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Posts posted by olo

  1. I'm giving Hannibal a go. It's such a difficult show to judge. The visuals are amazing and the soundtrack is probably the best and most innovative I've heard on a TV show - literally zero boring motifs being rehashed over and over again, something even strong soundtracks like The Knick suffer from - instead it's shock-full of crazy drones and avantgarde percussion, all recorded live in a fancy studio, and it's always something new. Some of the craziest scoring I've heard at times, utterly amazing. The show itself, however, is problematic. On the surface, it's an on-the-rails CSI-like whodunit except there are never any doubts about the culprit because the lead character has superhuman observational abilities (that predictably enough are a huge problem for him), and somehow they run into one morbid murder after another to the point that it almost gets laughable. This whole shtick serves as the backdrop for the psychological interplay between the various FBI agents and a younger Hannibal, all of which is expertly pulled off, and Mikkelsen is terrific in every scene, a true master of subdued tension and manipulation. Then we're back to another dumb surreal whodunit segment and it's so boring or hard to buy but the music is so fresh and I can't wait to see the next thing Hannibal does.. and that's kind of what it's like following the show.


    I felt the same about the first season. I would say stick with it though. It definitely finds it's footing in season 2 and makes for an entertaining watch. The show was exceedingly up it's own arse, but in a good way.

  2. [sc5]<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/272514866&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true"></iframe>[/sc5]


    oh for fucks sake, how do you embed SC code?

  3. the shortest song on the new album is 12 minutes. a year ago there was word they had a 20 minute song plus 10 others in various stages of completion. definitely looking at a double album, at least.


    Oh for fucks sake, don't they realize nobody got time for 20 minute songs. Get with the times tool.

    The 70's called, they want their prog back.

  4. Meh. Doesn't do anything for me. Forgettable.



    In the same camp. Sadly the Richard D. James I want to hear isn't the Richard D. James Richard wants to make I guess.

  5. Watched both seasons of Fargo, liked it but a few questions linger:


    Season 1 - what was Malvo's plan to duct tape the personal trainer to a shotgun and call the police there with gunshots, I take it he was causing a diversion but for what purpose, to ensure the roads were clear so he could escape town? He also seemed to give up pretty easily on getting his $1 million in blackmail money, I know he was ambushed by the two hit men, but he had no idea what went on with the Grocery King and his religious revelation.


    Season 2 - what exactly were the authorities going to charge Peggy with after her capture? She hit and run a member of a crime family who had just murdered 3 people including a state judge. I find it hard to believe another judge would throw the book at her after losing one of their own violently like that. Otherwise, it was all self defense, she crushed that one guy's head in the basement with a sink basin, but he was armed and trying to kill her. Justifiable.


    And the UFO. I'm interpreting that as the creators of the show saying there are multiple higher powers out there, religious and alien beyond our understanding.


    Looking forward to Season 3, I'm guessing they'll go with the 90s to fill in the timeline? Maybe we could even see Frances McDormand, as her character would probly not have retired by then, maybe. Or if it gets a 4th season, do a recent storyline set in this decade.


    Season 1 - If memory recalls, I thought he was just trying to pin everything on that guy & have him get conveniently killed by cops. (still my least favorite episode of season 1. contrived)


    Season 2 - Still a hit-n-run and the guy wasn't dead. He was killed in their garage, so murder. Peggy didn't know what he just did. Cops didn't necessarily know any of that either. We did as viewers. We just got to see the puzzle come together.


    The UFO was a call back to "the man who wasn't there", pretty much what you stated i guess.

  6. The preacher has been kind of meh these last two episodes, maybe my expectations are too high...


    The 3rd episode was like this for me. But, the last one I was entertained by. Thought it was pretty funny throughout & really enjoyed the cold open. But, I should qualify this as Cassidy & Tulip's scenes are more enjoyable then Jesse's still.




    Major Spoiler For Katherine Waterstons Alien: Covenant Role Revealed



    She's Ripley's Mom.








    that's not confirmed.

    Sounds ridiculous. But, there's several other sites stating the same. Where there's smoke, there's fire I'm thinking.

    I guess I shouldn't really care, prometheus was a dumpster fire & I expect the same for this.

    No she's not, she's Rey's transgender father




    Major Spoiler For Katherine Waterston’s Alien: Covenant Role Revealed



    She's Ripley's Mom.








    that's not confirmed.



    Sounds ridiculous. But, there's several other sites stating the same. Where there's smoke, there's fire I'm thinking.

    I guess I shouldn't really care, prometheus was a dumpster fire & I expect the same for this.




    lol. beautiful



    Seriously love this GIF. Ace fucking work jules. Someone needs to drop the cheetah3 teac with this gif.


    edit. got the track on youtube synced with gif. perfect.


    I thought Preacher was alright. I did have a few laughs, (Cassidy in particular). I'll stick with the show, but it sounds from critics reviews who have seen several episodes, Jesse is portrayed rather bland and not engaging. Not a good sign if your main character is vanilla.


    also not sure what to think of Tulip... I get that they'd want a strong female character, but she's a bit over the top comically badass maybe?



    I think the showrunners wanted her to be more sadistic badassey if I'm not mistaken.

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