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Everything posted by atypic

  1. RDJ seems to be really digging on all the comments, even though I imagine most of us here comment here rather than there. Maybe we should be doing both...
  2. I was actually curious to hear someone compare Syro 24 wav to, say 320 mp3, but never saw that on the lists. Care to comment?
  3. Agreed. For the later period SC tracks, they aren't "finished" in the sense of what they would have been if released on Tuss or something. Doesn't mean they're not great, they just didn't get as far on the iteration track. I think they were all released in 2005. Good call on custom acid break; I think you're right. He was posting stuff from 1990, but that definitely wasn't. I can see that being Analord era. Apparently he went back and updated the date on that track - 1998! Damn now do we have to go back and check all the tracks again for added dates? Herr Fenriz - can you order WATMMers to conduct a full survey?
  4. The ones you listed are the only ones I have as post-1997. That's ten tracks, including the Cheetahs.
  5. I think that's too strong of a statement. T13 and T08 were from ~2014 but were posted on SC. Uncle Joyrex said the Cottages were from Tuss-era and I think tigercubdelay is too. There are a couple likely Analord-era tracks, the Luke Vibert track was ~2006. I think ~2009 tracks are certainly plausible. Has he specifically tagged tracks as being later than mid-late 90s or said this in comments or something? I've seen quite a few people throwing around comments like 'oh this sounds like Drukqs era!' 'total Tuss vibes' etc. on tunes that sound to me like they're from the 90s when he was releasing stuff that sounded completely different at the time. Where is the JR quote? Did he just say he thought it sounded like that or was it an actual nudge nudge wink wink I know what I'm talking about statement? Joyrex quote below; he didn't elaborate. Certainly the T08 and T13 were recently, we know that from the interview from last year. And we know the Vibert remix was 2006. We don't know the other tracks were mid-2000s, but they certainly sound like it. the Cottage tracks were Tuss-era, AFAIK
  6. I think that's too strong of a statement. T13 and T08 were from ~2014 but were posted on SC. Uncle Joyrex said the Cottages were from Tuss-era and I think tigercubdelay is too. There are a couple likely Analord-era tracks, the Luke Vibert track was ~2006. I think ~2009 tracks are certainly plausible.
  7. I think it's reasonable to assume that both Cheetahs came from the same time period. AFAICT, Teac seems like not so contemporary a company, although. Cheetah very very likely refers to the English-made Cheetah synths though we know not which one. Both have been around since the 80s, although that doesn't mean he wasn't using/recording recently. Certainly they weren't recorded in the 80s. Worth noting that Teac and Cheetah don't show up in the Syro equipment list. Since it's not used on the album, but the style is so similar, I'd guess post-Tuss, early Syro era (~2009?), even though that's later than anything else we've gotten. Also the latest three seem very early...like 1988 PBoD?
  8. I only have crappy speakers right now, really crappy; is Cheatah7 a slowed down version of part of Cheatah3? Also, I wanna know when you guys think it was made! 3 really sounds contemporary
  9. Thoughts on year(s) for Asthma and Cheatah3? Usually he uploads tracks in bunches from around the same time frame, but Cheatah doesn't sound like 1990. And Asthma, I guess around Throatie and/or Ventolin? And yeah, definitely getting Syro in the second half of Cheatah... Holy shit this is a fucking banger. I'm now really wondering if it's modern era
  10. Tsim and Fogbeak was a day or two ago, then recently the jazz one as well as 31 Lifetrak2 EqTeac 1 and leaving home bradley If you don't have even's marah, count the odds Caustic Window x 10! what you said, i cannot understand it
  11. Tsim and Fogbeak was a day or two ago, then recently the jazz one as well as 31 Lifetrak2 EqTeac 1 and leaving home bradley
  12. Thanks for this tip btw! Just grabbed the "real" versions : )
  13. He could definitely still do DMCA takedown I very highly doubt it. I think they probably just manage publishing rights, maybe exclusively
  14. Agreed, I'm in. Separately, RDJ clearly intended to upload lots more tracks. I don't think we've seen the end. I can see him doing a rage/quit/delete, true, but I still don't think we've seen the end.
  15. I don't see him re-uploading all the stuff even if he were to upload new content. But I can also see him wanting to have it all up there together and then not wanting to re-up everything and then giving up and moving on to other things.
  16. I was gonna say "that's consistent with my thinking" but then thought that was too lawyerly. So how about just "yeah"
  17. Can highly recommend the movie Children Who Chase Lost Voices. Anyway, back to the main event. There's been a lot of RDJ SoundCloud account name changing recently, but I don't know why. So my inclination is to believe this relates to that. But certainly this one is different in that it's off my Following list. So what does it take to make everything go away? Does one have to actively delete the account?
  18. I agree with the analysis on trolling account. A lot of effort into it, but most of the tracks just don't have the AFX vibe (unlike the Erik tracks, which I still believe are by a separate person btw). I believe RDJ when he says he's only posting on one SoundCloud account (well, other than the official one). But there are a few really good tracks on there. The only one that has me scratching my head is the not-CCAI one. Sounds almost too good
  19. Agree with the recent music comments. I ask questions like "what year is that from" and "when will he enable downloads" but I should also add that it's all terribly exciting, I think the most exciting music thing for me in many many years. What a gift this all is. We're incredibly lucky.
  20. I'm out of the loop, I don't know anything there either. I do enjoy the odd gossip though.
  21. Does anybody remember the Cylob beef on WATMM?
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