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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by diatoms

  1. You can see what is in front of you.

    You can't see what is behind you.

    You can see the past through memory.

    You can't see the future.

    The past is in front of us.

    The future is behind us.

    Time doesn't move, we are moving through time backwards, toward the future.

    Don't forget: Remember. Remember?




    i member now!





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  2. We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time

    Strange particles observed by an experiment in Antarctica could be evidence of an alternative reality where everything is upside down

    8 April 2020

    IN THE Antarctic, things happen at a glacial pace. Just ask Peter Gorham. For a month at a time, he and his colleagues would watch a giant balloon carrying a collection of antennas float high above the ice, scanning over a million square kilometres of the frozen landscape for evidence of high-energy particles arriving from space.

    When the experiment returned to the ground after its first flight, it had nothing to show for itself, bar the odd flash of background noise. It was the same story after the second flight more than a year later.

    While the balloon was in the sky for the third time, the researchers decided to go over the past data again, particularly those signals dismissed as noise. It was lucky they did. Examined more carefully, one signal seemed to be the signature of a high-energy particle. But it wasn’t what they were looking for. Moreover, it seemed impossible. Rather than bearing down from above, this particle was exploding out of the ground.

    That strange finding was made in 2016. Since then, all sorts of suggestions rooted in known physics have been put forward to account for the perplexing signal, and all have been ruled out. What’s left is shocking in its implications. Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards. It is perhaps the most mind-melting idea ever to have emerged from the Antarctic ice ­­– but it might just be true. …


    NASA Scientists Discover Possible Evidence of a Parallel Universe

    • Updated May 19, 2020 at 5:34pm


    Science fiction and actual science may be aligning. That’s because NASA scientists have discovered something they can’t explain any other way other than that they may have found evidence of a parallel universe.

    This discovery was made by the NASA sponsored research group Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna, or ANITA. The group was funded for $35 million in 2003 to look for and study “ghostly particles that fill the universe”, according to NASA. The project uses a specially made balloon that “detects radio waves emitted when high-energy neutrinos interact in the Antarctic ice shelf,” NASA reported. The mission is being led by Peter W. Gorham of the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu.

    According to New Scientist, a specially designed balloon that holds antennae would go up for a month and scan thousands of miles of antarctic air looking for high-energy particles that would come down from space. After two flights over more than two years, the results only yielded brief moments of background noise but nothing else.

    Antartica was the chosen place for study because of its “cold dry air where there is little or no radio noise to distort its findings.” according to the Daily Star, who reported, “there is a constant ‘wind’ of high energy particles coming from outer space – some of which are a million times more powerful than anything we can generate ourselves.”

    During the balloon’s third flight scientists decided to look over the data from the previous flights again — specifically at the random noises it recorded. What they discovered, according to New Scientist, was something impossible. The signal wasn’t coming from space but rather it was coming up from the ground.

    “That means that these particles are traveling back in time and could be evidence of a parallel universe,” Tech Times reported.

    Researchers Ruled Out All the Other Explanations They Could Think Of

    The inexplicable findings were made in 2016, and for years various explanations have been put forth since then, but they’ve been ruled out, according to New Scientist.

    The publication wrote, “Explaining this signal requires the existence of a topsy-turvy universe created in the same big bang as our own and existing in parallel with it. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right and time runs backwards.”

    It’s extremely rare that the signal might only happen once, but the research team saw the phenomenon happen time and time again, leaving them with limited explanations, according TechTimes.

    Theoretical Physicist George Ellis is skeptical that parallel universes exist. He wrote in the journal, Nature, that it’s not knowable given humanity’s limited ability to see beyond our own universe, saying:

    We do not know how to test which is right, if any, because we cannot make direct observations of domains beyond the observational horizon — the greatest distance that light can have travelled towards us since the Universe became transparent to radiation 300,000 years after the Big Bang. Given this lack of evidence, there is a viable…option: that there is no multiverse at all.

    Some Scientists Don’t Think the Idea of a Parallel Universe is That Far Fetched

    The scientific understanding of the Big Bang Theory includes the possibility that one or more parallel universes exist. This theory is referred to as ‘multiverse’, in which many universes can live alongside each other.

