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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. Dj laughing with salad Dj why can't I hold all these limes Dj haha sexual
  2. Dj tony hawks on a hoverboard
  3. DJ cillit bang BANG! And the dirt is gone
  4. DJ Mmmm Baked Potato DJ pedo groce out fail DJ there was no safe word
  5. DJ Take That and Party DJ I accidentally ran myself over with my own car because of a baked potato DJ boy band prophylactics
  6. what kind of absurd DJ name is that? this thread is for serious suggestions only, thanks. DJ cat clasping a copy of syro to a table leg while looking seriously disturbed
  7. DJ just fucked to Scion Arrange+Process Basic Channel
  8. I've just come across a DJ called Willie Burns
  9. black earl grey tea with lemon. wholegrain toast and the last of the delicious mushroom pate from borough market.
  10. For some reason complete strangers come speak to me when I'm outside. In general this is pretty rare in Finland, especially here in the north. Couple of my friends have this theory that it's because I look so unthreatening. This summer some guy I've never seen before just biked next to me and started suggesting that I come with him to his home to smoke pot. This was during daytime on Sunday. What the actual fuck. I have the approachable face too, its been referred to as "toilet face" meaning people usually ask you where the toilets are. However I would call it "map face" as it usually ends up people asking me directions. I take this duty of the mapface very seriously and endeavour to give people directions, in some cases even walking them there (only if I'm headed in that direction anyway). The flip side of this though is sometimes I make them up as I can't stand to not have an answer. My screwed up mapface should tell them they could be being sent in the wrong direction though.
  11. And while your at it, make yourself a little hat too.
  12. Isn't it 11am or something there? Hardcore. Plus rocket fuel isn't even a drink. *fistbump*
  13. The trick is to underplay your abilities and make people think you're dumb.
  14. The £3.99 bottle of red I bought at the Co-op was a bit meh, but I made it into a nice tinto with some lemon and lime fizzy water. Get in!
  15. What kind if an animal wishes a perfect stranger have "a nice evening"? Totally disgusting. On a serious note though, that guy following her was very creepy.
  16. Lol! Was waiting for the parodys to turn up.
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