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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Wow! Much cat, so bacon. SPACE! Oh dear you can't see the bacon. The cat on my shirt is standing on bacon.
  2. hey guys! when friends fight, no one wins.
  3. Have the pleasure of being able to look up and actually see the stars for a change. Sadly don't have the capacity to take pictures of them. Stupid phone camera.
  4. https://soundcloud.com/dave-monolith/rush-the-chef-mix
  5. i have a friend who had recurrent issues with acne, when she read up on it there was a lot of literature suggesting that dairy could be a trigger. after having tried literally everything else she thought she would give it a try and stopped eating cow dairy (but continued goats milk etc) magically the issue cleared up. http://drhyman.com/blog/2011/02/11/do-milk-and-sugar-cause-acne/
  6. after a short search i came across this information about gabapentin on wikipedia. "In 2009 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning of an increased risk of depression and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in patients taking gabapentin, along with other anticonvulsant drugs[43] modifying the packaging insert to reflect this.[38] A 2010 meta analysis confirmed the increased risk of suicide associated with gabapentin use.[44]" http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=185674 bupropion looks interesting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bupropion plus it could help you give up smoking.
  7. Not sure, pretty sure the worst is over though, so it's uphill from here. I'll probably be perfectly dandy in a couple weeks; such is the nature of bipolar disorder. I have a support system to get me through the worst parts. downhill you mean. i just looked up the term "ideation" as i think i misunderstood you initially. i think being aware of the signs early can help.
  8. Oh well stick at it, I'm still concerned that you were self harming though. Why do you think it came to that?
  9. Have you only seen one doctor? If the meds aren't working perhaps it might be wise to try something else. Getting better really depends on getting the right treatment.
  10. No suicide attempts but heavy ideation and some forms of moving toward it (I don't want to go into detail). And yeah, I think I'm just dissociated a bit, which makes everything feel fake. In actuality I probably am just a social guy. Also, so as not to freak anyone here out, the ideation is not nearly as bad anymore, which is why they let me out. Oh dear that doesn't sound good. At the risk of repeating what someone else may have said, have you tried counselling?
  11. Hmmm yeah I went through a period where I was very self analytical and felt like the "joker" side of me was fake, but then I took a step back and asked myself why I.thought I was being fake. I came to the conclusion that I was being overly self critical and that the funny side if myself was part of who.I am.and just to enjoy it. Why did you end up in hospital?
  12. Plus! People tend to blame themselves for things beyond their control. As soon as you start going easier on yourself you might find the pressure release. And let go of your anger, it's corrosive at best. Even if it's justified.
  13. I know this may sound like a cliché but when I was really down several years ago I found Zen really helpful.
  14. Put plate in oven and have rabbit dinner. That'll teach it. what happened next? MC waited till the rabbit pooped and then ate that. What happened about the job he means. I already explained the rabbit eats her own.
  15. Yeah, I'm excited for sure. Sam Mendes is directing again (he directed Skyfall). Unfortunately Roger Deakins won't be returning as DP. He's one of the reasons Skyfall was so good, with those consistently brilliant shots throughout. For anyone who doesn't know, Deakins is the cinematographer for pretty much the entire Coen bros catalog as well as some classics like Shawshank Redemption. DPs are very much the unsung heroes of the world of film. Yes he's amazing, the only reason I watched Skyfall.
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