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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. https://soundcloud.com/dwaallicht/32614-mp3
  2. I liked Funny People too, I'm thinking the film is semi autobiographical.
  3. I was going to post a long and eloquent diatribe against the American government, heavily referencing Noam Chomsky. But then I thought, nah I'll just post this.
  4. Punch Drunk Love 8/10 Has PTA ever made a bad film? The performance he gets from Sandler is exceptional. This reminds me of when Carrey did The Truman show and everyone was like "holy shit he can act?". I'm a strong believer that comic actors are the best, especially in these kind of roles. Mainly due to their uncanny ability to evoke great pathos. I'd like to see Adam do another role like this, or maybe even a bit more grumpy sad like Anger Management. There's something very classic 80s about it for some reason (which I love), maybe the grade and camera technique.
  5. the rabbit jumped onto and sat on my breakfast. now she's eating it!
  6. I tried to beatbox once, I sounded like Pob having an asthma attack.
  7. Yeah what's that about? Edit: i just checked out what that's about, doesn't sound too shocking. maybe i'll watch it tonight.
  8. MUD - Matthew McConaughey/10 so glad he stopped doing fluffy rom coms and started taking more challenging roles. i wasn't expecting to like this as much as i did, really enjoyable. next up i think will have to be Dallas buyers Club and then Killer Joe, i've been avoiding the later though due to hearing about a very disturbing scene.
  9. Thankyou I've fallen really behind with Fargo, really must catch up.
  10. i've found an ingenious way to clean up the poop the rabbit does outside the tray. i put them in front of her, and she eats them! both groce and hilarious.
  11. The smallest size you can buy alpro is actually pretty large and it always goes off way before I can use it. Why don't they do smaller cartons?
  12. This also features one of my Christmas jumpers, don't get much more win than that. Luci is now pretty huggy, she jumped up there herself and chilled with me for a while. Lapine luv.
  13. oh gawd, i feel your pain! in the same boat here with similar stuff.. part of why i have a mental blocakde thinking about weddings [: i don't know if you meant to quote me here, but the palava of it is enough to put off any sane person with complex family issues. seriously though guys just fly to Vegas and get married in a chapel by Elvis, dressed as a Goodfella and a Showgirl.
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