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Posts posted by azatoth

  1. The orange shitgibbon in the WH is far more entertaining and cause for concern than possible alien visitations. This is the world we live in.

  2. Oh, they are going to churn out these movies along with the Marvel stuff as long as they make money and so far they keep raking it in.


    Hopefully Johnson can do something different with it and keep it fresh. I am already meh about all these Marvel movies coming out. Star Wars isn't quite there yet. But then again, I feel like Disney is playing a lot of the times really safely when producing these movies and it tends to be milquetoast stuff. 

  3. The House Intelligence Committee GOPers voted to release the memo, but did not allow the committee Dems to release their response to it. From reports of people that has seen it, says it's a big nothingburger and will further embarrass Nunes and generally the GOP who are so clearly trying to run interference on the Mueller probe.

    It's a big shit sandwich alright. 


    And I can't wait for all the "Trump became president today" hot takes after his SOTU address, because the US media is useless and worthless. 

  4. The next president should just start repealing any laws signed by Trump, basically erasing any trace of him ever being president. Kinda like Trump is trying to do with Obama. It would be like the US saying " We know we fucked up, now lets wipe the table clean and start again". But I doubt that would be enough to repair the damage Trump has caused already.

    His first year has felt like several years just because there have been more scandals than a normal presidency has in eight years.

    It has also exposed how broken the political system is in the US is. Need to get that sorted too. 

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