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Friendly Stranger

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Posts posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. 11 hours ago, zero said:

    I remember being at work when the live stream happened. I wasn't able to listen right as it started, tuned in around the point when the thwapy snare drum was hitting in Jacquard Causeway. p sure next thing I must have done was to lurk over in the watmm thread that was probably going ape shit at that moment, and do recall (like the articles author stated) a lot of resistance to that track. due to this event, whenever that track rears its militant head, I am instantly brought back to that moment from 10 years ago when I first heard it...and I'm still not a fan of it haha. 

    Jacquard Causeway is a challenging track for sure, it’s like listening to a panic attack. Even though it makes me anxious I love it for that. It reminds me of how I feel when I hear Gyroscope - it puts me on alert and boosts the heart rate a bit, but I keep coming back. 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Ski Nell said:

    any nice reissues planned? come on warp!

    Hoping at the very least the brothers peek their heads up (i.e. "like" things on socials remembering the album or better yet, giving hope for a new album)

    TH hit me at a very vulnerable time. My wife and I had just moved back from San Francisco (makes the album art hit even harder) and were having a hard time adjusting to our post-SF lifestyle. I needed something to distract me from the turbulance and the Record Store Day stuff couldn't have come at a better time. Already being an obsessed BoC fanboy I was all in on the ARG media campaign. Following the updates, trying to peice together the clips, etc. etc. The Reach for the Dead showing in Shibuya City was euphoric for me, because it was clear at that point an album was en route. 

    Like others I wasn't totally sure what we had on our hands at first listen. I almost felt like they leaned into the concept a little too hard and TH almost felt more like a soundtrack than a proper album. After a few playthroughs it started to resonate more and more, and I better understood the approach, influences, and theme. Depending on the day, it's my favorite BoC album. I think it has some of the prettiest vignette tracks out of any of their releases. Nothing is Real is a top 5 BoC track for me, it never fails to give me goosebumps even after a decade. It's such a rich, eerie album in ways that Geogaddi can't even touch (not taking a damn thing away from Geogaddi) but there are also moments of pure bliss, as rare as they are. The end of New Seeds in particular, which will always in my mind be asssociated with the 6 'records' they put out spelling out the codes. 

    As bleak as it can seem, it was an album I desperately needed at the time, and still need now. It gave me something I could dive in to, appreciate, and hang on to through a pretty challenging time in my life. The wife and I are good now, and better people for having gone through the move/transition as many couples are going through big life changes together. But godamn did I need this album. 

    I'm a cheesy, idealistic homer/fanboy and I accept that, but man does it feel like it's time to have another album to obsess over and cherish. Like the article said it's impossible to imagine what it'd even sound like, which is what makes it an even more tantalizing proposition. Whatever comes, and I do believe they have something on the way, will almost certainly be worth the wait. Tomorrow's Harvest sure as hell was.

    • Like 6
  3. https://www.stereogum.com/2226024/boards-of-canada-tomorrows-harvest-turns-10/reviews/the-anniversary/

    There’s no news of a new album, and given that they only have four full-length albums that share a lot of common thematic and stylistic ground, it’s hard to picture what one would even look like, let alone sound like. Would it be dark and unfriendly or pastoral and calm? Would it reward the algorithm or clash jarringly against it? Would the cover be the usual blue or would they settle on a different shade? Would they try some new tricks like vocals or would they stay strictly in their instrumental wheelhouse? The only answer is silence, punctuated by the sound of an alkaline wind blowing faintly and distantly from Tomorrow’s Harvest.


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  4. Love the first 2 tracks tbh. I like the Forest alot, I'm into his moody vignettes/ambient pieces, but do not care for the vocals at the end, yikes. 

    Always down to listen to what he's making. He's clearly moved on from the style of his earlier works. Whether it lands or not, his stuff is always at the very least interesting to me. 

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  5. On 5/21/2023 at 12:50 AM, Hugh Mughnus said:

    I seem to be in the vast minority but I thought Iradelphic was great. Everything after that I couldn’t get into but I have some hopes for this new release….

    I also love Iradelphic. 

    Giving Sus Dog a spin now, I find it surprisingly good!

    • Like 2
  6. 48 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

    I know nothing (no inside tracks anymore; haven't had any for years), but let's call it "experience" due to my age... or as the kids say "my hot take"?

    We're not getting anything ever again. They're done with music (at least releasing it commercially). I would LOVE to be wrong though. Maybe reissues (Twoism), but nothing new per se.

    No BOC set, no pre-Twoism material, nada.

    Again - just my personal old man jaded pessimistic opinion.

    Or... they just do things in their own time, and 10+ years is what they think is an appropriate timeframe.

    I’m an old man and I have the opposite take, or at least agree with your last sentence that they’re on their own timeline. I think new music will surface, and a BoC set is less likely simply because people have already been listening to it for years. I also think they prefer that older stuff to live on dusty cassette tapes and not heavyweight vinyl. 

    but what do any of us know, really.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

    Alco Official BOC Theory (TM)

    i suspect the brothers have utilized DNA tracking technology (e.g., 23 and me) to discover further brothers who are being trained in BOC studio techniques. some of these brothers were too young at first and years were needed to raise and train them in the THS environment. the next album will feature several hitherto unknown brothers.

    Interesting if true

  8. 23 minutes ago, Fredd-E said:

    Same here. My LastFM stats show this. Easy on the BoC the last couple of years. But I'm ready to dive into it all again when the moment comes.

    Still on pretty regular rotation for me, not that I'm not diving into different artists, genres, etc. but BoC is still a primary listen. Maybe it's in part due to the recent chatter. I also used to follow @Fredd-Es instagram page before I decided to ditch all social media, so the discussion and engagement there kept them top of mind for me. 

    Plus, I'm an unashamed fanboy. I am who I am!

    • Like 2
  9. On 5/3/2023 at 2:28 PM, ignatius said:

    scanned the boiler room set. that kind of stuff reminds of early days of rave before everything got split up into tribes.. when dj's would play stuff from all over the map w/hip hip style breakdowns right into rave pianos and fast breaks or whatever. so, in that way it's nice but seems more pop just because the passage of time and what things look like today in that world. but people are having a good time there and enjoying it so seems all good right?  things that aren't my cup of tea usually come off better when the person on the decks or whatever doesn't present themselves as a super star dj expecting cult worship from trancecrackers.. 

    rambling on...needlessly ?

    also, worth mentioning that in the states it all feels different depending on where someone is. 

    Yea he is a bit much. The eno stuff sounds pretty from what I heard on NTS but I was wrapping up work at the time and not in the zone at all for it. Will try again in a tranquil setting. 

    Dj stuff is fine. Some nice stuff but some obnoxious

  10. On 9/12/2022 at 1:50 PM, markedone said:

    Any word on an official reissue date?

    Ovals and Emeralds was always a bit too circus for my taste, but I'm appreciating it a bit more listening again after years. I'm noticing more similarities in sound with Vignetting; they are likely from a similar studio setup?

    Vignetting the Compost.. while not a perfect album for me (some of the pop/folk hybrids miss the mark for me), it has some of my ALL TIME fav bibio tracks, namely Dopplerton and The Ephemeral Bluebell. I could listen to those forever, and they instantly take me back to a very special time when i was finishing up university. Mr. and Mrs. Compost and Odd Paws are also great fun tracks.

    These are FINALLY getting released! Next month! I'm getting killed on shipping but I've got no choice. Vignetting alone is an essential own for me.


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