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Everything posted by Mag

  1. Mag


    wrong thread. silly me
  2. Mag


    this. combine with track duration for a full effect. on topic: it will be the contest of gear we will send to richard, to get a chance of winning THE remix! (since joyrex said about logistics and stuff, this is the only valid option i see) winner announcing will be online, by richard himself, making remix live on the best sent piece of gear.here on watmm. now everything fits
  3. Mag


    syro is dubstep / imminentcore / wobbletuss - it's official info, stop arguing please
  4. Mag


    Where do you hear dubstep? Its simply not there.Isn't s950tx16wasr10[163.97][earth portal mix] dubstep between: 03:42-04:15? I always thought that sounded more like garage. Starting at 2:37, that song is no longer drum n bass, really. but I still wouldn't call it "dubstep". Cuz it isn't. everything with woooooobwobwobwobwob is considered dubstep, and it's a fact! abd don't take me seriously on that one
  5. Is there more tracks of steinvord anyone knows about, or that's it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP Backyard Maelstorm Iyff Acid e1 (Lyff Acid Edit 1) Cyg X-1 (untitled 11) Ontrack v2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myspaces Room Rules the Read II Untitled Untitled 9 Untitled 11 Untitled 97 phorumwanky 'intelligent review mix' (also never heard it untill today, yey, new steinvord for me!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- btw anyone can give me phorumwanky im mp3/whatever?
  6. Mag


    it has drum n bass, club music, weird aphex moments, pop songs, piano ambient, rave anthems and even dubstep! from 80's funk to 10's EDM, best bass available on the market, with catchiest tunes and trippiest effects! confusing layered lyrics and doubled song names mixed with foreign singing, with even more puzzles to unsolve! with technical songs being symbolyc and metaphors such as playful, everything is in it's right place morphing of the tracks was never being so conceptually well done, being just bunch of random stuff combine it with smart marketing and 13 (7 actually ffs) years of waiting and you got it! the best electronic album ever created! get your fucking copy of syro today!
  7. it was my grandma and specially trained cat on catamine, i have video evidence
  8. no he's Florian Shmidt, german designer
  9. maybe car accident or something like that, and the album is in memory of a talent, who might have been great but passed too early. maybe he just lost interest at some point (like Clifford Gilberto or that other dude who just released one great album and bought his vine yard and never came back). This is really obscure, i dunno. Probably it's all bollocks and and this is another bradly strider indeed, that's what i think. But there's still 0.5% that it could been done by some reeeally nerdy fan who emulated them for a couple of years straight. BTW i had a friend named emizkit (eminem+limp bizkit) who tried to do music/rap aswell (but not as good ofc). Pretty common thing to mash up the names of your favorite artists you would like to be one day, specially when you are kid I also had something like this, but i don't remember what exactly, weed makes me forget things =(
  10. my post got half cut for some reason =) so, if he got good ear and talent, and made music since 13-14, he could mimic the sound. Hell, he's not even done anything new and groundbreaking, like tom and richard, just druksq b-sides basically. i still think that it's richard/tom/both, just like you, but i don't think that it's THAT unbelivable for a teen/someone else to copy this sound if they really wished. prodigy people do excist, you know. Other story is what happened to him after...
  11. let's take squarepusher. it took him about 5-6 years from crot EP to Go Plastic. unbelivable improvement. and there was nothing alike (except Twin) at that time, they needed to do it from scratch. steivord basicly already heard that techniques, if he had a good ear and t
  12. Well, Steinvord was 18 at the time, probably a couple years younger when he started making these tracks, and I think Monolith is older than him so... how is this uncompatible anyway? But yeah, I do not hear Monolith on these as well. well i agree, i don't know the age of monolith (anyone does?), but from photo on discogs he looks pretty young. and i can believe that it could be done by some child prodigy, specially if he started doing music at really young age (like Richard). i personally knew a guy who wrote really good technical idm and he could mimic sounds, but was lacking the sense of harmony and music in his tracks. could be same stuff. untitled 97 tune sounds like melodies from mars and is not so technical, and untitled 9/room too. could be done by many. but some tracks on other hand, specially those on EP...they have that evil richard fuckery and spirit on drugs. or tom's. or steinvord's. oh fuck it, hope we'll never know...
  13. Monolith was not even on myspaces (and was a kid probably) when this came out, not even talking about singing to rephlex and i can hear nothing of monolith in these tracks or you are taking a piss?
  14. Mag


    here is my take on circlonts
  15. always wondered if "rules the read" was already a "mem" on this forum, and steinvord just picked it, or was it the opposite way?) i mean track is from early 00's, when watmm was found? (it's not in the rules, i just checked) and ofc ultravisitor is the best
  16. ultra visitor wasn't worth it. some cheese jazzy guitars and women singing. not so plastic
  17. Mag


