab em by the pussy" guy.
  10. If you implicitly made the point I think you did, I actually agree! I read a couple of interesting articles on the Guardian recently where they interviewed a number of people who voted for Trump in 2016 asking their thoughts on the impeachment thing. All of them basically said something like: we're not convinced, but if the dems have the evidence i'm interested and will use that knowledge in the coming 2020 election (read: it's up to the voters to decide about Trump. not congress!). So a lot of people haven't been convinced up unto this point. And from what I've seen, I'm wondering whether the dems will be able to deliver the evidence needed to convince those people. Personally, I think the dems made a miscalculation about not going after the higher people like pompeo, mulvaney and giuliani. They need the people directly involved, instead of the worrying people lower down the chain of command (taylor, hill, sondland, ...). It seems to me the dems assumed those would give a strong enough case. Which to a certain degree it does. But I don't think it's enough to move the needle with respect to the people who are currently undecided. And my guess is, you'd need to have the mulvaneys, pompeos and giulianis in public hearings to get the undecided people to move. In short: too bad sandwichspread. Although I'm not expecting a huge backlash either, btw. My guess is, the outcome of 2020 is already set. And the only thing able to move the needle, would be a proverbial meteorite.
  11. What are we arguing about? Think I'm supporting him by saying she was driving unsafely?
  12. Look, if it was a jewish woman and a guy using jewish slur, i'd make a similar argument. The whole argument about words and their meanings is a bit too much. It pretends to know peoples inner most thoughts, which is impossible. And it also pretends that a word has a single meaning, which should be exactly the same for all. We can agree the use is tasteless and unwise. I just don't agree with the word police perspective where even uttering a specific word makes you guilty of a list of things you might not have even thought about. Or may have thought about, for that matter. My lesson for today following my question whether i could make that observation: no i can not make the observation she was driving unsafely. As that got me into this discussion. Thanks to the word police. I'm going to make a new police department. One for the policing of freedom of consciousness. People should be allowed to make observations.
  13. Its fucked up in both ways is all im saying. Were not going into a discussion about whats worse right? Unsafe driving or saying some stupid shit. To me that n word thing is just stupid shit. But that doesnt erase the other stupid shit that most likely was happening before. Are you saying we should just ignore the rest because he said n-word? Reminds me of the Bill Burr sketch about why you cant hit a woman and having an argument. The second you call her a cunt, everything that happened until that point in a discussion stops to matter and its about calling her a cunt. Similar logic, without the racial context. It's silly, imo. She probably pissed him off with her driving behavior. He said stupid shit to her. And she basically runs away with it while being completely oblivious to her part of the story. Lets just call both of them "unwise". Neither have learned their lesson, I'm guessing. Unless he lost his job because he got caught by the politically correct police on twitter. As far as I'm concerned she should lose her drivers license for unsafe driving behavior.
  14. Can I just make the observation that she was driving pretty dangerously? Filming and driving at the same time. And not keeping distance? Pick up truck dude was an idiot for going in the n word direction. But I can guess he had some frustrations about how she was driving. And from the looks of it, he may have had a point.
  15. in the end you could either discard it. or use this perspective to enrich the experience. it's a new perspective on the show. although it's going to be difficult to unsee it, i'm guessing. but as far as im concerned, that's a good thing. that's my thing though. i had some grapes with stuff in tp3 being too inconsequential or deus ex machina. that kinda ruined my experience of the 3rd season. this perspective gives a bit more debth. which helps for me. otherwise it's just like watching clouds in the sky and trying to see stuff in it. again, that's me.
  16. keep with it. in the end the puzzle largely fits like a glove. too much is in plain sight for it to be nonsense. and it also 'gets' all the stuff which previously made no sense. even from the cone flicks perspective. and this is basically where its strength is. it's an all encompassing theory which can explain anything.
  17. Only just discovered Detroit In Effect aka D.I.E. Thanks to a re-release on Clone. ? Classic techno from the car-city.
  18. the only thing bloomberg will achieve is warren winning over biden in the primaries. its mostly biden supporters that might switch to bloomberg, ive been told. although, the take from 538 is interesting as well https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-seriously-should-we-take-michael-bloombergs-potential-2020-run/ it seems likelier that Bloomberg will affect the race primarily because of the effect he will have on other candidates. For example, he could cause Biden to slip in the polls by chipping away at his moderate base or throw cold water on the ascent of South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg. He could also turn voters away from Warren or Sen. Bernie Sanders by becoming the designated attack dog against progressive policies. Or he could fail to make much of an impact at all, leaving the current state of the race unchanged.
  19. goDel

    Brexit :(

    In the meantime, Bercow is trending on youtube
  20. Read the thread. Can't be bothered to go though that again. Sorry. If you read you'll understand why I won't be bothered. Gotta be around page 80 or sumting
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