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Everything posted by jejunum

  1. From that facebook link above: Daniele Ferrazzano I remember very well when made this sample, in the back stage from the fridge before the gig on 17th August 2011 in Lecce : ) Vind ik leuk · Beantwoorden · 3 · 4 uur geleden So Lecce is actually the sound of a fridge? Nice fridge. I'd like one!
  2. oh my god, haven't listened to the track yet as i want to keep it in mint condition but took a look at the waveform. that's a lot of clipping! seems to be a great recording, but sorry, it won't get near my hifi equipment. regards, s. teve. hoffmaestro mulletson
  3. damn, i changed underwear just this morning only to soil them now. keep 'em comin' richard pls!!! yep, this is the same one as in the syrobonkers interview. it's mental. and it's in WAV format too!
  4. Aleksi and Aphex completely ruined my lastfm profile this year. I'm shattered.
  5. i think you're reading a bit too much into that comment but i'd love to be wrong! i'm ready for it!
  6. I wonder if rdj has some luxury fallout shelter up there in Scotland or something Can't open the pic, can someone post a link or something... https://soundcloud.com/user18081971
  7. hello watmm, i have now finalized my top 30! i have every reason to believe that "fork rave" is my favourite of everything from the sc uploads. thanks, jejejenusmmam
  8. just realised we got around 230 previously unreleased aphex tracks available for free this year. that's pretty amazing. didn't expect that when i was in bed with fever back in the mid 90s and discovered afx via some program on radio. thank you rdj, you're the boss.
  9. Really? You ppl cant be fucking serious!!?!? I really really but somehow it really isnt but might be if i really do it really.
  10. Tracks 1-4 on level 10 are just out of this world. I wish he would do more in that vein. The first track is sort of reminiscent of Arvo Pärt's old chestnut Spiegel im Spiegel. And that last track on level 10 is super sublime mega nice über lush swellness.
  11. fucking hell, currently listening to 10. this is incredible stuff. i love the new direction on this one. they just keep getting better and better...
  12. aargh, i'm really trying to get my shit together and come up with a final 30 tracks but it's neigh on impossible. my excuse for today is a rediscovery of "syro". that album is a masterpiece and it didn't dawn on me until now.
  13. Don't want to sound negative but is mastering lossy mp3 files such a good idea, though?
  14. track of the day: 6 RANDOM FX! not enough votes. vote for it.
  15. super duper awesome mega great news. open the floodgates afx, you're spoiling us. as much as i love his back catalogue, i do wish he'd release another computer controlled acoustic instruments type release too. the possibilites of that set-up is endless. moar please!
  16. Great to see Other Channels reissued. And in the perfect format for that kind of Musiqllqpqpppppqqqppppppfxp[emoji34]löslöspspps[emoji41][emoji42][emoji35][emoji575][emoji576][emoji576][emoji569]️
  17. Yeh they're 100% certified genuine. Sweet, thanks haha, "g.i. raffe"... GIRAFFE!
  18. This is brilliant! BFI should get in touch with Richard and collaborate.
  19. Is Richard a closet Björk fan? http://whenonearth.net/house-ellidaey-island-iceland/
  20. I'm enjoying these stories just as much as the music. I love getting a behind the scenes peek at how he made those sounds. Tell us more, Father Richard!
  21. 6 RANDOM FX wow... i keep rediscovering things i listened to just the other day. what a tune this is. thank you rdj!!!
  22. go, man, go! i'm serious too... this should be done right away. ps. sorry for spamming the thread and being so excited about this
  23. "i think if there were some sort of poll or something, I would get the best of/faves mastered & pressed up/backed up." come on, people please. don't you see this is an invite! someone should set up a poll this instant. i'd do it but i lost my fingers in a masturbatory incident last night.
  24. I suppose a poll should include everyone and not just WATMM people. Maybe that surveymonkey thing is a good idea, whatever it is. Either that kind of poll, or maybe Maestro himself should pick his favs, like those great playlists he put up on sc. ALSO: "There are lots of other releases planned on Warp" = :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan:
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