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Everything posted by atypic

  1. Also, that fake Cheetah track is great, IMO.
  2. Very much agreed here. I thought Cheetah was the tops of the SoundCloud dump until Pretend Analogue came around.
  3. Really hope that's him, the thought of him coming down to make this kids day really warms my heart. I had the same thought, but I don't think it is. The ending lists the participants and it looks like he has many family members in it. I figured it's probably his older brother or dad.
  4. They're probably trying to be respectful of Plaid's release this week.
  5. Maybe a moderator might consider removing the Best Answer big pictures at the top of every page now that the thread has more substance.
  6. So do we have to talk about Angela Lansbury masturbating now?
  7. Is that note on Katiacid entirely new? Not sure whether the first paragraph is new or old. If the first paragraph is new, then soon doesn't sound super soon. But hopefully the first paragraph is old and soon really is soon.
  8. how do you get such specific dreams? all i get is dreams about peeing, which usually ends up with me wetting my bed in sleep. :( I regularly have very specific dreams. This is a classic dream (I am a video game lawyer) I had once. I got the PS5 and I was super excited about it. It had all the unboxing, setting it up, plugging it in, logging in with my account. But then it displayed a license/terms of service, and the rest of the dream was spent literally reviewing the legal terms.
  9. Man, I had a super realistic dream last night where I saw a list of current projects written by RDJ, kind of like still in the works, awaiting mastering, and there was a "done" list that included five releases, MFM, Cheetah EP, another EP, and I don't remember what else. It was very exciting...bummed to come on here realizing it wasn't real.
  10. Pretend Analog is an easy favorite for me. So many amazing ones though. Many years ago my wife was showing the (then) 3-year old daughter of a friend some videos of domino toppling online - you know the ones that go on for several minutes. At the end of it, the girl looked up sadly and said "awwwwwwwww, the party's over!" I thought about that again today re: RDJ soundcloud
  11. Huge thank you from me to RDJ for the Soundcloud madness. It was a revelation and, IMO, the most exciting thing to happen as a fan of music. And the music itself is amazing and will enjoy it for years to come. Also thanks to this crowd for sharing the experience.
  12. that's like saying there's a decent chance the world revolves around watmm, you daft cat. on tangent: i'm sure ginger boy is big enough to know what happens when he posts stuff about conspiracies/political issues. and i'm not sure what's more insulting to rdj. people calling him out on the stuff he posts, or people treating him with a soft touch because they think he's autistic/anti-social. come on... Good point - most musicians don't read about themselves and aren't sensitive.
  13. I think there's a decent chance that quasi-political discussion on this page may negatively correlate to tune availability. I definitely don't know that for a fact, but I second earlier requests to table those disagreements in this thread.
  14. Any actual likelihood of a surprise end-of-year release? There has been discussion of it on the board, but it doesn't seem to be Warp's style to date.
  15. Yeah this. Not to this extent, but probably 5-6 times in the past few months he's temporarily removed a small to large number of tracks for reasons unknown and then put them back. They're private, not deleted.
  16. This is awesome. Love their AFX covers.
  17. I don't think I fully understand his response. He does plan to eventually facilitate re-release of some out of print old AFX releases, but currently he's too busy making new music. What about the "made 4 a bit"?
  18. It's only happened once. It's not something we'd normally do, but you haven't seen her lose her shit (not literally) based on traveling - seemingly based on a fear of abandonment (she's a shelter dog). Like constantly panting, pacing, and most strangely taking food from her bowl and stashing it in the corner for later, for the forthcoming apocalypse apparently.
  19. We experienced that with our dog once. She's normally super polite, especially for a dog, but she gets nervous around travel. So we got her some dog anti-anxiety medication and we tried it out before a trip. It ended up just taking away her inhibitions, so she was constantly trying to get petting, like pushing her head up under your hand and didn't really listen to feedback.
  20. What specifically? I did see that my file was 7:18 and the one on SC is 7:19, but that could just be Windows file tracking or something. Listening to it, it doesn't sound dramatically different from what I remember, although I had listened to it before on crappy laptop speakers only. EDIT - I just did a spot check in a few spots and it seems ok
  21. Well this is starting to look more promising bring on the alternate versions
  22. http://pitchfork.com/news/61914-aphex-twin-shares-alternate-version-of-avril-14th/ This doesn't bode well
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