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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Pirtek

  1. Pirtek

    elseq 1-5

    That's fair enough :-)
  2. Pirtek

    elseq 1-5

    it isn't (unless you use five different accounts) I thought it was? £7 each. £25 for all five.
  3. Pirtek

    elseq 1-5

    Same here ! Doing it the same way I'd watch a tv show, one episode a week !!! the AE_Live were just too much to handle and I never managed to wrap my head around it so... Exactly!
  4. Pirtek

    elseq 1-5

    Curvcaten is my current favourite. Fantastic track!!!!
  5. Pirtek

    elseq 1-5

    Buying and listening to these one at a time (I know its more expensive this way, but I can't afford the whole thing at the moment) this way I can really take in each track better. Loving it so far!
  6. Pirtek

    elseq 1-5

    This is amazing!!!!
  7. I too listen to Syro daily
  8. xmas evet10 or minipops as a 'live' track doesn't seem believable to me, but all the others do. I heard that Orbital used to work this way too.
  9. Oh, please not! Extreme ornamentation on tracks that really doesn't hold up on it's own serves no use. Make good tracks instead. (I mean "180db_" works because there's a cheesy hook and some stompy drums, not any detailed programming without a track behind it!) I would much more prefer something like The Tuss tracks or Polygon Window stuff... OR will there ever be a solid 4 track EP like AB4 again? (then again... considering his fantastic output already... how many great tracks can ONE person write?) (the formatting on this board is weird) Yeah, he's fantastic! The last few days I've listened to The Tuss, Polygon Window and Syro. It is quite amazing just how much great stuff he's written!
  10. no, to me it's the opposite. longer track kind a challenges the listener, takes much more time to 'know' the whole track. it's soo rewarding when you can beat through some long track, such track as XMAS. Agreed. Once you get to grips with it, seems shorter than 10 minutes.
  11. Just finished listening to it. Like Bread said, skillfully crafted.
  12. I think that's really the key. It happened for me a couple months after the album was released...only just now truly absorbing the depth of it all. It's an absolutely immaculate album; I've warmed up partly to 180db_ but not at all to aisatsana. It's a great track, but it just doesn't work with the rest of the album at all, even being tacked on the end. I thought the same about aisatsana. Great on it's own, just not with the album. I've now changed my mind. I listen to the album with the Japanese bonus track all the time now. Great finish to a fantastic album. The more you listen the more depth you realise there is to it. Always hearing something new. This is fast becoming better than the tuss for me and I'm a big fan. Oh and I too am warming to 180db lately:-)
  13. I'm loving Syro so much at the moment. Playing it at least twice a day.
  14. S950tx16wasr10 (Earth Portal Mix) is still one of my fave. As is Syro u473t8 e (Piezoluminescene Mix)tbh, I'm loving the album as a whole. Play it most nights in the living room, everyone in the family are starting to dig as well (not that they have much choice!) I'd better be careful, they'll get sick of it soon! Me, I could listen to it on repeat at the moment.
  15. I probably need to get into it a bit more.
  16. It's good, but Syro is the best for me. Yeah, that part is pretty fantastic!!
  17. give Syro time, your brain must recollibrateas much as i love RDJ album, i think its nowhere close Depends what kind of music you prefer really. Syro is fast, complex and dark in a lot of places. RDJ album is warm and playful. Agreed. Personally, I like Syro more than Steinvord. In the last couple of years I've listened to mainly Analord and The Tuss. Syro has so much going on and new things are always discovered with every play. A masterpiece.
  18. Loving Syro so much at the moment. Can't stop playing it.
  19. Giving the dump a rest for a few days, I've become a bit obsessed with Syro at the moment.
  20. Yeah, Ssnb and SsbA are probably among my favourites out of all of the dump. Fantastic!!! I still cant believe how lucky we all are!
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