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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by juiceciuj

  1. Didn't want to open another thread for that but anybody here grabbed Korg Gadget on Switch? I'd love to collaborate with some WATMMers on tracks over the web!

    i saw it recently but the review seemed to gripe about the fact that there was no cloud backup/export feature. didn't realize you could do remote collabs. i'm interested in it if it's possible.

    looked it up on the korg site and didn't see anything about any easy way to collab remotely. demo videos is all pretty vague. supposedly the only way to export audio is to record from the line out -_-


    games good yo. and i keep selling locked crates for cash on steam because people are fuckin' weird so...


    wish they'd hurry up and bring weather back to the live server. it's nice on savage


    Gots my monies back I paid for the game thanks to crate shenanigans. Hundreds of hours of adult hide and seek with guns for free!


    Savage is exactly the shot in the arm the game needs. Final release still a few months off, but nice to be able to dip a toe into a new map as it evolves.

    yeah man. it was several games in before i finally was alive long enough to hear that loud clap of thunder followed moments later by rainfall followed by fog. erangel is seriously lacking w/o weather to mix it up imo

  3. Ordered a PO speak as soon as Teenage Engineering unveiled it (so like 4 months ago ?)

    UPS fucked up with the shipment so I had to wait until restock to have another unit sent.

    Received it today, had to battle with the guy to get my package...


    ...only to notice AAA batteries weren't included.



    i ordered the new pos the day they were announced along with some sync cables and a shirt. the pos shipped immediately but the cables and shirt just shipped =\


    like a month and a half later





    If going back wasn't an option - after having been a week there without any recollection - why should continuing going forward be an option? It's not like they forgot about where to go.

    they lost sense of time innit?

    at least i think that's what spi's implying...



    color me stupid. i don't think that'd be an argument to not go back. on contrary. they lost sense of time. and they were aware of it. so why venture forward? doesn't make sense to me. and it doesn't make sense as an argument to not go back. again, color me stupid. if you can explain, i'm all ears.

    because it's a dep movie about self destruction and they wer all sad and depressed so they all wanted to die horrifying deaths because all people self destruct and they touch the alien to make it self destruct because deep movie motivation subtelty

    that makes some sense. thx!




    If going back wasn't an option - after having been a week there without any recollection - why should continuing going forward be an option? It's not like they forgot about where to go.

    they lost sense of time innit?

    at least i think that's what spi's implying...



    color me stupid. i don't think that'd be an argument to not go back. on contrary. they lost sense of time. and they were aware of it. so why venture forward? doesn't make sense to me. and it doesn't make sense as an argument to not go back. again, color me stupid. if you can explain, i'm all ears.

    because it's a dep movie about self destruction and they wer all sad and depressed so they all wanted to die horrifying deaths because all people self destruct and they touch the alien to make it self destruct because deep movie motivation subtelty

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