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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. What's this about printing money? Tax the fucking rich, tax corporations, remove tax loopholes, shut down tax havens. There's trillions of dollars that is doing fuckall than enriching fuckers who will not even live to see the worst of climate change. Bring out the guillotines if you have to, shit is getting serious. And young people like AOC are actually getting fed up with this status quo that is actively ruining their future and their kids, if they even want to have kids into a world that is surely going to become much worse within the upcoming decades.


    The US contributes 15% of the world CO2 emissons, half of what China does. Yes, the developing world is contributing an increasing amount, but that's just because they also want the same standard of living as the industrialized countries has had for a century, thanks to the exploitation by said industrialized countries. This is a GLOBAL problem and it needs GLOBAL effort to curtail. Fine that countries are trying to do something on a nation-level, but without true GLOBAL cooperation and consequences to those that do not do their part, it will simply not be enough. Greatest scam is how the responsibility to fight climate change has been reduced to an individual level (remember to recycle, use collective transport, fly less, eat less meat etc), instead of on an industrial level, on a national and optimally on an international level. Within a century we'll all be fucked.


    All in all, personally I have absolutely no hope that anything substantial will be done to lessen the impact of climate change before it's too late. It will get out of hand, mass migration of displaced people, scarcity of arable land, declining food production, famine and wars. And to us who live in our cushy and developed world will likely see an increase in authoritarianism and all the goodies that entails.

  2. People like AOC and others like her are the new type needed to get shit to change. The Dems are as much in the pocket of the moneyed class as the GOP and are dragging their feets in affecting change. Having a 'lesser of two evils' thinking when choosing who to vote on the D side is why things don't change. We need radical change and quick. The actual planet is getting fucking wrecked and there is absolutely no urgency about it...all this BS talk about processes on how to get actual policies that will cut down on GHG just doesn't cut it anymore


    I absolutely loathe this liberal centrist take on radical propositions on how to change things. Centrists are as awful as MAGA chuds in my book.

  3. Well that's good news. I'm just hoping for something good, not expecting great as their past albums but if it is that'll be...great. Tool must be pretty nervous since anticipation is so high. I wonder if that anticipation kept them from wanting to put out their music for so long. 



    I think the long time between releases is due to some lawsuits about insurance or someshit like that, general life getting in the way and them being very particular in what they want.

  4. What's wrong with being lefty? Right-wing ideological hegemony over the past 150 or so years has brought us fancy gadgets to waste away on but also wealth inequality and a planet that will be uninhabitable for the majority of the people let alone what it has done to the various biomes.

    IMO, time to dust off the guillotines and cull the exploiters from our midst and start building towards a more egalitarian society.

  5. there might be more people against Trump/GOP, but they've rigged the election system to their advantage so they'll have a grasp on power for the forseeable future. For change to occur, the non-GOP parties need to start winning back local houses of representatives and so on. Enact laws that will make it harder to gerrymander and disenfranchise voters.

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