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Posts posted by olo

  1. Legion (ep3) - Still messy, but really like how they blend horror into this show with the golden eye, blob alien guy setting up shop in David's brain. Don't talk to stars Dave.


    Fargo Season 3 starts April 19th! woot! Thought it was not going to air until fall, pleasantly surprised.

  2. This presser is high comedy.


    And it went a little something like thiiisss...


    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) - President Donald Trump repeatedly complained about unfair media coverage while defending his administration's performance on Thursday.
    "Many of the nation's reporters and folks will not tell you the truth," Trump said, echoing many of the complaints he made as a presidential candidate.
    "The media is trying to attack our administration because they know we are following through on pledges that we made, and they're not happy about it, for whatever reason," he said. "I turn on the news and I see stories of chaos. And yet it is the exact opposite. The administration is running like a fine-tuned machine."
    The president's remarks came at a press conference at which he announced his nominee for secretary of Labor, Alex Acosta. But Trump spent nearly 20 minutes defending his performance and listing the accomplishments of his first month in office.
    "I inherited a mess," Trump said three times before listing his achievements, including pledges from companies to hire more American workers.
    The president, who has been criticized for ignoring questioners from the mainstream media when holding his news conferences with foreign leaders, then took questions from reporters from NPR, NBC News and ABC News, among others.
    While taking questions, however, Trump called recent stories about his campaign advisers' communications with Russia "fake news" and repeatedly said the New York Times was "failing."
    "Russia is fake news," the president said.
    He went on to say "I've never seen more dishonest media than, frankly, the political media."
    "I never get phone calls from the media," Trump added. "How do they write a story like that in the Wall Street Journal without calling me? How do they write a story in The New York Times..."
    "I can handle a bad story better than anybody, as long as it's true," the president said. "But I'm not OK when it's fake."



  3. Senate votes to block rule on guns and mentally impaired


    WASHINGTON - The Republican-led Senate has voted to block an Obama-era regulation that would prevent an estimated 75,000 people with mental disorders from being able to purchase a firearm.


    The 57 to 43 vote to revoke the regulation now sends the measure to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it.


    The Obama administration rule strengthened the federal background check system by requiring the Social Security Administration to include the names of beneficiaries with mental impairments who also have a third party to manage their benefits.


    But critics say the rule was too broad and unfairly stigmatized the disabled. With a Republican ally in the White House, the GOP has moved aggressively to rescind several late Obama administration regulations.


    Taboo - ep6. Sadly, found out this was not an 8 episode mini-series. I thought it was supposed to be. Don't think this show is gonna make it for a season 2 and won't have any closure. C'mon...


    Ahh, this will suck if its not wrapped up nicely.


    Why wouldn't it get a season 2? Seems to get favourable reviews.



    Think the ratings are shit. Low ratings generally equal death. Would have much preferred a mini-series.

    Sadly, Legion also premiered to very week numbers. Verdicts out if that'll be picked up. As others have said....too many shows.

  5. Finally got around to watching this. I enjoyed it for the most part, even if a lot of it had borrowed ideas from other sources (ie: Spielberg, King, under the skin, etc.)

    It posed a lot of questions but gave answers fairly quickly. No LOST bullshit...which I appreciated. There were flaws, especially main characters not being murdered when they should have been. Others that shouldn't have been (Restaurant owner), but then that would have screwed up the plot I guess. The evil spoiled rich kids going all "I'm gonna cut this kid if he doesn't jump" was pretty ridiculous really. Other nit picky blah, blah, blah.


    I'm still down for a second season. I'm a sucker for kid protagonists and cool synths.



    Is there a mutant underground, and what are they fighting against?

    Yea, not really familar with the comics. Who's that creepy blob with the gold eyes?

    Yeah, don't know if I believe totally Prof X won't be mentioned, even if it's just a photo.  David's lineage is a major element of his character, and he may possibly be capable of time travel, as in the books. (hence the vaguely 70s-ish setting)




    Hawley said Prof X will be in it at some point, just not Stewart or McAvoy. He'll be played by somebody else. Probably somebody from Fargo. 

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