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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. i'm going away fro the weekend and have to leave me rabiit on her own for two days. i don't like to do this.
  2. just watching that video nearly made me squirt. ah tell thee! i had recently had a burger, at a place, but it was quite frankly sub par and I'd rather not mention it. in fact please lets never mention it again. *curls into fetal position, cries*
  3. did someone post this one? ah fuck it i don't care.
  4. This thread just made me thin of a great band/DJ name. Pineapple Holocaust. Whajarockon eh?
  5. have you tried getting a bike? lol, no actually, just take some acid. (this is for sofa guy)
  6. i went to see it last night and i rather liked it. wasn't expecting to feel Ryan Gosling in the role, but hes grown on me, and he did a good job. i liked the casting of all the cast, including Jared Leto who did a nice turn of channeling Tyrell I think. Sylvia Hoas was great! Non plussed by Ana de Armas who came over a little too anime for me, but it worked as part of the aesthetic. Taling of which I liked but wasn't quite grimy enough for me, not sure about the Kubrickian Las Vegas girls. Anyway, as a huge fan of the original I'm bound to be hard to please. I'm going to rewatch it and think about it more... 7.5/10
  7. apple juice was invented in the olden days as an alternative to drinking your own piss. really and truly you're meant to leave it for a while until it turns into "cider" all other forms of consumption are incorrect.
  8. alimentary my dear Watson. if you really don't get why anal is a problem/big deal, then try shoving a large carrot up your arse.
  9. looks like an onion sandwich with some other veggies on it. thought this was a burger thread. ♂ hahaha i do love my burger accessories. only downer is i can't find burger relish for love nor money. wtf happened to it?
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