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Everything posted by goDel

  1. He really puts regular news outlets to shame. The lack of expertise and in-depth analysis you see in regular media is incredible. Really shows how big of a disservice those "pundits" provide. It's about drawing in viewers with talking heads who are able to pull the right emotional strings. Often either outrage, fear, or just confirming some partisan bias. Of course some might argue Abramson is a democrat, or partisan because he appears to be against Trump. But given that logic, any sane person is partisan. So that's really not a strong argument, imo.
  2. Under-appreciate definitely a word. Come on, I’m not comparing them to Trump’s unintelligible garbage. I think writing in a blog would force him to make the links between the ideas flow in a more coherent manner. Also if his tweet #11 is true, there’s not much of a case. Hearsay is generally not valid evidence. Anyway it’s very interesting to me due to my current work, so will be following closely. Don't worry about #11. See following thread about Papadopoulos. This is basically key to the case. Manafort is nice, but might not even be that important.
  3. ouch. i think you under-appreciate (is that a word?) the abramson-twitter-threads. the abramson threads read like books. these aren't shot from the hips like those trump threads, for instance. these are carefully planned and built with a lawyerly precision. not somewhat connected thoughts which just happen to be numbered. tsk tsk
  4. Seth is wrong when he says prosecutors charge everything they think they can prove. They usually have a strategy to get what they can convictions on for maximum sentencing and criminal asset recovery. Still wish this guy would write blog posts. How far did you get reading the thread? He uses half of the thread to explain those strategies (->proof for collusion is largely testimonial = no paper trail. so, in other words: why "charge everything they think they can prove" does not count for this case). whether or not prosecutors, in general, charge everything they can prove, you can debate with a brick wall. or reply a tweet to seth or something. might be productive, who knows. good luck :) edit: my forecast: trump might survive this christmas, but he'll be gone the next. he won't finish his first term of 4 years. and no, he won't start WW3 with tweets. he will try though, but politicians are too smart to act on trump tweets. even the ones in north korea. unless they want to start a war and need some excuse. and i believe they don't, btw.
  5. This twitter thread by seth Abramson is another gem: Couple predictions: This phase of the investigation (indictments) will take 2-5 months. More indictments before march 2018 are highly probable. And later on, people from trumps inner circle will be indicted. Flynn currently not being indicted is a sign that he's cooperating with the investigators.
  6. the trump russia thing goes way beyond hacked emails. eg.: https://www.vox.com/world/2017/10/27/16552458/trump-russia-clinton-steele-cambridge-analytica this is mostly te email thing: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/30/16571114/trump-russia-mueller-indictments-manafort-gates-papadopolous russia was "the enemy" mostly because of the ukraine situation. since well before the 2016 elections. so it's not really about when it became the enemy, it's more about when it stopped being the enemy. because somewhere during the 2016 election process, a new policy with respect to russia came out of the gop. which was completely opposite to what the gop used to represent. gop up until that point had mostly hawkish approaches towards russia. but during the elections, it moved towards searching cooperation with russia. a complete 180 degrees. and given all the signs of russian intervention in the 2016 election process... well, it's obvious mueller and a couple of congressional committees are looking into it.
  7. ? i think you're confusing things it can take years to develop new policies. sure. but what's going on here is an investigation. this is about possible criminal activities. this has nothing to do with the status quo you're talking about. take anthony wiener as an example. how fast was he off the political stage? talk about status quo when trying to implement new gunlaws, or something. and the other point about appeals and whatnot. trump can appeal all he wants, but in the meantime his political existence will have ended. he'll basically become a white version of oj simpson. crucified in the eyes of public opinion. and politically without any power.
  8. plus, i'm guessing the next load will be a big one. so that might take a while. and he also needs to spend all his money first before he's ready for more.
