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Everything posted by goDel

  1. That's a fair assessment I'm sure we can all agree on :)
  2. can't login at twitter atm, but please tell me the other people she follows are michelle obama and hillary clinton. and seth abramson lol
  3. The thing that got people wondering is how it's possible that a tiny group of investors can finance such a thing as "space-exploration" (using a general umbrella term here). It seems to imply that the amount of wealth concentrated at a small group of people is so big that they can throw money at building spaceships. That's something which used to be typically funded by tax-payers in public space. Now it's still funded by tax-payers, but in commercial space. Outside the reach of democracy. (sure, people can "vote" with their money, but wealth is so concentrated, it ends up in fewer and fewer places anyways. so "choice" in this context means little) There's no democratic process to vote whether this money should go to providing healthcare, education, building roads, defence, etc. This is about spending huge chunks of money in the private domain. Arguably taken from public domain. Other than that, I've got no problems with Elon Musk or innovation/entrepreneurs. I just have some questions about the concentration of wealth which has made this possible.
  4. A bit of emotional salvation for our people living in the Trump heartlands against their will. Entertaining piece to free your mind. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/1/26/1736348/-I-Hang-A-Sign-That-Says-GOD-BLESS-THE-FBI-And-Am-Visited-By-The-Ghost-Of-Abbie-Hoffman
  5. It's a huge gaslighting experiment where one persons dominant reality gets amplified so much, you have to believe it yourself in order to be able to exist in this alternate version of reality. This is what harassment is all about, really. Your sense of reality is being hammered to pieces until you submit and admit you're wrong and they're right. It's all your fault. This is Harvey Weinstein on a national scale. Without the sexual acts, but with the psychological harassment and actual threats. If you wondered what psychological harassment is about, well, now you know. The moment you stop believing you know what is up or down and you surrender to some other reality out of pure exhaustion, you've been harassed. It's hard to explain..
  6. Also, with what we're currently seeing, I'm not sure it's fair to say the dems are just as bad as the reps. If you want to argue both reps and dems equally depend on a small group of financial donors, I'd agree. Plus, I'd also like to ironically note there's good people on both sides. :)
  7. Good point. I'd say it matters if you're in the majority of the minority though. It's different when you're a majority. Easier to say the minority is just as bad (so you can stay on our side). The minority has to somehow convince people supporting the majority to switch to the minority. In that context, saying you're just as bad as the majority wouldn't be very helpful. It's a different game. It's a false equivalence.
  8. The most interesting thing, imo, to come out of this nonsense memo is the effect it has on the civil liberties discussion. Because it depends heavily on civil liberties arguments. As is posted in the intercept, for instance. A silver lining might be, this will actually help to rationalize the civil liberties discussion. If it's not a well informed discussion, you can end up in lala-land defending civil liberties for the wrong reasons and with a potentially disastrous outcome. Any malignant idiot can use civil liberties arguments to get away with their bullshit. And civil liberties could become criminal liberties. The biggest win, imo, is that it has become fairly obvious there is no moral high ground in this discussion.
  9. ... he should have kept it secret. way more effective. but whatever... mueller, please finish your job asap. kthxbye
  10. isn't it strange the government decided on continuing fisa only weeks ago and now are crying it's not functioning? (obv the memo is just a hype and will not even be released as it's got no substance whatsoever. classic trump tactic. believe me. file under obama birth certificate) doesn't happen often, but this looks like good reporting to me
  11. Interesting interview with David Cay Johnston who wrote a book, or rather books, about Trump. After 20mins it gets into the meat of why "it's even worse than you think". If you can spare the time, watch it.
  12. Might as well say that people in Belgium are batshit crazy.
  13. And some useful info about how FISA works could be useful, now that it looks like Rosenstein will be the next target https://twitter.com/asharangappa_/status/958001004997378048
  14. A few words of relief about the events about the FBI Edit: its the thread stupid
  15. american democracy has become a muppet show. literally
  16. grtz from the netherlands part 2 :) dutch investigative journalism published in may last year. it's the first of 3 parts, i believe
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