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Hail Sagan

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Hail Sagan last won the day on October 15 2023

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1 Follower

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    A Pale Blue Dot
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    Science and turtlenecks mainly. Oh and music (Aphex Twin, Rolando Simmons, Boards of Canada, Devin Townsend, Ochre, etc.) as well.

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    United States

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  1. Having friends and having trained alongside Marines while in the Army I can confirm they will fuck anything that moves. That couch definitely got tuned up.
  2. I mean there was no shot of Biden beating Trump so I guess they have a sliver of hope in having Joe step down. Despite having voted Democrat for almost 20 years I just can’t do it this cycle. I had to wince while voting for Joe and especially Hilary. I’m voting Trump and legit hope the dems get trounced this election. When or if the DFL and the liberal media ever come back to their senses and end their mission to become everything they claim to hate I’ll jump back on board but for now fuck em.
  3. The whole show is pretty fucking funny but Shane and Adam in character really made it special
  4. The closest of close calls for the former President. It went through his fucking ear as he was repeatedly turning his head mentioning illegal immigration statistics? Wow.
  5. Past couple years my favorite weirdo is definitely Abysmal Spectre and all his projects:
  6. House of the Dragon’s most recent episode was exciting. I was skeptical of how well they could pull off the high flying combat and portray the devastation these critters could create with CGI but color me impressed. The other thing I really appreciate is the distinct look and behavior of them all as well. The show itself has made some questionable changes to the books and it’s far from perfect but if there is one aspect I wished they could somehow pull off it would be for the dance of the dragons to be brought to life on screen. They got it right in this episode.
  7. Andy is back with that weirdo shit again.
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