  9. This is going to be like one of those strategic snooker games. Each shot carefully planned. Ball after ball straight into the hole. And it's going to take a while.... The first balls are the easy ones. They're positioned free and aren't part of Trumps inner circle. The other ones will become easier when the field is emptied though. The inner circle will break at one point. ;D
  10. Hope this will be a special day. Can't wait for the final Trump meltdown.
  11. ^^^ lol waited for him to sell me some golden shovels. think i've missed it. guess this is not an offshoot of tp3
  12. come to think of it, the gender options in the personal settings...just noticed all the "new" options. please don't tell me they've been there since 2013 as well
  13. because he doesn't have the body type to go well fitting. he's round around the hips. proof:
  14. This is going to be fun. Although, I must say I do believe Trump to be someone who will take everything down with him if he goes down. And because he's the president, everything is a lot. In the process of going down, WW3 might be closer than ever. If he could start it by making tweets, he'll do it.
  15. I'm actually surprised that the article assumes these 'conspiracy theorists' are just that, instead of trolls who might even be paid to troll. As I'm sure that bullshit didn't stop with the elections. It's still ongoing (similar to the 33% of nonsense trump twitter followers). Seems willfully ignorant, imo. And the other lesson should be to avoid being in the news/media at all costs. Just say no if you've been a witness of some newsworthy incident, when asked to be interviewed. Choose your 15mins of fame carefully.
  16. that's an awkwrad logic. that's like saying that evolution keeps no memory of past generations. it's not a literal memory. but human memory is certainly not literal either. so the whole notion of memory is a bit off. also, an artificial neural network can be given a simple kind of memory by making a recurrent connection (technical at t1 the network also uses information from the previous state t0. last, the distinction between continuous time and discrete time is really not that relevant. just like digitising an analogous audio signal. if you play it back, it's just the same. only discrete in a for the human ears impossible to hear way.
  17. so a genetic algorithm would be stateful? http://boxcar2d.com/ different results guaranteed. :)
  18. The difference between "stateless" and "stateful" is in technical terms only a small difference. Do you train a static model, or is your model dynamic? A static model becomes dynamic of you simply keep on giving it feedback (or reinforcement). In terms of complexity there's not a big difference between stateless and stateful. A simple stateful example would be google translate. It works on a model which is continuously updated. If only by adding more text to the corpus, which it uses to model language. alphazero go can be seen as a transition into what you'd call stateful. simply because it's capable to train itself without human intervention. you have to actively make it stateless by pulling a switch which says "stop learning". Until you pull that switch, it's stateful, in your terms, I'm guessing.
  19. Well, what's unique about the Feldman case, I guess, is that he tries to walk in MJ's footsteps with his music/dancing and altogether weirdness. Don't think it's likely molestation-victims show this kind of mirroring behavior. Could def be wrong though. But I would certainly consider it possible that he's fucked-up by someone elses bullshit, instead of MJ. Or perhaps less so by MJ and more by one or more other people. It shouldn't be a surprise if that was the case. But who knows. We'll never find out, i guess. Unless some ancient Hollywood CP ring is discovered. Have they checked Weinsteins laptop already?
  20. I think you should read up on the newer alphago version: https://www.inc.com/lisa-calhoun/google-artificial-intelligence-alpha-go-zero-just-pressed-reset-on-how-we-learn.html Also, i get the impression that 'stateles function' might be personal jargon, or otherwise jargon which might be from a different field. In AI autonomous agents are 'stateful' almost by definition, i'd argue. Almost, because less complex agents might get away with a 'stateless function' I'm guessing. A self-driving car would probably need to learn as it goes. And continuously improves it's states. But I'm not sure whether I'm using your concepts as you would define them. Think I get the general idea, though.
  21. The current president already seems quite similar. Being the best ever and all that... Would be a blast if Feldman would replace Kelly in the current white house. XD
  22. He hasnt post anything for quite a while. Starting to think he currently posts under a different name. With some added changes to his posting layout (not the pseudo poems) In case you were wondering: no i'm not hacked by limpy. Might be a similar pathology though...
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