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Posts posted by olo


    People want Black and White...sorry, sorry... White and black outcomes for everything. THAT DOES NOT EXIST!!! Well, rarely anyway when it comes to socio-economic solutions.


    Hah, I literally said "it's not black and white, it's more complicated than tha-" once to the reply of "WELL IT SHOULD BE BLACK AND WHITE"




    Thanks for sympathizing, it's nice knowing I'm not alone.

    I might add the high road is fucking hard. It's hard to try to get past the fact that people you empathize with refuse to do the same. I guess pity is the only appropriate response for people who dismiss, mock, and belittle everyone but themselves and their problems.



    I'd share my "Safe Space" with you. I love that one... :/

  2. It's a tough spot josh. I know exactly where you're coming from. How people become so blinded to not acknowledge anything "their" guy does is at least questionable, is beyond me. Out of all the Presidents I've voted for, none were perfect. I could acknowledge what I may have viewed as mistakes and move on. I've never doggedly defended any of them. People want Black and White...sorry, sorry... White and black outcomes for everything. THAT DOES NOT EXIST!!! Well, rarely anyway when it comes to socio-economic solutions. Why people defend Trump to such degree escapes me. I will never understand. 



    Adventure Time : Islands - Sooo Good. Love this show. 


    Fuck I am so behind on this show - 200+ episodes now! I suppose I can pick up without having to backtrack quite a few seasons right?


    I have started watching Moral Orel yesterday and I like it. Only 5 eps far but it's a relaxing 5 minutes and actually pretty funny (despite its cheesy and predictable jokes).


    It relies heavily on the look and feel of those old David & Goliath shows it spoofs but yeah it's pretty good.


    RE: Adventure Time - for the past several seasons, there has been a connected storyline, so I would advise watching from where you left off.



    Papa is right. I forgot about some of the more recent storylines. It did become somewhat serialized. Finn's arm eps especially.


    Adventure Time : Islands - Sooo Good. Love this show. 


    Fuck I am so behind on this show - 200+ episodes now! I suppose I can pick up without having to backtrack quite a few seasons right?



    For 3/4 of the episodes. Some unfortunately tie back to other episodes. But, saying that, it's not a major concern if you jump in wherever. Islands is pretty amazeballs.

  5. Big ups to these two GOP senators. Sadly, Pence gets the final say. Thought there was a chance to avoid this hag.



    Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said on the floor of the Senate that they would vote against Ms. DeVos.
    “I will not, I cannot vote to confirm her as our nation’s next secretary of education,” Ms. Collins said.
    Both senators, who voted to advance her selection out of committee, said they had serious reservations about her lack of familiarity with public schools. “I think that Mrs. DeVos has much to learn about our nation’s public schools,” Ms. Murkowski said.
    Senator Al Franken, Democrat of Minnesota, has said he believes every Democrat will vote against Ms. DeVos. If that is the case, the defections by Ms. Collins and Ms. Murkowski would bring the number of votes against her to 50, setting up a tie in the Senate that Vice President Mike Pence, in his capacity as president of the Senate, might need to come in to settle.
  6. When is this available? When are we going to know it's out there in someone's hands?


    according to this post on his site.



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