    Sweeet~ I've been listening to Syro on acid as well; but sulfuric acid. Just lightly brushed on my anus with a watercolor filbert brush. You wouldn't believe it, but when you listen to Syro like this, you get this sensation that your asshole is on fire and melting with sparks. Only recommended for the "surryus Syros peeps out 'dur". When my ring of lava was melting through my 80's metal leather pants, this woman came up to me on the street all sassy: "Iz dem dat Surro? You kno, dat Aaaayfax Twanz, and what like- uh!- and what like- uh!, uuuuun hm, is that dem dat Surrrro durr yu got durr n' yo hand raht dur?!" Then I said, "Bitch, you best getchyo hands off mah Syro, fo I reck yo car wiv mah keeeyz.", and then I realized that the sulfuric acid has LSD in it, which caused the bum to burn with a rainbow iridescence. I was in fact just doing freestyle rap with a Japanese woman visiting a temple. Gotta admit- the flow was pretty tight, though. Like da butt. Like da SURRR'o obu da ARFAX TWAAAANZ. yeeeessss!)
  18. gosh who else could it be at that time, like really, point fingers =) and with that name on a that label? it was for MEN i guues, but the future of that label was uncleared, so they desided to drop it. after some time realized that still dope and fans actually want those pisstakes from acid jams it's not just techichues or samples or watever. were talking like aura stuff here this thread is doomed on walking in circles untill some interview 2019 he/they will state that "it's not that it would been mystix or all, there was some clues and stuff# blurp, derp burp as with the tuss. but comon, use your ears.
  19. Mag


    u wot m8? i luv yeeeee ^^ its so mindblowing fuck me
  20. Mag


    first time full album on acid. wheres that stepheng traead about suff he asid. focking epic. the music of gods no less
  21. Mag


    It's not new music. Maybe melodies from mars? - Richard: "gunna release a lot of my old back catalogue in the nr future on Warp" - Richard: "I just need Warp or someone to come around and say, ‘Come on, let's fucking get these things out.’" - 4Chan post that has been correct so far said 2 albums from Richard this year. (Badger artwork?) - Joyrex’s avatar - "1. Syro 2. Melodies from Mars 3. Electro-mechanical stuff. 4. Boxset 85-95. 5. New album post-Syro." JR: Two out of three ain't bad... Probably just wishful thinking, though. I love that album to death. New old shit is imminent. it's not MFM, Joyrex confirmed, and i honestly don't think it has to do anything with music at all. putting old music on bandcamp is not as exiting as 2nd LP as well, we already have the songs and there was 2 albums from richard this year - CW and Syro. ofc CW may have been "unplanned", but who knows... maybe a new religion and kickstarter building of a church? or book of photo-works with vulgar poems (he's been loving photography for a long time i remember)? videoclip on every song of Syro (since Joyrex posted it in Syro thread) anything
  22. Mag


    rephlex TV series or "Aphex Twin - the Movie" would be great richard autobiography with list and review of all drugs he took, ever creating a aphex-society/country in middle of nowhere (like he said in last interviews) where it's raving all the time school of saint richard, where he will educate young spanish guys how to write more drukqs official site for everything aphex, at long last i also had this thought - what if rephlexians told joyrex to make an announcement, to see what fans will assume to be more exiting than new music? if they like some of the variants - they do it.
  23. Mag


    people seem not to like produk 29 that much, and i wonder why? there isn't a topic on produk 29 either, like other songs (there is even 3 pages of 180db, also a great track ofc) i get a sexy pizza boner everytime i hear first notes, can't get enough of it...
  24. Mag


    monday??? i was hoping to finally leave the forums and live a normal life, like normal people, since no announcement apparently, but noooooooo.... btw great news!
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