    According to the website, Space, there are several theories for alternate universes, including infinite universes. One reason for this is “we don’t know what the shape of space-time is exactly. One prominent theory is that it is flat and goes on forever. This would present the possibility of many universes being out there. But with that topic in mind, it’s possible that universes can start repeating themselves. That’s because particles can only be put together in so many ways,” Space reports.

    Physicist Brian Greene who wrote a book called, The Hidden Universe: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, told NPR in 2011, “there are only so many ways matter can arrange itself within that infinite universe. Eventually, matter has to repeat itself and arrange itself in similar ways. So if the universe is infinitely large, it is also home to infinite parallel universes.”

    A multiverse theory that Greene thinks is promising is String Theory, which works to iron out mathematical inconsistencies between two accepted scientific theories that don’t work together, quantum mechanics, and the theory of relativity.

    Forbes describes String Theory, as “the thread of an idea that’s run through physics for centuries, that at some fundamental level, all the different forces, particles, interactions and manifestations of reality are tied together as part of the same framework.”




    I was made aware of this from https://old.reddit.com/r/Retconned/



  3. 17 hours ago, jchgf said:

    While we're on the subject, why was Analord 10 credited to Aphex Twin and not AFX (on Chosen Lords too)? I know the tracks on 10 are much more polished than the rest of the series, just wondering if there was an official explanation.


    On 7/24/2019 at 6:02 AM, diatoms said:

    Does anyone else listen in order

    Aphex Twin Analord 10


    AFX Analord 1-9,11

    because that's the order of release date?

    of course follow up the end of Analord with Love 7


  4. 1 hour ago, joshuatxuk said:

    I always liked his friendly but reserved personality 

    Kraftwerk in general always had this sincere face value to it - what you hear is what you get - and this comically efficient interview with Florian reminds me of that


    That was Awesome:)

    Thanks for posting that interview joshuatxuk

  5. I was probably the last one to get these in spring 2014

    I bought all the Analord series and it came with the bonus tracks

    64 Tracks in Total

    I Remember it wouldn't go to the Rephlex page to order unless I put in tracks or something after the /

    anyone who tried the site at the time will know what I'm talking about

    My order confirmation was all capitalized letters like this (KQDAUXTC)

    but can't find where I saved the email copy

    I downloaded them and two days later I was going to get some of the Analogue Bubblebath series

    and it shut for good

    Since Analord is nowhere to be found or bought in digital

    Give me a sign RDJ


    I'll share:)


    • Like 2
  6. On 5/3/2020 at 11:31 PM, KingBo0 said:
    On 5/3/2020 at 12:12 PM, BCM said:

    is everyone wearing masks? i've not been wearing a mask. like, they don't really do anything?


    Hooooooly fuck this unlocked some far back memories.... Holy shit

    Me too

    but I Remember


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  7. Don't Forget to wear your



    2 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:
    4 hours ago, BCM said:

    is everyone wearing masks? i've not been wearing a mask. like, they don't really do anything?


    I had that truck and the helicopter/jet.  The cartoon is infamous for having some racist stereotypes.



    On 1/1/2019 at 10:55 PM, diatoms said:



    (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand)



    Where have all the full stops gone?






    photoshopped by jaQobian https://old.reddit.com/r/Retconned/



    Saturday mornings in the mid 80's






    What Do You Remember?








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  8. On 4/29/2020 at 1:57 AM, JUVITH SITH said:

    What's the official count on the Drop now. (Yes it's me lol) ...

    PS... Raindrops on roses is the best so far and yeah just that 


    How've ya been?

    Raindrops on Roses

    is the Rave:)

    Julie Andrews

    has probably been a featured singer

    on six songs of aphex

    I think, Ha:)

    Bring back memories


    The Sound of Music

  9. On 4/25/2020 at 11:57 PM, Zephyr_Nova said:

    I've noticed a pattern of emoticon solidarity in reply reactions.  1 burger tends to lead to multiple burgers, 1 Farnsworth tends to lead to multiple Farnsworths, and so on, and so on.  Also popular is the emoticon rainbow, where you get 1 of each - also an act I believe of poster solidarity.  I view this as an unconscious reaction to the absence of the rolling lol.




    • Thanks 1
    • Farnsworth 1
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