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Everything posted by atypic

  1. This is just excellent - hadn't heard it before. Thanks for posting!
  2. Actually you can get this one legit here https://icasea.bandcamp.com/album/benefit-compilation-for-japan
  3. atypic

    elseq 1-5

    elseq shows up on Pitchfork's Top 20 Electronic Albums of 2016 list: http://pitchfork.com/features/lists-and-guides/9990-the-20-best-electronic-albums-of-2016/
  4. CHEETAHT2 shows up Pitchfork's Top 100 Tracks of 2016 list at #49. http://pitchfork.com/features/lists-and-guides/9981-the-100-best-songs-of-2016/?page=6 And on their 20 Best Electronic Albums of 2016 list too: http://pitchfork.com/features/lists-and-guides/9990-the-20-best-electronic-albums-of-2016/
  5. The East Coast has some wonderful beers to offer. Especially New England. But, they're extremely local and have no interest in wide distribution. (Alchemist, Treehouse, Trillium, Hillstead, etc.) They make some amazing beers, but keeping it a New England thing is just how they role. I love me some of their IPAs, and get my hands on them every now and then. I always contemplate taking a road trip to score some, but, a few of my local breweries have come up with their own take on the "NE style IPA". I'm sad to say, they're as good & in some cases better. Witches Hat & Transient brewing in MI to name a couple. Good times ahead for me. If you need any Backwoods Bastard atypic, let me know...although I may be killing it this weekend... edit: We also got a ton of Lizard of Koz as well. You're not wrong about VT. IMO, VT has the best collection of breweries in the country with Alchemist, Lawson's, and Hill Farmstead. (But my favorite brewery is by far Bruery in CA.) That's very kind about Backwoods; thanks for the offer but we actually get it here in NC too. I like to spike it with bourbon. In NC we have our first world class brewery in Wicked Weed if you ever get the chance to try that. If you like big IPAs, try their Freak of Nature IIPA. And we also have NoDa's Hop Drop and Roll IIPA which is superb. And a few other harder to get ones. Nice touch! The biggest pro of Obamacare is about pre-existing conditions. It's the heart of it. I agree that the law sucks and insurance companies aren't going to lose under it. The real problem is that (1) healthcare expenses are skyrocketing and (2) insurance companies won't get stuck with the bill. Until those two are addressed, ultimately one way or another average citizens are going to get screwed.
  6. atypic

    elseq 1-5

    I don't often get the home sound system to myself these days, which is a shame because it's a fucking awesome system. Anyway, when I do, lately I've been cranking elseq and holy shit latentcall is so fucking massive, amazing
  7. Yeah I'd much rather talk about beer than Trump! I'm a total craft beer snob. That ain't gonna win him many friends where I come from. I'm down with it though. Except the beer part. Micros have come a long way here. Sorry, my days of English ales and such are long gone. I'm very familiar with American, British, and Japanese craft ale, and America by far takes the lead. I like all three, don't get me wrong, but America's craft beer market has been exploding for a few decades now and it's depth and breadth is astounding. Founders is one of the best, most reliable "East Coast" breweries. I say "East Coast" in quotes because really they are from Michigan. But if the East Coast wants to have any hope of staying competitive against West Coast breweries they need to go a bit broader.
  8. atypic

