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Everything posted by caze

  1. Both Bernie and Biden have consistently polled well in head-to-heads against Trump, with Biden doing a bit better on average. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_biden-6247.html https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_sanders-6250.html Of course Clinton also polled better than Trump, and she didn't win the election, just the popular vote, so there's a reasonable chance the same will happen again (probably a bigger chance than him winning the last time due to the fact that he's incumbent, and the economy is doing ok). The key will be turnout, will the Republicans (and Russians) be able to sour people on either candidate enough to keep turnout low? Biden doesn't have anywhere near the same negatives that Clinton had (not that her negatives were real, it was more delusional paranoia), he's generally very well liked (compare his favorability figures to Clinton's from the same time period), Bernie has slightly worse figures, but they haven't even started their attacks on him yet (unlike with Biden and his son/Ukraine - which seem to have had only a minor impact compared to the Clinton smears), and they can beat him with the commie stick day and night. Sanders' negatives will play particularly badly with independents/swing voters, the kind of people likely to determine the result in the rust belt states, not the young people Bernie is hoping to increase turnout with (he can't even increase turnout in the democratic primary ffs, it was Biden who did that, massively; how's he supposed to manage it in the general election?).
  2. sometimes well meaning ignorance can be more dangerous than mendacious buffoonery. Sanders plan is to shutter all US nuclear plants within 10 years, cancel all licences for new nuclear immediately, and ban fracking. this would lead to the continued use and revival of coal power, not only ruining any chance of the US becoming carbon neutral any time soon, but increasing air pollution and deaths from lung cancer and other diseases (including neurological development problems caused by heavy metal poisoning). killing the US nuclear industry would have far wider repercussions than just keeping up US emissions though, the rest of the world needs US know-how if it's going to decarbonise at the required rate to keep shit below 2c warming. we need to be churning out fleets of SMRs and micro-reactors over the next couple of decades. and fracking isn't ideal, but natural gas is the least bad fossil fuel, by a significant degree, and vital in helping with the roll-out of renewables thanks to intermittency. we'll need to keep gas around at a minimum until all the coal plants have been shuttered, and probably longer - until we have sufficient load-following capacity to replace it. lol @ thinking I'm a Trump supporter. you've lost the plot zeff, I think you need to have a lie down.
  3. heh. I've finally broken zeff, he's run out of the rote marxist doctrine to quote at me.
  4. Bernie is probably the 3rd worst candidate still running, after Tulsi and Trump. Warren was a more pragmatic, somewhat less shit, version of Bernie (but without the principals and a pointless layer of woke bullshit on top). Bloomberg is also pretty terrible. I don't have a problem with him personally, his heart is in the right place, he's genuine, he's got principals (they just happen to be terrible principals). His righteous anger is a bit much at times though, after a while it just comes off as whiny and sanctimonious, he could do with chilling out a bit, focus on positive aspects of his campaign rather than attacking the people he wants to vote for him. He's not a very good politician though, so that was probably too much to ask. None of the other serious candidates were particularly exciting, Yang was the only one I had any genuine excitement for, but at least they wouldn't make the world an objectively worse place. For me, not being American, the only seriously important issue at the end of the day was climate change, and Bernie was by far the worst candidate on that issue (Tulsi close 2nd). Even Trump for all his retardation would probably do less damage. Yang was the best here, but Biden is decent. Trade policy probably next most important, and Bernie is as bad as Trump on that score. On foreign policy Bernie wasn't too bad in actually, unlike most other far-left weirdos he hasn't bought into the dumb Corbynite/Chomskyan view of the world ("the west is evil, the enemies of the west are good actually") - but Biden is gonna be fine there too.
  5. Yeah, this is true to a large degree, though maybe less so with a certain demographic (middle class college educated white women in particular, i.e. Warren's key demo)
  6. I'm not just talking about twitter ppl with 6 digit numbers in their names, but popular real life actual people, high up surrogates in his campaign, those chapo shit-stains, etc.
  7. Bloomberg similarly fucked Biden, so it's a bit of a wash. Early voting also caused a problem for Biden in California, where Pete and Klob have 15% of the vote despite having dropped out. Also, the Bernie Bro tactic of tweeting snakes 24/7 at Warren supporters probably didn't help their cause much either. In fact there's some evidence a good bit of what was expected to be her support has gone instead to Biden (especially in Massachusetts, which Sanders was expected to win).
  8. they don't have the luxury to do that any more, they know they need to deliver on health care reform. I can see 1-2 making some noise, but it won't be a big deal in the end.
  9. Sanders isn't in great shape either. whatever happens, VP is gonna be important.
  10. lol. fight the power zeff I'm loving this idea that you think I'm the one who's divorced from reality, you couldn't make this shit up. I find it hard to believe you're a real person. Maybe you're just a kid and don't know any better. if that's all it is then it's a very shit negotiating tactic, would remind me of the Brits trying to negotiate with the EU. Bernie and most of his hardcore support don't see it as a tactic though. they genuinely think it's a good plan. lol. also, the other candidates have better plans, and they won't need to negotiate with their own party to get them through as long as they win the senate.
  11. the name isn't the problem, it's the policy detail. the Canadian system is nothing like Bernie's plan.
  12. maybe the US should try implementing Canada's health system then? there are lots of ways to fix the broken US system, M4A is not one of them.
  13. you've obviously not got a great imagination, nor paid much attention to world events over the last 50 years. debt spirals are a thing, inflation is a thing.
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