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Posts posted by olo

  1. I've read a lot of horror but aside from the classics most novels tend to run out of steam quite quickly so I mainly read short story collections now. If that's your thing Robert Aickman is very good, similar to M.R James, and Thomas Ligotti is fantastic. A couple of graphic novels worth a look are Wytches by Scott Snyder and Through The Woods by Emily Carroll. Not particularly under the radar I'm afraid but hopefully you've not heard of at least one of them. 


    Not heard of either. Thanks for the suggestions. Just started getting back into this reading thing. I'm poorly out of touch.

  2. rewatched no country for old men for the millionth time. it really is superlative, the best movie of the last fifteen years.


    Stayed up way too late last night watching this on IFC or Sundance. But, it needed to be watched. A dandy for sure.

  3. really enjoyed the latest episode of Mr. Robot. Nice nagging paranoia throughout.

    But, I think I'm starting to develop some kind of eye muscle strain from staring at the bottom left/right of the screen all the time. It was hip & cool framing of a scene to a point, but it's creeping into my real life where I'm always staring at peoples breasts or crotches whilst in conversation. No bueno.




    Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

    I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


    I did not like this at all, but good luck. 



    You were right tec. I was fine with the first 3rd, but this one fell apart quickly. Basically a pissing match over a chess game. Fuck off.


    2 old geezers stroking each other in the shower / 10



    Aw, sadly unlike watching a shit film a shit book has taken far more time. The main thing I learned from this is that whilst Stephen King's stories are great his recommendations can be a load of old toss.



    I powered through just to finish the goddamn thing. I truly respect people who can just drop a book/movie without finishing or knowing the outcome. I, alas, have to see it through to the end. I should bill Dan Simmons for my time. I think I've read as much as I can by him at this point. Although I hear Hyperion may be some of his best. Not sure if I got it in me.


    Any under the radar horror novels you suggest tec?


    Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

    I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


    I did not like this at all, but good luck. 



    You were right tec. I was fine with the first 3rd, but this one fell apart quickly. Basically a pissing match over a chess game. Fuck off.


    2 old geezers stroking each other in the shower / 10

  6. Yeah I know a lot of people hate him. Maybe because I'm British I find him more interesting, whereas an American might think him trite.


    Hate would be a stretch. To piggy back on what double name said, the dialogue is bothersome & I just used to find many of his characters unrealistic I guess. It's been ages since I've read anything by him and might feel differently now. Who knows. I did like the Dark Half though. Strangely, it might be my favorite novel of his.


    I also started reading this past year after 20+ years of extreme layoff. I've started working through horror novels that seem to get a lot of praise atm.


    Interesting to hear about Carrion Comfort, since the beginning of this year (a serious new years resolution) was finally to get the fuck back into reading like I did up into my mid twenties. So far I've read a multitude of books River of Time, Catcher in the Rye, Touching the Void, Fahrenheit 451, was really pleased with my progress. Then I got Carrion Comfort, finally a few weeks ago I admitted defeat and threw the damn thing into the bin. I hated this book because it was slowing my progress of getting back into the habit of reading again and it was a relief to be set free. I just picked up Stephen Kings 11.22.63 just because I knew a King book would be on my wavelength and get me back into the swing of things. So far so good. I haven't read King since The Dark Half of which I had read everything he had done up unto that point. I was a fanatic of his as a teenager. Next up I'm gonna get the Dark Tower series and punctuate that with Weaveworld by Clive Barker. Fuck Carrion Comfort lol. But each to their own.



    Funny, I can't stand Stephen King. 



    Cryptic was probably the wrong word to use...


    ...I was just hoping that there was more to it than just an old lady murdering people





    Well, wasn't she picking up where her husband left off? The last of the "torture kids with shit maze games" crowd. She was continuing his work. I didn't need it to be much more than that I guess.


    but it is a trailer after all (it's not short btw, it's 2 mins plus which is way too long for a trailer imo). looks good, I'm keen.


    Yea, I thought it was another trailer which I saw, much shorter one. Didn't realize it until I clicked play.

    This new one shows too much per Hollywood mandate.




    The Arrival looks really interesting... or maybe I'm just interested in whatever Denis Villeneuve makes


    Looks so great!! I had no idea he was going SCI-FI next <3



    Does look interesting. The shortness of the trailer is a benefit in not showing you the whole movie.


    edit: This is a much longer trailer than the one I saw. The short one was more mysterious. But I enjoy Villenueve, loved Prisoners.



    Prisoners was super solid right until

    the old lady turned out to be the one behind it all... THAT weak old lady? Punch her in the face and get it over with. Also, I thought it was going to be a bit more cryptic.





    I went with it, would have loved if she got her ass whooped up though.


    Not sure what you mean by cryptic, but I thought the ending was just right.


    The Arrival looks really interesting... or maybe I'm just interested in whatever Denis Villeneuve makes


    Looks so great!! I had no idea he was going SCI-FI next <3



    Does look interesting. The shortness of the trailer is a benefit in not showing you the whole movie.


    edit: This is a much longer trailer than the one I saw. The short one was more mysterious. But I enjoy Villenueve, loved Prisoners.


    Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

    I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


    I did not like this at all, but good luck. 


    About a 1/3 through and it's holding up for me. But, if it just becomes a pissing match between Oberst & some other mind vampires to join their stupid club then I could see it unraveling quickly. If you ever encounter a mind vampire in real life, kill them. They're complete pricks.


    Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

    I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


    I see that's been renewed for a third season starting next week. how? why? it's really really really bad.

    will probably continue to hate watch though.



    Yea, I watch the Strain. It's filler for my TV schedule. The book I referenced definitely had ideas ripped by Del Toro which he spun for his book/show. Surprised he wasn't called on it.

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