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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Last bit, I'd have to disagree, but for an awkward reason. Possibly awkward. I really don't believe in a "if they can do it, so should we" solution. And second, if the shittier group of people walks over you, you have to wonder why. I'll give you one prediction: it's not because they're lower that they walk all over you, but it's likely because of some other reason. They walk over you, because you're doing something wrong. And the Dems seem to be very poor at self criticism (1/3 of the country deplorables? sure, that'll bring you more votes). The "we go high" thing you often hear is equally misguided, imo. Especially when you're still losing. If you're losing you're doing something wrong. Plain and simple. If you're a Dem, I believe you'd have some ideas on how to improve life in the US. The facts the Dems are losing is mostly because the story does not convince people. People just don't agree. Or people don't understand or haven't heard your story. The only tip I could give the Dems is to stop being so inanely principled. If you want to win Alabama, understand the majority of the voters are very principled with respect to being "pro-life". Just fucking tell them you might have different principles (and be f-ing honest about it!), but that you will respect the majority if you'd happen to be elected into office. Tell people where you are, and where you're willing to compromise with the opposing majority. grrrr i should shutup now. politics is frustrating... :(
  2. Not sure whether this deserves a thread on its own, but here's a short doc about J Dilla on the MPC3000.
  3. In case anyone wants to read up on the Logan Act, here's a twitter thread. Might be important of you're regularly confronted with people claiming this investigation is a witch hunt and there's nothing wrong with talking to foreign agents (before being in office).
  4. Stripper? Something else tough, here's some more interesting reading. This case is getting bigger and bigger. No wonder it takes time. Who cares about the lies. There's something far bigger at stake. (it's a thread btw. )
  5. He could only admit being out of the norm if he was aware of what the norm actually was. He's a product of a modern day class society where in the upper class everything is about staying in the upper class. And the lower class is there to be used as a tool for personal goals. Hope Hicks is a modern day slave. Trump doesn't know better than being entitled to being rich.
  6. You should read up on that Seth Abramson twitter thread at the end of previous page. The karma grows bigger and bigger the deeper you get into that one. It'll leave you a smile on your face. Even you!
  7. what breakdown apart from his tweeter-feed, the signs his grip on reality is getting slimmer and slimmer. at one point you could think it's part of his "art of the deal" act/persona. but the moment he's pushing his bullshit in private conversations (see: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/28/us/politics/trump-access-hollywood-tape.html ), it's becoming more likely he's really losing touch with reality. i don't believe all the bullshit is him consciously trolling.
  8. flynn working with mueller perfectly explains trumps recent mental breakdown! :D if he breaks down even further (and it's only going to get worse), i expect an early impeachment due to mental instability. especially if the tax-cuts pass through senate/congress. that's basically a "job done". Pretty shitty for those suffering those 'cuts', but that's a huge bonus for the entire planet, i'd argue.
  9. Not yet! Still only a plan without an execution date. As far as current info...
  10. http://thehill.com/homenews/media/362513-scarborough-trump-allies-told-me-he-has-dementia How's this for a mindfuck: he's either really suffering from dementia (could be!), or he's building a case in order to save himself from the Mueller case.
  11. Not much overpopulation in fly-over 'murica. Only vast empty space as far as the eye can see.
  12. I'm confused. The media puts him on a pedestal on one hand. (I assume by giving his nonsense tweets attention) And on the other you want to see an even greater outcry. Looks contradictory to me. Either his nonsense doesn't deserve serious attention, or everybody should be even more outraged. WHAT IS IT?
  13. No worries for gays and solitary people though. Also, planned parenthood is a force of good. It saves the world from too many brats. And Im seeing American policies on gun control in a surprisingly new perspective as well.
  14. "yea so all is well then" that's basically the most insincere response possible, apart from denying the facts. no-one is arguing all is well. so why bother making that argument? need a straw man?
  15. Not all of them support King Orang though. Just his cult of poo-slinging degenerates that occupy one-third of the US demographic. Too bad I'm surrounded by them though. Ok, so Van Jones can be a bit tiresome. You shouldn't watch the entire thing. Might as well jump in around the 3.50 min mark. He actually makes a good point there.
  16. caze, what are you doing? you're posting facts and figures instead of some ideological wall of text. only opinions matter! facts and figures are to be ignored or distrusted. * secret brofist *
  17. completely outlaw automation? that's like saying you want to quit progress and science. i don't understand some of you cavemen.
  18. It's unpresidented to have a senile old man as president fuxt
  19. would be a lol if it's a videotape of the moscow golden shower session ;p
  20. I'd argue he's a senile old man who just happens to be elected president. That last bit is a f-ing disgrace. The first bit not so much, I'm afraid. Being a senile old fart is part of humanity and possibly a personal future as well. Again, I'm afraid. ..
  21. o my lols. that bit about garfield was brilliant! :D
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