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Posts posted by olo

  1.  Also predicting civil war following a rigged election.  :blink:


    Actually, I fear in the not too distant future this may be a thing. The division in this country is palpable at times. Hell, I just gots to go to some family functions to hear fucking looney tunes conspiracy theories and the dangers of that thought process permeating everyday people. Also listening to conservative radio, Dr. Michael Savage in particular. The seeds of propagating and cultivating this us vs. them mentality is being eaten up by people who believe anything their told from a like-minded person with a national voice. It can be very dangerous talk. Although, I hope the silent majority will always hold onto some semblance of rationality. The extreme right & left thought is shoved down our gullets by the media and one can get lost in that horseshit diatribe. Unfortunately all it takes is one asshole to give many people an extremely bad day. And it happens all too readily nowadays. If Trump doesn't get elected, I wonder what some of these folks will be capable of. It's like throwing a bone to a dog I guess. "OK, OK...you get Trump for four years to simmer down and chill a bit". I Don't know if a segment of our population can handle 4 more years of a Democrat in the oval office. Maybe I'm listening to too much Megadeth's Dystopia.

    Strange world innit. Where we used to inform comedy like "The Simpsons and South Park", those shows have now informed us & we live in some Hyper Reality Simpsons/South Park universe. 


  2. I think Trump is going to win. Sorry peoples.

    Sadly, his acceptance speech last night is what a lot of Americans want to hear. And not to troll, he actually gave a pretty good speech. Hit all points for the pubs.

    How he's going to pay for everything...well, that's some fuzzy math.

    I live in a fairly democratic leaning state at most times, but, my wife deals with the public on a daily basis. She says roughly 90% of the people see works with are voting Trump. That's obviously a small sample size compared to national polls, but there is concern growing.


    You just have to ride with the callowness of MR. Robot sometimes. I think it generally overcomes its most eye-rolling moments.





    Does anyone else think it's Tyrell behind the hack on Scott Knowles (current CTO of Evil Corp)?




    Not sure what to think. The fantasy/reality lines are pretty blurred. Enjoyed last nights episode. Fun pill-popping montage. Also liked the design touch of the spinning dryer & the reflection in Elliot's pupils. Damn mac death wheel.

  4. preacher is quite enjoyable, the main character is really hard to get over sometimes though. his acting in the episode after the eugene incident was really, really strange, it didnt give off any whiff of guilt or confliction. seems like a program that might settle into its stride in the second season possibly.


    One of the main problems with the show is the Preacher. He's just not likable. The supporting cast is much more enjoyable in the series. I'll reserve full judgement of the show until the S1 finale & see where it's all going. It's just kinda meandering between some cool scenes and boredom. I do find it humorous though.

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