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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by juiceciuj

  1. I spent $140 on the wrong perfume.

    do you smell awful?


    top 3 perfs:

    flower bomb, juicy, un jardin sur le nil


    in that order

    also fuck back pain. i've been just living with it for like 3 yrs now after getting hit


    too scared to take meds and some days are better than others but this shit's just not going nowhere -_-



    honestly wondered if you might be him, heh. are you trying to do a similar setup? and/or were you inspired by him?

    I'd never heard of him before, but my approach was quite different anyhow. I was actually processing the sound of the drums, not using them as triggers. Basically I set up a little delay line/waveguide with a vocal filter, and some envelope followers at different frequency bands to tweak the parameters.

    This is what it sounds like:



    sounds absolutely horrible, I love it :D



    Sadly Duracell quit music a while ago due to hearing related issues. Really made me realise that the same thing could happen to me, so from then on I started wearing earplugs at most shows!

    yikes that sucks. i bought a nice pair of etymotics a while back but always forget to take them to shows -_-

  3. there's a heat wave here in Western Washington right now (only supposed to get worse for the rest of the week) and I have no source of heating or cooling my rental... UNTIL NOW! after months of kicking my landlord in the pants he scheduled a ductless heat pump to be installed, and this morning the crew stopped by and did it. It was fucking unbearable in here at 10am, and i am now in paradise. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yesssssssss 5X265.gif 5X265.gif 5X265.gif


  4. trying to buy my first home, found a lovely old house in the city and had an offer accepted, but a survey devaluation and needed work identification later and we couldn't agree on the price and I've had to walk, three months of quibbling wasted really, plus whatever fees I'll still have to pay

    yeah buying a house you actually will want is a lot of work. took us a really long time. whereas i've had friends who literally bought the first house they looked at and have regretted it ever since. you will not regret taking your time with this


    Picked up Gravity Rush 2 and The Surge on sale, probably won't play them for a year, but hey, cheap games.




    that's the spirit, got a bunch of shit from Humble Monthly Bundles I know I'm not going to touch in forever


    ya i need to cancel that sub. i did get hyper light drifter and something else cool but i know i probably won't play it for a year or more =\



    I'm going to buy a track just to tell him how fucking shit his Primavera set was lolololol.


    Looking forward to digging into all of this once I have money.


    lolololol you're an idiot lolololo


    also no one cares about your disjointed opinions at this point


    guy cant even crack a joke?


    fuck your touchy uppity white knight fanboyism


    seriously someone isn't even allowed to defend their favorite artists even as a joke from another joke?


    fuck you and your overly underly political correctiveness white boy nerd

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