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Posts posted by olo

  1. As stated earlier, I work in Dearborn, not too far from Ypsi. If there's releases yall want, I can give Todd a call to check on availability and how many he'd sell per one customer.

    Kinda sounds like a highly sought after craft beer release. ha. 



    Need space for all the drones and stealth helicopters built along the other black projects.


    You ever go to dreamlandresort? They've been the best source on Groom Lake for decades now. In fact they even paid for and requested all of the recent satellite photos of the base, the 2009 and 2011 ones.



    Will do. At this point in our history, we need our alien overlords more than ever. Reveal yourself greys! There's still time to make 2016 even a more wacky year than it has been!

  3. how is the focal banger


    Good. Actually preferred it to Heady. It's strange, I had heady several years ago & absolutely loved it. After having it recently, I sadly was underwhelmed. (I had to give up a ton of BA stouts for these guys). Palate has changed I guess.


    And some brewers in MI are producing "NE style IPAs" that are as good, if not better.


    Trillium's scaled was really good though FYI.


    Founders is one of the best, most reliable "East Coast" breweries.  I say "East Coast" in quotes because really they are from Michigan.  But if the East Coast wants to have any hope of staying competitive against West Coast breweries they need to go a bit broader.


    The East Coast has some wonderful beers to offer. Especially New England. But, they're extremely local and have no interest in wide distribution. (Alchemist, Treehouse, Trillium, Hillstead, etc.) They make some amazing beers, but keeping it a New England thing is just how they role. I love me some of their IPAs, and get my hands on them every now and then. I always contemplate taking a road trip to score some, but, a few of my local breweries have come up with their own take on the "NE style IPA". I'm sad to say, they're as good & in some cases better. Witches Hat & Transient brewing in MI to name a couple. Good times ahead for me.

    If you need any Backwoods Bastard atypic, let me know...although I may be killing it this weekend...


    edit: We also got a ton of Lizard of Koz as well.

  5. If the release date is forward 3 months, this could either be


    A) A good sign that the studio haven't meddled with it and left it as Ridley's creative vision




    B) A bad sign that the studio haven't meddled with it and left it as Ridley's creative vision


    The movie is probably opening against weak competition to secure the top spot in the theaters for a week or 2. Hence the move up.

    All about them dollas bro.

    This is how hollywood judges films. Artistic merit be damned...how much can we stuff the coffers with.




    Man shoots nephew because his nephew got a better plate of food on thanksgiving.




    Man murders nephew.



    I stand corrected. Make sure not to take a better plate of food then that guy...So many things wrong with that story besides the murder. I wouldn't invite a family member over for thanksgiving that just got out of prison for setting his ex-girl on fire. Hindsight is 20/20 though.







      Along with pretty much all our friends that have kids, we have no fucking clue as to how we'll afford ours a decent education for living and working in the 21st century.  What's the point of making more money, saving, etc. if you're just going to have everything taken from you at the financial aid window?





    Trade school my friend. World's gonna need electricians & HVAC techs. Ain't gonna get rich, but the guys I know who are plumbers & electricians make a pretty fine living. The electricians I know are 100+. 



    I actually switched from being a librarian to a land surveyor for this reason. Still need to make more (OT and flex schedule helps though) but I'm working on getting an SIT certification and eventually a license. My employer is sympathetic though and it's a small company which makes it a bit harder to balance expenditures. Also it's a hell of a lot more rewarding than my previous job, which was a monotonous and oft stressful state job with a pay ceiling I reached really quickly.



    There's also something to be said for having a gig, as you do Josh, where you aren't sitting in the same cubicle day in, day out. It's soul sucking man. The fresh air and being outside man.



    I actually moved into an office over a year ago.



    lol. Sorry man. I guess I assumed you were one of those guys in the field using siteline levels and shit.





      Along with pretty much all our friends that have kids, we have no fucking clue as to how we'll afford ours a decent education for living and working in the 21st century.  What's the point of making more money, saving, etc. if you're just going to have everything taken from you at the financial aid window?





    Trade school my friend. World's gonna need electricians & HVAC techs. Ain't gonna get rich, but the guys I know who are plumbers & electricians make a pretty fine living. The electricians I know are 100+. 



    I actually switched from being a librarian to a land surveyor for this reason. Still need to make more (OT and flex schedule helps though) but I'm working on getting an SIT certification and eventually a license. My employer is sympathetic though and it's a small company which makes it a bit harder to balance expenditures. Also it's a hell of a lot more rewarding than my previous job, which was a monotonous and oft stressful state job with a pay ceiling I reached really quickly.



    There's also something to be said for having a gig, as you do Josh, where you aren't sitting in the same cubicle day in, day out. It's soul sucking man. The fresh air and being outside man.



      Along with pretty much all our friends that have kids, we have no fucking clue as to how we'll afford ours a decent education for living and working in the 21st century.  What's the point of making more money, saving, etc. if you're just going to have everything taken from you at the financial aid window?





    Trade school my friend. World's gonna need electricians & HVAC techs. Ain't gonna get rich, but the guys I know who are plumbers & electricians make a pretty fine living. The electricians I know are 100+. 

  10.  they're holding 2 sets of wargames to help prepare Trump for his Commander-in-Chief responsibilities in case of an apocalypse.  Yikes.



    Actually, I find this micro-analyzation of president-elect Trump interesting. The war games practice is a carryover that Bush used when Obama took office. Obama's paying it forward so to speak. I assumed they had drills and such, but never heard it in detail to my recall. To get the nuclear codes, he & his cabinet basically have to pass from what I understand. The way the media is going to dig for every little detail of minutiae regarding this whole transition, and un-doubtedly his presidency, there will be things I learn about this whole process I was unaware of. Albeit mostly boring I'm sure, we may be that fly on the wall and get some interesting tidbits about this slow-motion trainwreck that is the US political system.

    And, I hope with all the media digging, they finally uncover the place they stashed the aliens.

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