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Posts posted by olo

  1. Legion ep5 - Thoroughly enjoyed. The last 10 minutes were ace. Had to turn to another channel to make sure the volume was working on my tv.

    Unfortunately the narrative in this show has probably alienated many viewers who probably won't come back; and probably will alienate more. The ratings just aren't very strong. I, on the other hand, am looking forward to see where it goes.

  2. Development on the sequel to this sequel has already begun:




    Who & why designed the chest-burster? 


    It's just gonna be David because he developed some stupid god complex and views androids as the next bastard step in evolution. His stupid lab is pictured below.

    And if this ain't right, it's gonna be something equally as stupid.




    The OA is pretty awesome. I even liked the ending.

    Just finished "The OA" and I totally agree


    quiet intense and moving



    Only 2 episodes in. Seems competently done so far. My main issue is the gay-bashing, angst ridden drug dealer/filmmaker? Seriously, what teenager brings his rottweiler to an empty building to deal drugs to complete dorks & trans-gender kids? And who bought him that 40oz? completely ridiculous.

  4. uhmmm....ok. From the trailers, I didn't notice many "real" aliens.



    This is a film and Ridley, he loves to do things in camera, so the more we can do… He doesn’t like CG blood. He doesn’t like CG effects. He likes it to complement the work that we do and to do set extensions, but he loves realism. He wants a real alien running around the spaceship and stuff like that.” 
  5. My annoyance with Legion has given way to straight up loving it, the foibles and idiosyncrasies are what makes it endearing, in spite of itself. They seem to be outright imitating a different director with each episode, last week was Gondry, this week was total Gilliam. I'd still like to see more of the outside world, shit, just have Jemaine Clement do a 60 narration and explain everything in his captivating voice.


    Not sure if I'm loving it per se, but definitely on board. I've accepted the non-linear dream/reality hijinx and just going along for the ride. The last half of the past episode was pretty sweet. Although, the one-eyed guy could have just smoked fools instead of running away...

  6. had a little chuckle from this excerpt from President Bush on Ellen DeGeneres show


    Bush said when he visited with tyrants he would suggest they have a free press, which DeGeneres used as a segue to Vladimir Putin. Bush explained the Russian president was not impressed after meeting Bush's dog Barney, a Scottish Terrier.
    "(Putin) kind of dissed him," Bush explained. "He looked at him like, 'You think that’s a dog?' A year later Putin said, 'Would you like to meet my dog?' Laura (Bush's wife) and I were with Putin in this dacha outside of Moscow and she said, 'Ya I'd like to meet him,' and out comes a giant hound kind of loping across the yard, and Putin looks at me and says, 'Bigger, stronger, and faster than Barney.'"
    Moral of the story the 43rd president explained: "He’s got a chip on his shoulder," adding, "I had a contentious relationship with him and I think whoever the president is, is going to find out that Putin will push and push and push until somebody stands up to him."



  7. Legion needs to figure out where it's going, I mean have the kid turn on a TV or something to show what world this exists in. Was the Mutant Registration Act passed in this continuity? Is Section 3 or whatever part of the Feds, or some villainous org, who runs it, funds it? Playing mind games will get old after a while, this episode seemed to heavily lean on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, IMO.


    If the alien blob guy is the same as the comics, this whole thing could be the cosmic reality show with none of it being real. Hopefully it goes in a different direction, but all signs are kinda pointing that way. Blob mind blocking, young David talking to stars, etc...


    [Football guy] Jameis Winston says he used 'poor word choice' after telling kids that girls are 'supposed to be silent'


    "All my young boys, stand up. The ladies, sit down," Winston told his audience. "But all my boys, stand up. We strong, right? We strong! We strong, right? All my boys, tell me one time: I can do anything I put my mind to. Now a lot of boys aren't supposed to be soft-spoken. You know what I'm saying? One day y'all are going to have a very deep voice like this [in deep voice]. One day, you'll have a very, very deep voice.
    "But the ladies, they're supposed to be silent, polite, gentle. My men, my men [are] supposed to be strong. I want y'all to tell me what the third rule of life is: I can do anything I put my mind to. Scream it!"





    The NFL  :cerious:



    oooohhhh, if this thread turns into a jameis winston thread, it will collapse this thread unto itself. That guys a living, breathing dank meme.

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