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Hail Sagan

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Posts posted by Hail Sagan


    Hail Sagan - Saying reptilian alien dudes are cool is not even funny. They're responsible for all the hardcore/violent/traumatic alien abductions, because they're assholes. Straight up assholes with no respect.



    Dude you shit in a Target.





    How am I supposed to believe you?




    Nah I'm just messing with you. Admitting that may actually lend to your credibility if anything.



    So basically what you're saying is that the dinosaurs never even went extinct. And that the .0001% of the dinosaur population that constituted the Bilderberg group saw that the dinosaur population had passed the profit-making threshold and would result in quarterly losses so they just bunkered down and blasted the Yucatan with a diverted asteroid to make shit look like a natural disaster. But before they did that they took some critters down with them, one of which endured countless generations of artificial selection which resulted in the ultimate pet. The human being. They appeared before us as Jesus (or ninjas) to earn our trust and reinforce certain behaviors, and they've divided us such that it makes it difficult for us to recognize what's going on and interfere with their business venture. That's basically what you're saying right?




    i wonder if jesus walked on water that same way. derp derp

    as that's the only way it can be done, we should assume that he did. *photoshops jesus' face onto the lizard gif*



    Ninjas did it with flat shoes (but also running). There's this school of thought that believes that Jesus was buried in Japan, so maybe he was actually a ninja, who was NOT a lizard.


    what, where does it say Jesus was buried in Japan? how would he have even got there? did he fly?




  3. 0WCvqze.gif


    ^Critter of the Year™ as far as I'm concerned, the head shake seals the deal.


    If they're not burrowing their way into some sand they're




    I don't care what people say about the illuminati. If there truly are lizard people (no) then they're just way cooler than us and deserve to be in charge.

  4. thanks to all in this thread... just made my way through dreamhunter... incredible. excited to explore further!


    any tips on what to listen to next?




    -> https://rolandosimmons.bandcamp.com/album/volumes-collectors-edition


    It's under the Rolando Simmons moniker. It also happens to be 38 tracks, which normally I would say is excessive, but Volumes is an exception. It runs the gamut in terms of style and energy. From dreary or serene sounding ambient, to bass-laced funk, strange and experimental moments, to just flat out good. After multiple listens it's currently leading the pack of my AOTY contenders.


    The Magic Crystal EP is also damn good. As is all of his shit apparently, Trackermatte included.

  5. <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=3740896965/size=large/bgcol=333333/linkcol=0f91ff/tracklist=false/artwork=small/track=2349469665/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="http://trackermatte.bandcamp.com/album/dreamhunter-04-14-1">Dreamhunter 04>14 1 by Trackermatte</a></iframe> 

    <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=3740896965/size=large/bgcol=333333/linkcol=0f91ff/tracklist=false/artwork=small/track=2349469665/transparent=true/"seamless><a href="http://trackermatte.bandcamp.com/album/dreamhunter-04-14-1">Dreamhunter 04>14 1 by Trackermatte</a></iframe>

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