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Posts posted by olo


    Mr. Robot S02 season finale - Thoroughly enjoyed. The season got tied up nicely setting up an interesting season 3 with more parts in motion. No Phillip monologue though...wtf?


    Joanna Face meat/10


    Seriously, I hope they open Season 3 with a 10 minute Philip monologue - it should start with an amusing anecdote about the American civil war, touch briefly on sexual hedonism in the 1960s, and close on why he is the most powerful person in the world.


    At least we can kind of see where this is going now.



    Heh. I love me some Phillip monologues. Even though his scenes are basically a monolgue or nothing, I enjoy them.

    Seriously, he's probably my favorite character on the show.


    little miss flint never wrote that letter to President Obama. She could barely form a sentence during interviews on the news and just made stupid faces to the reporter.


    what letter?



    openy's letter to President Obama
    Mr. President,
    Hello my name is Mari Copeny and I’m 8 years old, I live in Flint, Michigan and I’m more commonly known around town as “Little Miss Flint”. I am one of the children that is effected by this water, and I’ve been doing my best to march in protest and to speak out for all the kids that live here in Flint. This Thursday I will be riding a bus to Washington, D.C. to watch the congressional hearings of our Governor Rick Snyder. I know this is probably an odd request but I would love for a chance to meet you or your wife. My mom said chances are you will be too busy with more important things, but there is a lot of people coming on these buses and even just a meeting from you or your wife would really lift people’s spirits. Thank you for all that do for our country. I look forward to being able to come to Washington and to be able to see Gov. Snyder in person and to be able to be in the city where you live.
    Thank You
    Mari Copeny
    Obama got duped and came to Flint. True story.

    So, some reviews say the ending is completely unnerving. Is this the case?

    You can spoil the ending for me Nebraska. I'll probably never see it.



    the ending is lisa (james' girlfriend) running upstairs in the house from the original blair witch film and you realize this is exactly the same thing she (and we) saw in the youtube clips at the beginning of the film. is that unnerving?




    haha. trippy.



    does the stupid witch just pop out at the end or some shit?


  4. watched don't breathe. it was okay for the most part. the whole "twist" in the last third was gross and unnecessary 


    didn't realize until my wife pulled it up on imdb that the guy was the colonel marine captain cliche from avatar


    He also was in WGNs Salem. Was pretty good in that actually. If we're talking about the blind murderer guy.

  5. b0i8owu.jpg


    james donahoe (heather from the first film's brother), his girlfriend lisa (she doing a documentary for her class) and his best friend peter and his girlfriend ashley find a video online that proves (or does it?) that heather is still alive. this footage is from 2014. the original blair witch project footage was from 1994. they decide to meet up with the guy that posted this video online, aptly named darknet 666 and his girlfriend so he can show them where exactly he captured this footage.


    everyone is equipped with state of the art headset cameras and microphones so the film is made up of edits and the "documentary" footage from lisa (james' girlfriend) and even a drone (why?), so the filmmakers are aware that it's impossible to simply recreate the original film so rather they attempt to recreate a found footage film that would exist in today's world except of the presentation.


    so it boils down to how much you enjoy found footage film and don't mind overly produced ones (which this is).



    there is an actual witch this time



    four stick figures randomly placed around a campsite in some maryland woods out of ten



    So, some reviews say the ending is completely unnerving. Is this the case?

    You can spoil the ending for me Nebraska. I'll probably never see it.

  6. after a good 3 ep run mr. robot borrows in its own ass again with contrived mystery building and forced induction of confusion..

    of course we're not going to reveal you if elliot's sis/that guy got killed, of course we're not going to reveal the whole convo of angela and the tranny chinaguy, of course we're going to slap even more rediciouls elliot psych issues. so frustrating.


    Pretty much how I felt. I did enjoy the interrogation scene with that little girl though.


    American Horror Story S06? - From what I saw...fucking awful.

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