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Everything posted by goDel

  1. I kinda appreciate Trump tweets. That way you know what he's up to. Watching TV, mainly. Which gives an awkwardly safe feeling. The more inane his tweets, the better. Please don't try to govern. Just play golf and live tweet TV experiences until impeachment day. Please leave the justice department alone. And defence as well, btw.
  2. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/02/muellers-indictment-reveals-details-of-russian-election-interference/553625/?utm_source=atltw So, yeah about that facebook analysis...
  3. strawman also, blumy calls the investigation a farce. there's a couple of russiagate hypes. the pro-hype and the against-hype. guess where people belong who call this ongoing investigation a farce. you hate the hype. but instead you've put your head in the opposite hype. well done!
  4. Now what? Do these article make sense of that nonsensical argument? Or are we sidestepping the issue? And move to a discussion about "Russia hype". This is not about hype. This is about the meaning of those 13 indictments. Genius blum argues it doesn't mean anything (based on what exactly?) and uses Facebook results as proof. I call his argument BS. Point. Why should I read those articles?
  5. "MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, Democrat bias." What's biased about yesterdays 13 indictments? It's plain silly to see an equivalence between these 13 indictments and results from Facebook analysing Facebook ads. If it would be about the FBI investigating itself it would be a different story. Facebook should allow some independent analysis. And I'd assume the FBI to be independent when it comes to researching foreign influence. It's not like they're investigating against their own self-interest. You're taking a cynical position where everything has become questionable, by definition. That's really easy. But the thing is, Facebook's analysis is not questionable because it's Facebook. It's results are questionable because the process is questionable. You can't have a commercial company investigate itself and believe the outcomes on their blue eyes. That's not a matter of trustworthiness of the company on a whole, that's a matter of independence. That's similar to a drug company being forced to have independent research proving efficacy of a new drug. Genius Blumenthal here basically creates a false equivalence between results from research by a pharmaceutical company about one of its drugs and results from an independent institution which exists by virtue of doing independent research on drug efficacy. Sure you can hide behind a "it's not cut and dry" facade. It never is, isn't it. But that's avoiding the sheer nonsense of Blumenthals argument. It's not an actual argument. It's just BS. If you want to call that bias, fine. I call that logic.
  6. So this is based on an analysis on facebook ads done by facebook. A company whose business model is making money with ads. Or in other words: it's better to have some independent party analyse what happened. I'm surprised people just assume facebook is the right party to take for granted. Instead of these percentages -which again mean little - people need to keep their eyes on the ball: a company was actively and purposefully involved in influencing the elections. A company with foreign interests. People can argue all day about its effectiveness, but regardless of that, the existence of that company in and of itself is a problem. Really dont see why that should be downplayed by some shoddy analysis made by facebook about ads on facebook.
  7. Apparently Max Blumenthal is an idiot. Without knowledge of the backstory: 44% appeared during the election, and 75% were seen. Or in other words, these statistics mean little. Is he really that stupid? Or does he have some interests?
  8. I wonder what those fake conservatives are trying to conserve. Their bank accounts?
  9. Ironically, he made a tweet saying people should report people who pose a threat to the authorities. Again and again! That should include Trump. What if people reported Trump to the authorities again and again? Would that speed up the Trump investigation?
  10. dan for president! also, thoughts and prayers to get rid of drump
  11. O matt did respond. Anti climax really. He considers the difference between " cia paying russians for info" and " russians leaking to us press to create distorting narratives" only a rearranging of the furniture. Unbelievable.
  12. It's not as black and white as you present it. But you have to take into account that the CIA director is on the record. Publically denouncing the events as presented by intercept/nyt. And I believe you need to understand the responsibility behind being the director of the CIA. Is the director biased? Sure he is! Would he present facts in a certain way? Absolutely! To the benefit of the CIA? Also, yes. If he feels the need to defend the CIA, you'd expect the director of the CIA to have some biased sense of reality. Ok, this is the obvious stuff. The not so obvious stuff: would he need to defend the CIA over paying 100k for some info? I don't believe this is something he needs to lie about on public record. He would be better off by stating not being allowed to comment on classified matters. But he explicitly denied. Now, why would he want to deny so explicitly? He's on the record. If there's evidence he lies, the director of the CIA should be well aware of that evidence. Why would he take that risk? What is so important that a lie about 100k is warranted? I can think of no reason for the CIA director to put his ass on the line like this. The easier explanation is that the quality of reporting is not up to standards. Which provides an easy transition into this twitter thread. You can mock me for posting yet another of those damned threads. The important takeaways here: This was a direct response to one of the authors of the nyt article. As of this point I'm not aware of a response to the points made in the thread. Not even a "this is bullshit and doesnt even warrant a response". Perhaps ive missed something, but the lack of any response speaks volumes. https://twitter.com/allmattnyt/status/962467272941080577
  13. ITT: people who have more trust in some vague Russian than the director of the CIA.
  14. Elons musky scent is driving the boys wild. They're screaming like 12 year old girls at a Justin Bieber concert.
  15. I'm surprised you even read those comments. Let alone believe those are actually people honestly posting their beliefs with a straight face. It's mostly Russian psyops and trolls. And when people take it seriously, it's working as intended. You shouldn't take it any more seriously than you would take 4chan seriously. On a different note: it's interesting to see the US struggling with the paradox of tolerance. If you compare opinions on free speech, there seem to be differences between western europe and the us. The US seem to support an almost absolute form of free speech, generally speaking. And the EU being somewhat less tolerant has probably to do with its history (WW2). Having said that, it might be the case the US society is struggling, even though US law has already dealt with this issue. I wouldn't be surprised if the current laws are actually quite specific and well defined on this issue (as it is an important part of US culture), but that the people are out of touch with their laws. That's what you get when people stop supporting law and the institutions executing them, I guess. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance
  16. goDel


    Haha, yeah. I marked it as spam and Google attempted to unsubscribe for me but came back with an error message (of course). And the painful bit is, I can't honestly say I've never clicked some "click here to unsubscribe" link in the past. I know I did a couple of times. But for subscriptions I actually subscribed to. There may have been one or two instances though where I'm not so sure... O well. I hope the Russians are happy with my 'intelligence' :S
  17. goDel


    love the "click here to unsubscribe" link. will prolly generate a lot of clicks as well ;)
  18. multiple best posts, ranked by real-time measured lols
  19. really depends on how you fill in "the current state of things", isn't it. "current state of things is great!" and all that. It's just a story you're telling yourself. if your state of things makes you a cynic, you might try telling yourself a different story. it's not a given.
  20. lol damn i miss those posts *prints feminism t-shirt*
  21. come across an interesting vid on youtube. touching a couple of points already made in this thread, i guess. but it's just over 5 mins and makes a couple of good points. so i thought would be good to share.
  22. goDel


    wow! how did you know about this track? So, lol, they cut this to samples and created a new track out of that? Sounds like a remix to me! Not an attempt to put shade on ae, btw. Hearing this actually made me appreciate the track even more! Nice find!
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