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Everything posted by blgnse

  1. It is kind of silly yes, but can be of good use to for discussion and/or searching for similar stuff and so on. Music full stop! Wont help me much. ;) as long as you don't limit yourself when neat-o-boxin i cant see no harm. Progressive sounds will probably lead me to weather report. As a musician i can understand its no fun being labeled though.
  2. Where do you hear dubstep? Its simply not there.Isn't s950tx16wasr10[163.97][earth portal mix] dubstep between: 03:42-04:15?I always thought that sounded more like garage. Starting at 2:37, that song is no longer drum n bass, really. but I still wouldn't call it "dubstep". Cuz it isn't. Ah! Yes, garage, sounds right, maybe proto-dubstep? :)
  3. Where do you hear dubstep? Its simply not there. Isn't s950tx16wasr10[163.97][earth portal mix] dubstep between: 03:42-04:15?
  4. This is a good way to rid those rip-offs, complex composition with ease and production values most wont be able to do. ;)
  5. Massfreekid for me stand out tracks would be revpok, fingertrips, squidge..., fingry, mumbly. I think it flows pretty good overall though, dont like jazzphase though. I dont know about wider appeal though, i mainly listen to ae and drexciya. Lol. And usally prefer older Aphex, i was goin to nag about that advanced/complex compositions be better crap as well. I think his earlier stuff is more interesting. :) I mean on a side note I find venetian snares doll doll doll fantastic and most of his other stuff unengaging, some times impressive but nothing more. (Do love Rossz Csillag though)... Oh im rambling again!
  6. Well... I dont think you have to contextualize this or have in mind that its old, Aphex learning or whatever, its just a great album. One of the better releases Ive heard 2014 so far, which is a bit sad though (and im not even that big an aphex fan and we dont go way back, so no nostalgia either).
  7. I still think part of the deal should have bern the album becoming public domain. I think its weird people complain about spreading an album an artist just made a bunch of money on that he never intended to release. Everybody wins! Great album as eell (and yes i payed for it) xoxo.
  8. 2WV how come? U mean crowdfunding albums? Thats cool and all... I mean if the artists did it. But i can only see established artists manage? And this is more akin to label can make money on stuff they dont want to release, i dont want to be overtly harsh either, its a small label.
  9. I still cant get my head around that some people complaint that it will be pirated and even raised the question about DRM. Someone in the other thread had an great idea of more an archival approach, making this album public domain. And that Rephlex and Richard isnt onboard for this (well maybe they will now that theyve made a profit from something they never intended to release). I havent chipped in yet, cant make up my mind :) The whole idea of putting it on auction to make money back and... I dont know... I would have gladly put up the 25 if when reachibg the goal + I guess some profit for the creators it went public. I mean this is a weird fan/creator situation. Well enough of my rant. :)
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