    elseq 1-5

    That's probably my second favorite track out of the whole set. But top prize, for me, definitely goes to freulaeux. I listened to that one over and over again on summer vacations.
  9. My comment about "no evidence of funny business" was about actual voting fraud. I totally agree that there have been various dastardly efforts to prevent votes by purging potential voters (with political intent) and by limiting voting access.
  10. Agreed. There hasn't been any evidence of funny business, just discrepancies in polling and voting results (which isn't all that uncommon). what about the votes being struck down because they thought they were dupes when they actually weren't? I'm not read up on the topic you reference. Legit news source please. I am aware of pre-voting voter purges that are pretty shady, and here in NC there were all kinds of efforts to limit voting in black and college communities. But that's nothing a recount would solve.
  11. yep.. and i think one of the first things trump is going to do is change the rule on overtime that obama made. so all those people making $47k or less will get stiffed. i read about it in a few places but i forget all the details. Trump administration's response is unknown, but I expect them to be hostile as well. But in any event the new rule was set to be enacted on Dec. 1, 2016, but it just got enjoined nationwide by a TX court, so it's all up in the air. Agreed. There hasn't been any evidence of funny business, just discrepancies in polling and voting results (which isn't all that uncommon).
  12. This, but the opposite Same. I was increasingly frustrated with Autechre after EP7 and eventually abandoned them by Quaristice. But elseq brought me back into the fold hard and also Exai is one of my favorite Autechre albums.
  13. I really doubt this. He's got Republican majority in Senate and House, so if he "Becomes practically a democrat" he'll be fighting against both and greatly disappointing his supporters. What motivation does he have to do this? "Doing the right thing?" He's given zero shits about this up to this point. I dunno. You may be right. It just feels that so much of his outward persona is just brash, obnoxious and so forth and yet I believe there is another man in there somewhere. During the last eighteen months, there were a few moments (so fleeting they may have been said to have never even occurred) where I felt he accidentally let his guard slip. Sometimes it was an expression or just his body language. Trump showed no interest in learning or preparing or listening. I don't think he's actually interested in the work of the job and it's totally possible he's feeling a bit like the dog that caught the car, if that's the phrase. It's amazing to me that people think he's got some other level. Could he? Yes, anything is possible, but from what I've seen during this election, the simplest answer is the right one. No. My prediction is he cedes the policy work to the rag tag and collectively dissonant bunch he's surrounded himself with. Theil/Pence/Gingrich/Reince will work out agreements with McConnell and Ryan and we'll get some mutated Republicanism that is irresponsible tax cuts, deregulation, and healthcare confusion. That won't stop Trump from claiming victories on the wall or trade but again, he's shown no capacity to do the hard work that big ideas require for realization. Then, if there is some event that we can't imagine right now, and there will be, the response will be ill-informed and short-sighted. The last time this crew had the control panel, we got a big terrorist attack (yes yes I understand there's an argument that that wasn't negligence by W's crew, but I'm of the opinion that it was), two wars, massive corporate malfeasance (e.g. Enron), reckless trickle down tax cuts, Citizen's United, and global recession. I honestly don't know how the overt racism and xenophobia will play out. It may embolden very serious and very scary groups. It's so strange that I really can't predict what will happen with it. That's not to say that racism and xenophobia are not sloshing around all the time. But it is weird for the president to be willing to use it. It's Bush/Cheney 2.0. That's what we are in for. It's so fucking obvious. Totally agree with both. Trump won't be willing to do the hard work. Like Bush, it'll be easier to defer to the policy wonks that got him in power (like Gingrich). Totally agree here too, yet somehow his supporters think he will bring a new kind of freedom.
  14. I really doubt this. He's got Republican majority in Senate and House, so if he "Becomes practically a democrat" he'll be fighting against both and greatly disappointing his supporters. What motivation does he have to do this? "Doing the right thing?" He's given zero shits about this up to this point.
  15. I agree with this very much. Trump isn't so much for actually doing - much easier to defer decision making to the GOP establishment and right wing moneyed interests. Although I do expect him to go off on his own tangent every now and again. But what motivation does he really have to help the common man? The whole thing is a fucking disaster, IMO. He's openly a climate change denier, and intends to put a climate change denier as head of EPA. We can expect him to support the money in big coal and natural gas, not renewable energy. He's openly opposed to net neutrality. Again that's where the money is. And with control of the senate and house: We know they'll fill at least Scalia's seat, although they won't find someone more conservative. Let's just hope Ginsburg and Breyer can hold on another 4 years. Repeal of Obamacare is likely. There are lots of things good about it, although since it failed to be a single-payer system, it left insurance in charge of their rates which they promptly jacked up, leaving folks in trouble. Expect abortions to become even harder to obtain. Expect efforts to peel back gay marriage - this will ultimately depend on the Supreme Court. Expect further redistricting to stem the inevitable tide of the changing demographics, to hold Republican entrenchment a bit longer. No real reason to expect decrease in government spying. No real reason to expect decrease in foreign military action (drone strikes, etc.). I could go on...
  16. I downloaded my files from bandcamp and they are fine. Dunno if I should get worried since my discs aren't shipped yet. Some people seem to have received their copies ages ago. Did you pull the FLAC from Bandcamp? I keep getting a Failed - Network error, but I'm able to pull the v0 mp3 version. Which I might just stick with...
  17. I think the bottom 75% of DS/3DS dev would be abysmal.
  18. There's a saying in the gaming industry and I'm paraphrasing but it's basically 'Ideas are the easy part, implementation is the hard part'. It's true. Do you work in gaming?
  19. Brisbot your avatar is intolerably adorable
  20. Listened to Exai in full on the beach this past weekend. Stunning. The album is a masterpiece. elseq got me back into Autechre after I had dropped them before Quaristice but now I've gone back and bought the interim releases. They're all great but Exai might be my favorite Autechre album (certainly my current favorite).
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