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Posts posted by Dale

  1. - Do you take an interest in neuroscience and how music stimulates the nervous system and our physiology (not just in terms of emotions)?


    - Is your main goal to produce music that is emotionally appealing to yourselves, or do you lean more towards the sound designs/textures that music can be manipulated into without having the emotive element in the forefront of the music making process (or maybe a mixture of both)?

  2. Have you already started work on a potential new release? Are the sounds you're experimenting with now in the studio an evolution of Exai/L-event or do you now see yourselves heading into a very different direction in terms of the next album? I'm curious to know how much planning is involved when you're in the earliest stages of producing a record?

  3. sounds like you have a problem with definition of "discussion".


    host: u.s. is really fucking bad and evil. mr guest, please tell our viewers why it's so bad and evil. [the guest proceeds to tell why the u.s. is bad and evil]. the end.


    this summarizes every single "discussion" on RT.

    lol 'bad and evil' - gross simplification there. Aren't you a student of sociology?

  4. awesome EP - this has grown on me so much since downloading the release from Bleep

    A lot of the high pitched/resonated background ambience on tac Lacora (more noticeable towards the end) reminds me of 1 1 is - very cool

  5. I find I have to be prepared and in a certain mood for the last two tracks. They're too abstract and not immediate tracks for me to head to straight away and enjoy. Very different for the first two though - I find they work for me every time I play them.

  6. This release is so great! Especially the first two tracks. But I am worried 'L-Event' means 'Last Event' and that there will be no more Autechres.. :-(

    didn't they say in an interview only a few years ago that they see themselves writing music for quite a while until they find the process to be boring (the fun bits in Exai indicate to me that they're not done yet).

  7. I guess I'm missing what everyone is seeing in Osla

    I like where the song ends up, and it's nice to have a journey with the song slowly unfolding into something good.

    But I'm just having a hard time with the bulk of this track.


    However it has only been 2 listens, so we'll just see how/if things change


    Edt: every other song is blowing my mind though. This is a top notch ep

    same for me but I'm not giving up on it.

  8. more of a challenging listen than Exai, but as always, I'm up for a new challenge if it is ae. I can tell this will be a grower, because upon first listen, I wasn't instantly impressed, but I'm starting to decipher the structures and patterns in the tracks now. tac Lacora stands out the most for me so far.

  9. I think this is actually a pretty good record. Much better than The Slip and Year Zero. Sounds like he has combined various elements from prior releases. I hear bits of With Teeth, the distorted elements of Year Zero, and some of the tinkering style from the Ghosts tracks. Once again, the lyrics don't do much for me, but the musical production is excellent. Plenty of catchy hooks which will keep me coming back to this record in the future.


    edit: If you listen carefully, there are some musical segments that seem reminiscent of Pretty Hate Machine and Downward Spiral. E.g. Satellite - the lyrics and the way they're sung sounds like it could have been something from the PHM era.

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