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Everything posted by Allize

  1. this is the first real time contact I have with richard :') He's on the other side!!!
  2. aubergine is a cool colour and a cool name. not too idm tho.
  3. So the syro was all about chartreuse whats this one's name?
  4. Newsflash: Rephlex has stopped trading since late 2013 unfortunately. Which is one of the reasons why this is released in this way :) he announced it in recent interviews that he would do it like this, because organizing was too much trouble indeed (I posted the quote a couple of times in this thread). or..maybe..someone found that old mp3 he lost on an airplane
  5. well I'm glad I'm not the only one saving these. It seems we all have the same reflexes. The last 6-7 months have been really good for the idm community.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xuygQWF0dY#t=17
  7. Chris Manifestation of God Cunningham
  8. bOOOOOOriiiinggggggggggg omfgggggggg Resume of this ep: Abraham's still kneeling towards the horizon
  9. Something that is not a fruit, not red or green, neither sweet or sour, not edible, that doesn't fall from trees and wasn't eaten by Eve.
  10. If this party's on fire then I prolly lit the match!!! Woooho
  11. Not only that but the situation itself. - Yeah, we're on a bridge!! Lets get inside that unstable van while the zombies keep approaching.
  12. I feel like the screenwriters think the show and the characters have reached a certain depth they do not actually have. It's like they believe they're doing a really beautiful thing while really they're failing completely in the eyes of everyone else.
  13. yes, and this subtle distinction was one that we were just supposed to somehow know you meant, like through clairvoyance and shit. of course when you make a bald reference to hard-drinking mine workers we're supposed to know you don't really mean people who literally work in mines, dude, you mean like people who have the same attitude as people who work in mines, y'know? (how do you develop a blue-collar attitude without being blue-collar, exactly?) this is just some nitpicky bullshit you're writing after the fact to try and salvage your anti-working class remarks, cos we all know you're such an enlightened member of the counterculture and the rest of us squares just can't get what you're on about. all shit-flinging itt aside, the bottom line is: they're children. they don't know their heads from their asses yet. children should be encouraged to express themselves and be creative and grow as human beings in as many positive ways as possible, but when you're in the public sphere as a celebrity child, publicly dropping every daft thought that enters your head is not to be viewed as a positive attitude, let alone encouraged. it's got nothing to do with how rich they are, what social stratum they belong to, or how talented/talentless they are, it's purely about their exposure. Honestly in that position they didn't need to do any of this. They could just lay back and profit because their parents are rich enough for that. What I see here is some kids trying to make cool stuff. Nothing wrong with that IMO. I personally like some of the tracks. Also, I like wil smith alot and I do have some respect for him. I believe most of you do. He's a self made man. Why believe he would fail so much as a parent?
  14. pissing on working folk while defending the retarded ramblings of children. class. I wonder what young starving africans think of your struggles.
  15. Has anyone here heard of The Forest? 16 $ on Steam It's is still on alpha but I saw alot of gameplay videos and it seems pretty decent. It's like walking dead + minecraft + LOST
  16. It wasn't that bad. But my expectations were really low. However I'm pissed at how slow this is progressing. Also, the van scene was fucking stupid.
  17. Haven't read the posts before me. But judging by the first 5 minutes with the carol skit, I have the feel this one is going to be just as bad or even worse than the last episode. In the end I'll be back here with a conclusion.
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